9 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Recent estimates and predictions of 5-year survival rate in patients with pancreatic cancer: A model-based period analysis.pdf

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    BackgroundThe 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer (PC) is incredibly low, resulting in this often being a fatal disease. Timely and accurate assessment of the survival rate and prognosis of patients with PC is of great significance for the development of new programs for prevention, monitoring, and treatment.MethodsPeriod analysis and further stratified analysis were used to determine the 5-year relative survival rate (RSR) of patients with PC from 2002 to 2016 using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) project database of the National Cancer Institute. Based on this, a generalized linear model was created to predict the survival rate of patients from 2017 to 2021.ResultDuring 2002–2016, the 5-year RSR of patients with PC increased from 7.9 to 23.7%. The generalized linear model predicted that the survival rate had increased to 33.9% during 2017–2021, and hence, it was still unacceptably low. The survival rate of patients aged ≥75 years at diagnosis was the lowest among all age groups and was predicted to be only 21.4% during 2017–2021. Notably, the survival rate of patients with differentiation grade III at diagnosis remains particularly low at 7.6%.ConclusionThe survival rates of patients with PC, although slightly improved, remain extremely low. Timely assessment of the trend of survival rate changes in patients with PC further improves the prognosis of tumor patients and provides data support for relevant medical works to formulate effective tumor prevention and control policies.</p

    Chromosomal locations of QTL for kernel-related traits detected in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> maize population.

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    <p>Note: <i>Triangle</i>, unconditional QTL for kernel length; <i>Rhombus</i>, unconditional QTL for kernel width; <i>Heart</i>, unconditional QTL for kernel volume; <i>Star</i>, unconditional QTL for kernel weight; <i>Moon</i>, conditional QTL for kernel volume; and <i>Square</i>, conditional QTL for kernel weight.</p

    Correlation coefficients among five kernel-related traits in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> population.

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    <p>Notes: <sup>**</sup> Significant correlation (<i>p</i>≤0.01).</p><p>Correlation coefficients for 2009 are above the diagonal, while those for 2010 are below the diagonal.</p

    Summary of the digenic epistatic analysis for the five kernel-related traits in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> population.

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    <p>Notes: <sup>a</sup> The number of epistasis interactions/loci involved;</p>b<p>The number of chromosomes the loci were distributed upon;</p>c<p>The number of the corresponding epistatic interactions;</p>d<p>Contribution explained by the locus pair interaction.</p

    Digenic epistatic effects detected for the five kernel-related traits in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> population.

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    <p>Notes:<sup> a</sup> Chr-ini is the first marker interval chromosomal location, and Chr-inj is the second marker interval chromosomal location;</p>b<p>The digenic effect of the two interacting loci; AiAj, the effect of additive-by-additive interaction between points i and j; AiDj, the effect of additive-by-dominant interaction between points i and j; DiAj, the effect of dominant-by-additive interaction between points i and j; DiDj, the effect of dominant-by-dominant interaction between points i and j; a positive or negative epistatic effect indicates that parental allele or recombinant allele combinations, respectively, increase phenotypic values;</p><p>increase phenotypic values;</p>c<p>Contribution explained by the locus pair interaction;</p>d *<p><i>p</i>≤0.0005; <sup>**</sup><i>p</i>≤0.0001;</p>e<p>Bold indicates that the interval is identical to conditional or unconditional QTL.</p

    Performance of kernel-related traits in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> population.

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    <p>Notes: <sup>a</sup> KL, kernel length; KWI, kernel width; KT, kernel thickness; KV, kernel volume; KW, kernel weight;</p>b<p>CV, coefficient of variation;</p>c<p><i>h<sup>2</sup>b</i>, broad-sense heritability;</p>d<p><i>p</i> value, statistical significance of kernel-related traits in the four environments.</p

    Conditional QTL for kernel weight conditioned on the four other kernel-related traits and kernel volume conditioned on three kernel-structure characters in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> population.

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    <p>Notes: <sup>a</sup> KW, kernel weight; KW|KL, kernel weight conditioned on kernel length; KW|KWI, kernel weight conditioned on kernel width; KW|KT, kernel weight conditioned on kernel thickness; KW|KV, kernel weight conditioned on kernel volume;</p>b<p>QTL, q + trait abbreviation + chromosome number + QTL number, e.g., <i>qKW7a</i>,corresponds to the first QTL for KW on chromosome 7;</p>c<p>Logarithm of odds for each QTL;</p>d<p>A, additive values (positive or negative values indicate that the additive effect was derived from Huang C or Xu 178, respectively); D, dominant values;</p>e<p>Effect of each QTL: A, additive; PD, partial dominance; D, dominance; OD, overdominance;</p>f<p>R<sup>2</sup> contribution.</p

    Unconditional QTL detected for kernel-related traits in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> population.

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    <p>Notes: <sup>a</sup> KL, kernel length; KWI, kernel width; KT, kernel thickness; KV, kernel volume; KW, kernel weight;</p>b<p>QTL, q + trait abbreviation + chromosome number + QTL number, e.g., <i>qKW7a</i>,corresponds to the first QTL for KW on chromosome 7;</p>c<p>Logarithm of odds for each QTL;</p>d<p>A, additive values (a positive or negative value indicates that the additive effect was derived from Huang C or Xu 178, respectively); D, dominant values;</p>e<p>Effect of each QTL: A, additive; PD, partial dominance; D, dominance;</p>f<p>R<sup>2</sup> contribution.</p

    Digenic epistatic effects detected for kernel weight conditioned on four other kernel-related traits and kernel volume conditioned on three kernel-structure characteristics in the immortalized F<sub>2</sub> population.

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    <p>Notes:<sup> a</sup> Chr-ini is the first marker interval chromosomal location, and Chr-inj is the second marker interval chromosomal location;</p>b<p>The digenic effect of the two interacting loci; AiAj, the effect of additive-by-additive interaction between points i and j; AiDj, the effect of additive-by-dominant interaction between points i and j; DiAj, the effect of dominant-by-additive interaction between points i and j; DiDj, the effect of dominant-by-dominant interaction between points i and j; a positive or negative epistatic effect indicates that the parental allele or recombinant allele combinations, respectively, increase phenotypic values;</p>c<p>Contribution explained by the locus pair interaction;</p>d *<p><i>p</i>≤0.0005; <sup>**</sup><i>p</i>≤0.0001;</p>e<p>Bold indicates the interval is identical to conditional or unconditional QTL.</p