59 research outputs found

    Impact of Coffee Market Price on Merchandise Trade: the case in Mettu Town.

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    Obviously, coffee trade has attached other trade sectors to it, i.e. what ever the trade sector may be it has apparent linkage. But this is true particularly in the context of the place where the study has taken place. As coffee is the second most valuable commodity after petroleum in the world, it touches many economic aspects. In context of Ethiopia, coffee trade is a very' big business both for the local and nation economy. Coffee generates over 60% its total import earning. Furthermore directly or indirectly 25% of the Ethiopian population relies for their income on coffee production. On the other hand expanded trade is now become more crucial to future development than any time in this century. Trads are woven in to need of basic assertion like never before. The fall of trade mean directly result in economic deficit Therefore it is easy to predict -that, coffee market can affect the merchandise sale activity. Our country is making money from coffee trade then with the emphasis of coffee and improvement of other trade sectors, we should be developing in to better economic standardization.Jimma Universit

    Assessing the Gaps and Problems That Exist between the Business Community and Tax Authorities of Dire Dawa Administration

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    The study was conducted to assess the challenges faced by the business community of Dire Dawa City, in relation to taxation. Although, data were collected from various sources, the tax payers’ survey and focus group discussions were the main sources of data for the study. In this regard, a total of 183 tax payers have participated in the study as a source of information. In addition, key informants from Dire Dawa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association (DDCCSA), Tax and Revenue Authority (TRA) and Federal Custom and Inland Revenue Authority (FCIRA) were interviewed to support and checkup the reliability of the data collected using survey method. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, percentages, frequency, charts, and graphs were used to summarize the study findings and present the results. Moreover, the Kruskal Wallis chi square test was also implemented in testing the statistical significance of mean differences, with respect to some variables, between category “C? and categories “A? and “B? tax payers. Generally, findings of the study revealed that most of the taxpayers, especially those in the category “C?, have been facing various problems related to the taxation system. Despite the business community’s positive attitude towards the general concept of taxation, most of the surveyed tax payers stated that what they are paying is beyond their ability to pay and that they neither have trust in the employees of the authority nor in the overall tax estimation, assessment and collection procedures. In light of these facts, the study concluded that the tax authority of the city administration is not being effective or is being reluctant in making the tax procedures objective, transparent and understandable to taxpayers. Thus, it is recommended that the responsible tax authorities should revise their working system and promote transparency, so that trust of tax payers on the tax system will gradually develop

    Assessing the Gaps and Problems that Exist between the Business Community and Tax Authorities of Dire Dawa Administration

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    The study was conducted to assess the challenges faced by the business community of Dire Dawa City, in relation to taxation. Although, data were collected from various sources, the tax payers’ survey and focus group discussions were the main sources of data for the study. In this regard, a total of 183 tax payers have participated in the study as a source of information. In addition, key informants from Dire Dawa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association (DDCCSA), Tax and Revenue Authority (TRA) and Federal Custom and Inland Revenue Authority (FCIRA) were interviewed to support and checkup the reliability of the data collected using survey method. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, percentages, frequency, charts, and graphs were used to summarize the study findings and present the results. Moreover, the Kruskal Wallis chi square test was also implemented in testing the statistical significance of mean differences, with respect to some variables, between category “C? and categories “A? and “B? tax payers. Generally, findings of the study revealed that most of the taxpayers, especially those in the category “C?, have been facing various problems related to the taxation system. Despite the business community’s positive attitude towards the general concept of taxation, most of the surveyed tax payers stated that what they are paying is beyond their ability to pay and that they neither have trust in the employees of the authority nor in the overall tax estimation, assessment and collection procedures. In light of these facts, the study concluded that the tax authority of the city administration is not being effective or is being reluctant in making the tax procedures objective, transparent and understandable to taxpayers. Thus, it is recommended that the responsible tax authorities should revise their working system and promote transparency, so that trust of tax payers on the tax system will gradually develop

    Timing, choice and duration of perioperative prophylactic antibiotic use in surgery: A teaching hospital based experience from Eritrea, in 2009

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    Background: The continuum from surgically clean, through antiseptic techniques to the use of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis has revolutionized surgical practice and significantly reduced morbidity. Adherence to use of prophylactic antibiotic guidelines varies in different set ups and different diseases. Objective: To document the practice of perioperative prophylactic antibiotic use in a teaching hospital in Eritrea Methods: This is a prospective study conducted in 2009 in Halibet Hospital, Asmara, Eritrea Results: One hundred and one patients were enrolled in the study. Sixty nine percent received prophylactic antibiotics. Of these, 30% were preoperatively and 39% postoperatively. Twenty one percent the majority of whom were in the clean/contaminated group did not receive the required prophylaxis. The surgery site infection rate was 6% mostly from emergency operations recognized during the period of hospitalization. Discussion and conclusion: The use of prophylactic antibiotics in Halibet Hospital needs to be standardized and monitored based on evidence and international benchmarks

    the case of grade 9

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    The study aims to examine the extent to which considerations of syllabus design and materials development are employed in a grade 9 English textbook of Ethiopia- English for Ethiopia: Secondary English Course: Grade 9 Students Book with particular emphasis on Multiple Intelligence Theory (MIT).The study is an evaluation research which makes use of a mixed method approach. Data were collected using interviews, coding form and a teachers’ questionnaire. The study involved English language syllabus writers in the Ministry of Education in Ethiopia. Furthermore, 50% of the contents of the Grade 9 English Textbook (6 of 12) were used for content analysis. In addition, 218 Grade 9 English teachers from fifty high schools that were drawn from 6 Regional States of the country responded to the questionnaire. In line with this, I collected quantitative data using a coding form and a questionnaire, as well as other forms of qualitative data using interview. Data were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study revealed that the syllabus writers used the competency-based approach in developing the Grade 9 English language syllabus. However, this approach has some drawbacks. On the one hand, competency-based education is a manifestation of the behaviouristic approach that is excessively reductionist, narrow, rigid and atomized; many areas in which people need certain competencies are impossible to operationalise; the approach does not clearly show how the list of competencies could be realised, how they should be formatted and presented so as to address learner differences. Above all, describing an activity in terms of a set of different competencies is not enough in order to deal with the complexity of the learning process as a whole. Regardless of these drawbacks, CBL was used to identify and list down the contents as well as the learning outcomes to be incorporated in the textbook. Thus, the how aspect remain obscured in that a theory driven approach to developing teaching/learning materials that meet learners' differences was not markedly taken note of as a guiding framework in developing the Grade 9 English language syllabus. The study showed that the great majority of the language tasks are meant to nurture verbal/linguistic intelligence followed by interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences respectively. As a language textbook, it is good that it gives more coverage to these two intelligence profiles. When it comes to intentional application of principles of task design and materials development, many of the listening, reading and speaking lessons are appropriate in terms of providing comprehensible input, engaging students cognitively and affectively, promoting emotional/affective involvement and facilitating better language use. Similarly, visual imaging is also well taken care of with exception of few of the vocabulary and the grammar lessons. The study also revealed that the syllabus writers were well aware of the need of integrating various language skills, and it was found that the issue of using the integrated approach to ELT materials development was also well addressed and most of the language tasks are designed in an integrated manner with the exception of few of the vocabulary and the grammar lessons. Some drawbacks were also identified with few of the vocabulary and the grammar lessons in terms of providing comprehensible input and enhancing language use. On the other hand, as implementers of the textbook, the target schools’ Grade 9 English language teachers have a good understanding of language learning theories and task design principles. This understanding could help them design supplementary language tasks for their English classes. At last, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given.English StudiesD. Litt. et Phil. (English

    The Drive towards Development of Hydropower Dominated Energy Source and Its Socio-Economic and Environmental Implications in Ethiopia

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    Ethiopia is currently driving towards development of hydropower dominated energy source in order to meet the energy demand of its economic sectors. However, the domination of this modern source of energy is expected to be realized if it can substitute the currently dominant modern source of energy, i.e. imported fossil fuel. Besides, hydropower generation is said to have adverse socio-economic and environmental impacts. In cognizant of this, this term paper was prepared: to explore the pros and cons of hydropower generation and to investigate substitutability of this source of energy with fossil fuel. The paper was prepared using extensive review of literatures as well as quantitative regression analysis using time series data having 39 years of observation (from 1971 – 2009). Result of the review of literatures reveals that multiple benefits can be derived from hydropower generation; which may also accompany with various socio-economic and environmental risks. On the other hand, the quantitative regression analysis shows that, even if there is negative association between hydropower generation and the proportion of energy derived from imported fossil fuel, increase in hydropower generation overtime could not significantly reduce the proportion of energy derived from the fossil fuel, yet, due to the country’s huge demand for energy. Hence, it is recommended that huge expansion of hydropower generation is required for hydropower to be the dominant energy source, provided that hydropower can fit to the energy demand of most of the sectors. Moreover, sustainability of development of the economy relying on hydropower dominated energy source is expected to be realized only if the possible risks and costs are appropriately managed. Keywords: Hydropower generation, benefits, risks, fossil fuel, substitutabilit

    Dimensions and Determinants of Agro-Pastoral Households’ Poverty in Dembel District of Somali Regional State, Ethiopia

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    Poverty reduction strategy is one of the top priority agenda of developing countries like Ethiopia. Hence, this study investigates the dimensions and determinants of agro-pastoral households’ poverty in Shinille zone of Somali regional state. It is based on information gathered from 240 randomly selected households in Dembel district. The Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) Poverty Indices are employed to examine the extent and severity of the agro-pastoralists’ poverty in the study area. The survey outcome revealed that 67% of the sample households in the district live below the poverty line. In identifying the determinants of poverty, a binary logistic regression model was employed. Results show that access to irrigation, distance from market center, farm land size, non-farm activities, educational status, livestock holding, and herd diversification had a significant effect on the probability of a household to be poor

    Dimensions and Determinants of Agro-Pastoral Households’ Poverty in Dembel District of Somali Regional State, Ethiopia

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    Poverty reduction strategy is one of the top priority agenda of developing countries like Ethiopia. Hence, this study investigates the dimensions and determinants of agro-pastoral households’ poverty in Shinille zone of Somali regional state. It is based on information gathered from 240 randomly selected households in Dembel district. The Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) Poverty Indices are employed to examine the extent and severity of the agro-pastoralists’ poverty in the study area. The survey outcome revealed that 67% of the sample households in the district live below the poverty line. In identifying the determinants of poverty, a binary logistic regression model was employed. Results show that access to irrigation, distance from market center, farm land size, non-farm activities, educational status, livestock holding, and herd diversification had a significant effect on the probability of a household to be poor

    Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell using Extract of Jacaranda Mimosifolia and Salvia Spelendens as a Natural Sensitizer

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    Nanocomposites of Sn-Ti oxide were prepared by sol-gel method to use as photo anode for dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC). Crystal size, elemental contents, structural properties and energy band gaps of the as-synthesized powders was examined using XRD, EDX, SEM and UV-Vis spectrophotometer respectively.  A quasi-solid state photo electrochemical solar energy conversion device with I3¯/I¯ redox couple has been constructed and characterized. Natural pigments were also extracted using ethanol, HCl and water solvents from jacaranda mimosifolia and Salvia spelendens to use as sensitizer. Ethanol extract of natural sensitizer absorbs in the visible region. Dye sensitized solar cells were assembled using extracted natural dyes. 8.63% Incident photon to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) at 330 nm was obtained. The photo electrochemical performance of the quasi-solid state DSSCs based on the  ethanol extract of Salvia spelendens showed best photon conversion efficiency with an open circuit voltage (Voc = 266 mV) and short circuit current density (Jsc = 0.1930 mAcm?2) at 100 mWcm-2 white light intensity. Keywords: Sol-gel method, photo electrochemical cell, dye sensitized solar cell, quasi -solid state electrolyt

    Electroencephalographic Findings, Antiepileptic Drugs and Risk Factors of 433 Individuals Referred to a Tertiary Care Hospital in Ethiopia

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    Background: Little is known about the characteristics of electroencephalogram (EEG) findings in epileptic patients in Ethiopia. The objective of this  study was to characterize the EEG patterns, indications, antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), and epilepsy risk factors.Methods: A retrospective observational review of EEG test records of 433 patients referred to our electrophysiology unit between July 01, 2020 and  December 31, 2021.Results: The age distribution in the study participants was right skewed unipolar age distribution for both sexes and the mean age of 33.8 (SD=15.7) years. Male accounted for 51.7%. Generalized tonic clonic seizure was the most common seizure type. The commonest indication for EEG was  abnormal body movement with loss of consciousness (35.2%). Abnormal EEG findings were observed in 55.2%; more than half of them were Interictal epileptiform discharges, followed by focal/or generalized slowing. Phenobarbitone was the commonest AEDs. A quarter (20.1%) of the  patients were getting a combination of two AEDs and 5.2% were on 3 different AEDs. Individuals taking the older AEDs and those on 2 or more AEDs  tended to have abnormal EEG findings. A cerebrovascular disorder (27.4%) is the prevalent risk factor identified followed by brain tumor, HIV  infection, and traumatic head injury respectively.Conclusion: High burden of abnormal EEG findings among epileptic patients referred to our unit. The proportion of abnormal EEG patterns was  higher in patients taking older generation AEDs and in those on 2 or more AEDs. Stroke, brain tumor, HIV infection and traumatic head injury were  the commonest identified epilepsy risk factors
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