96 research outputs found

    An environmental disturbance observer framework for autonomous surface vessels

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    This paper proposes a robust disturbance observer framework for maritime autonomous surface vessels considering model and measurement uncertainties. The core contribution lies in a nonlinear disturbance observer, reconstructing the forces on a vessel impacted by the environment. For this purpose, mappings are found leading to synchronized global exponentially stable error dynamics. With the stability theory of Lyapunov, it is proven that the error converges exponentially into a ball, even if the disturbances are highly dynamic. Since measurements are affected by noise and physical models can be erroneous, an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is used to generate more reliable state estimations. In addition, a noise estimator is introduced, which approximates the noise strength. Depending on the severity of the measurement noise, the observed disturbances are filtered through a cascaded structure consisting of a weighted moving average (WMA) filter, a UKF, and the proposed disturbance observer. To investigate the capability of this observer framework, the environmental disturbances are simulated dynamically under consideration of different model and measurement uncertainties. It can be seen that the observer framework can approximate dynamical forces on a vessel impacted by the environment despite using a low measurement sampling rate, an erroneous model, and noisy measurements.publishedVersio

    Evaluation Of Dye-micelle Binding Constants Using Diffusion Sensitive Band Broadening Effects

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    The diffusion coefficients of small solutes can be significantly altered by the presence of association colloids such as micelles. A relationship is utilized that relates the diffusion coefficient of a solute to its partitioning or binding behavior to a micellar pseudo phase. The Taylor-Aris dispersion method was used to evaluate the diffusion coefficient of several dyes in the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles. With this approach, all binding constants can be determined easily and reproducibly. The theory, experimental approach, and advantages of this technique are discussed. © 1988

    Recycling behavior of private households: an empirical investigation of individual preferences in a club good experiment

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    While recycling helps to limit the use of primary resources, it also requires considerable technological investments in regional circular flow systems. The effectiveness of recycling systems, however, also depends on household behavior. Therefore, current research increasingly focuses on behavioral and psychological theories of altruism, moral behavior, and social preferences. From an economic perspective, recycling systems can be understood as public goods with contributions resulting in positive externalities. In this context, the literature shows that recycling behavior highly depends on the perception of how others behave. In neutrally framed public good experiments, contributions tend to increase when alternative public goods are offered and group identity is generated. We aim to contribute to this discussion by observing household behavior concerning recycling opportunities in controlled settings. For this purpose, we study a laboratory experiment in which individuals con‑tribute to recycling systems: At first, only one public recycling system (public good) is offered. After dividing societies into two clubs, “high” and “low” according to their environmental attitudes, excludable club systems (club goods) are added as alternative recycling options for each club. The results of our pilot experiment show that adding a more exclusive recycling club option increases individual contributions to recycling compared with a pure public good framework. However, this increase in cooperation is only significant for those clubs where members with higher environmental attitudes are pooled

    Comparative adverse effects, perceptions and attitudes related to BNT162b2, mRNA1273, or JNJ-78436735 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: A population-based longitudinal cohort

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    Importance Long-term control of SARS-CoV-2 requires effective vaccination strategies. This has been challenged by public mistrust and spread of misinformation regarding vaccine safety. Hence, better understanding and communication on the longer-term and comparative experiences of general population individuals following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination are required. Objective To evaluate and compare self-reported adverse effects following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, participants’ perceptions regarding vaccinations and their compliance with recommended public health measures. Design, Setting and Participants Population-based longitudinal cohort of 575 adults, randomly selected from all individuals presenting to the reference vaccination center of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, for receipt of BNT162b2, mRNA1273, or JNJ-78436735

    Longitudinal humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in a population-based cohort in Zurich, Switzerland between March and June 2022 - evidence for protection against Omicron SARS-CoV-2 infection by neutralizing antibodies and spike-specific T-cell responses

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    OBJECTIVES: The correlate(s) of protection against SARS-CoV-2 remain incompletely defined. Additional information regarding the combinations of antibody and T cell-mediated immunity which can protect against (re)infection is needed. METHODS: We conducted a population-based, longitudinal cohort study including 1044 individuals of varying SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and infection statuses. We assessed spike (S)- and nucleocapsid (N)-immunoglobulin(Ig)G and wildtype, Delta, and Omicron-neutralizing antibody (N-Ab) activity. In a subset of 328 individuals, we evaluated S, membrane (M), and N-specific T cells. Three months later, we reassessed Ab (n = 964) and T cell (n = 141) responses and evaluated factors associated with protection from (re)infection. RESULTS: At the study start, >98% of participants were S-IgG seropositive. N-IgG and M/N-T-cell responses increased over time, indicating viral (re)exposure, despite existing S-IgG. Compared to N-IgG, M/N-T cells were a more sensitive measure of viral exposure. High N-IgG titers, Omicron-N-Ab activity, and S-specific-T-cell responses were all associated with a reduced likelihood of (re)infection over time. CONCLUSION: Population-level SARS-CoV-2 immunity is S-IgG-dominated, but heterogeneous. M/N-T-cell responses can distinguish previous infection from vaccination, and monitoring a combination of N-IgG, Omicron-N-Ab, and S-T-cell responses may help estimate protection against SARS-CoV-2 (re)infection

    Adverse effects, perceptions and attitudes related to BNT162b2, mRNA-1273 or JNJ-78436735 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Population-based cohort

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    Long-term control of SARS-CoV-2 requires effective vaccination strategies. This has been challenged by public mistrust and the spread of misinformation regarding vaccine safety. Better understanding and communication of the longer-term and comparative experiences of individuals in the general population following vaccination are required. In this population-based longitudinal study, we included 575 adults, randomly selected from all individuals presenting to a Swiss reference vaccination center, for receipt of BNT162b2, mRNA1273, or JNJ-78436735. We assessed the prevalence, onset, duration, and severity of self-reported adverse effects over 12 weeks following vaccination. We additionally evaluated participants' perceptions of vaccines, trust in public health authorities and pharmaceutical companies, and compliance with public health measures. Most participants reported at least one adverse effect within 12 weeks following vaccination. Adverse effects were mostly mild or moderate, resolved within three days, and rarely resulted in anaphylaxis or hospitalizations. Female sex, younger age, higher education, and receipt of mRNA-1273 were associated with reporting adverse effects. Compared to JNJ-78436735 recipients, a higher proportion of mRNA vaccine recipients agreed that vaccination is important, and trusted public health authorities. Our findings provide real-world estimates of the prevalence of adverse effects following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and highlight the importance of transparent communication to ensure the success of current or future vaccination campaigns

    Prostate cancer screening in Switzerland: a literature review and consensus statement from the Swiss Society of Urology

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    Over a decade ago, the United States Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) recommended against prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer in all men, which considerably influenced prostate cancer screening policies worldwide after that. Consequently, the world has seen increasing numbers of advanced stages and prostate cancer deaths, which later led the USPSTF to withdraw its initial statement. Meanwhile, the European Union has elaborated a directive to address the problem of implementing prostate cancer screening in “Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan”. In Switzerland, concerned urologists formed an open Swiss Prostate Cancer Screening Group to improve the early detection of prostate cancer. On the 20th of September 2023, during the annual general assembly of the Swiss Society of Urology (SGU/SSU) in Lausanne, members positively voted for a stepwise approach to evaluate the feasibility of implementing organised prostate cancer screening programs in Switzerland. The following article will summarise the events and scientific advances in the last decade during which evidence and promising additional modalities to complement PSA-based prostate cancer screening have emerged. It also aims to provide an overview of contemporary strategies and their potential harms and benefits

    Outcomes in studies regarding older patients with prostate cancer: A systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION: Older patients are often deemed ineligible for clinical research, and many frequently-used endpoints and outcome measures are not as relevant for older patients for younger ones. This systematic review aimed to present an overview of outcomes used in clinical research regarding patients over the age of 65 years with prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: PubMed and Embase were systematically searched to identify studies on prostate cancer (treatment) in patients aged ≥65 between 2016 and 2023. Data on title, study design, number of participants and age, stage of disease, treatment, and investigated outcomes were synthesized and descriptively analyzed. RESULTS: Sixty-eight studies were included. Of these most included patients over 65 years, while others used a higher age. Overall, 39 articles (57.3%) reported on survival-related outcomes, 22 (32.4%) reported on progression of disease and 38 (55.9%) used toxicity or adverse events as an outcome measure. Health-related quality of life and functional outcomes were investigated in 29.4%, and cognition in two studies. The most frequently investigated survival-related outcomes were overall and cancer-specific survival (51.3%); however, 38.5% only studied overall survival. DISCUSSION: The main focus of studies included in this review remains survival and disease progression. There is limited attention for health-related quality of life and functional status, although older patients often prioritize the latter. Future research should incorporate outcome measures tailored to the aged population to improve care for older patients with prostate cancer

    FuĂźballspielende humanoide Roboter

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    Das Ziel der Projektgruppe ist die (semi-)automatisierte Lösung von mindestens zwei Problemstellungen sowie deren Optimierung. Für diese Aufgabe kommen Black-Box-Verfahren in Frage, wie etwa evo- lutionäre Algorithmen. Die zu optimierenden Problemstellungen sind aus dem Bereich der Wahrnehmung und der Bewegungsplanung zu wählen. Neben den vorgeschlagenen Zielen ist es des Weiteren auch möglich, weitere Aufgaben mit den Betreuern abzusprechen. Im Bereich der Wahrnehmung dient die automatische Kalibrierung der Kamera dazu, eventuelle Fehlstellungen und Fehljustierungen, die über die Zeit entstehen, zu beheben. Dies hat zum Ziel, die Loka- lisierung, welche zu einem großen Teil auf der Bildanalyse beruht, zu verbessern. Zudem ist die Optimierung der Farbräume für die zur Bilderken- nung genutzte Farbtafel zu automatisieren, um die an unterschied- lichen Orten vorhandenen Farbschwankungen und Lichtverhältnisse zeitnah zu kompensieren. Im Bereich der Bewegung erlaubt es die automatische Gelenkwin- kelkalibrierung die Gelenkwinkel zu justieren, was in besonderem Maße die Korrektheit der auf den Winkeln beruhenden Berechnun- gen des Laufs verbessern kann. Darüber hinaus wurden weitere Auf- gaben und Interessengebiete bearbeitet

    Heterogenous humoral and cellular immune responses with distinct trajectories post-SARS-CoV-2 infection in a population-based cohort

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    To better understand the development of SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity over time, a detailed evaluation of humoral and cellular responses is required. Here, we characterize anti-Spike (S) IgA and IgG in a representative population-based cohort of 431 SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals up to 217 days after diagnosis, demonstrating that 85% develop and maintain anti-S responses. In a subsample of 64 participants, we further assess anti-Nucleocapsid (N) IgG, neutralizing antibody activity, and T cell responses to Membrane (M), N, and S proteins. In contrast to S-specific antibody responses, anti-N IgG levels decline substantially over time and neutralizing activity toward Delta and Omicron variants is low to non-existent within just weeks of Wildtype SARS-CoV-2 infection. Virus-specific T cells are detectable in most participants, albeit more variable than antibody responses. Cluster analyses of the co-evolution of antibody and T cell responses within individuals identify five distinct trajectories characterized by specific immune patterns and clinical factors. These findings demonstrate the relevant heterogeneity in humoral and cellular immunity to SARS-CoV-2 while also identifying consistent patterns where antibody and T cell responses may work in a compensatory manner to provide protection
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