73 research outputs found

    Dyslipidemia in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma based on the genetic subtypes: a single-center study of 259 Chinese patients

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    BackgroundDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a kind of highly heterogeneous non-Hodgkin lymphoma, both in clinical and genetic terms. DLBCL is admittedly categorized into six subtypes by genetics, which contain MCD, BN2, EZB, N1, ST2, and A53. Dyslipidemia is relevant to a multitude of solid tumors and has recently been reported to be associated with hematologic malignancies. We aim to present a retrospective study investigating dyslipidemia in DLBCL based on the molecular subtypes.ResultsThis study concluded that 259 patients with newly diagnosed DLBCL and their biopsy specimens were available for molecular typing. Results show that the incidence of dyslipidemia (87.0%, p <0.001) is higher in the EZB subtype than in others, especially hypertriglyceridemia (78.3%, p = 0.001) in the EZB subtype. Based on the pathological gene-sequencing, patients with BCL2 gene fusion mutation are significantly correlative with hyperlipidemia (76.5%, p = 0.006) and hypertriglyceridemia (88.2%, p = 0.002). Nevertheless, the occurrence of dyslipidemia has no remarkable influence on prognosis.ConclusionIn summary, dyslipidemia correlates with genetic heterogeneity in DLBCL without having a significant influence on survival. This research first connects lipids and genetic subtypes in DLBCL

    Neogergithoides Sun, Meng & Wang

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    <i>Neogergithoides</i> Sun, Meng & Wang, gen. nov. <p> Type species: <b> <i>Neogergithoides tubercularis</i> sp</b> . <b>nov</b>. by monotypy</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Body hemispherical. Head with eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum. Vertex more or less hexagonal, tricarinate, 1.7 times longer than broad, anterior margin weakly convex at middle, posterior margin shallowly emarginate, disc depressed. Frons smooth, 1.8 times longer than broad, anteriorly truncate and moderately produced above eyes, slightly convex and narrowed towards clypeus, disk elevated with median carina; lateral margin clearly carinated. Clypeus elongate and triangulate, strongly elevated at disc, median carina present. Rostrum long, reaching post-trochanters. Eyes oval, ocelli present. Pronotum short, about half of vertex in mid-line, anterior margin convex onwards between eyes, with two central pits at disc, median carina present or obsolete, posterior margin elevated. Mesonotum more or less triangular with median and lateral carinae, with two pits along each lateral margin. Tegula small. Tegmen longer than broad, semicoriaceous and without claval suture, approximately 2.0 times longer in midline than wide at widest part, veins distinct and reticulate. Wing translucent, veins distinct and netlike, longer than half length of tegmen. Legs moderately long, not dilated; lateral margin of hind tibia with two teeth. Spinal formula of hind leg 6–9–2.</p> <p> <b>Male genitalia.</b> Anal segment in dorsal view mushroom-shaped. Pygofer in profile with dorsolateral angles strongly produced. Aedeagus slightly curved downward medially, with dorsal, lateral and ventral lobes, two short sword-like processes near middle. Genital styles in lateral view subtriangular, caudo-ventral angle rounded. Capitulum of style, in dorsal view, with two obtuse apical processes, and large lateral tooth.</p> <p> <b>Female genitalia.</b> Sternite VII with apical margin distinctly convex at middle. Anal segment in dorsal view oval-like. Anterior connective laminae of gonapophysis VIII nearly quadrilateral, with three nearly parallel teeth at apical margin; lateral margin with three small teeth with carinae at apex. Posterior connective laminae of gonapophyses IX nearly square in lateral view, lateral fields flat, median field wide and single. Gonoplac nearly quadrilateral, in dorsal view, fused at base and forked at apical half along dorsal margin.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> The new genus is placed into the tribe Hemisphaeriini by the following combination of characteristics: body hemispherical; head with eyes narrower than pronotum; tegmen coriaceous and relatively thick, without claval suture; wing developed, and shorter than tegmen; lateral margin of hind tibia with two teeth.</p> <p> This new genus resembles <i>Gergithoides</i> Schumacher but differs from the latter by the following characters: 1) ocelli present, absent in <i>Gergithoides</i>; 2) vertex with tricarinate, about 1.7 times longer than wide, in <i>Gergithoides</i>, vertex with median carina or not, almost as long at base as wide in middle line; 3) frons without any tubercule and elevated at disc, posterior margin of pronotum with indistinct tubercules, in <i>Gergithoides</i>, frons with numerous tubercules along lateral margin and flat at disc, anterior and posterior margin of pronotum with distinct tubercules; 4) tegmen with a brown stripe along black anterior and apical margins, and anterior margin moderately convex at one third of base, <i>Gergithoides</i> without such stripe and anterior margin arc; 5) aedeagus with two short sword-like processes in basal half, <i>Gergithoides</i> with two processes at apical half.</p> <p> This new genus is also similar to <i>Macrodaruma</i> Fennah, but can be separated from the latter by the following characters: 1) vertex more or less hexagonal, slightly produced, in <i>Macrodaruma</i>, vertex almost trapezoidal and strongly produced, tapering; 2) pronotum with indistinct median carina, absent in <i>Macrodaruma</i>; 3) frons with lateral margin elevated, in <i>Macrodaruma</i>, lateral margin flat; 4) aedeagus with two short sword-like processes apex directed dorsally near middle, the <i>Macrodaruma</i> with two short processes apex directed basally at base.</p> <p> The similarity of some characters of the new genus, particularly the presence of the median carina on the frons, indicates that it is probably closer to <i>Gergithoides, Macrodaruma</i>, <i>Mongoliana</i> and <i>Choutagus</i> than other genera in the subfamily Hemisphariini, but it needs to be verified based on further phylogenetic research by using molecular and morphologic data as well.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The generic name “ <i>Neogergithoides</i> ” refers to the strong resemblance to <i>Gergithoides</i>. The genus is feminine in gender.</p>Published as part of <i>Sun, Yanchun, Meng, Rui & Wang, Yinglun, 2012, Neogergithoides, a new genus with a new species from China (Hemiptera: Issidae), pp. 42-53 in Zootaxa 3186</i> on pages 43-44, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/280001">10.5281/zenodo.280001</a&gt

    Neogergithoides tubercularis Sun, Meng & Wang, 2012, sp. nov.

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    Neogergithoides tubercularis, sp. nov. Description. Length, male (including tegmen): 7.6 –8.0 mm, length of tegmen: 5.7–6.2 mm; female (including tegmen): 8.5–9.1 mm, length of tegmen: 6.3 –7.0 mm. Body flavovirens (Fig. 1). Vertex alutaceous, with opalescent big quadrate blotch at middle of apical margin and two small irregular fuscous spots near posterior margin, lateral carinae pale greenish (Figs. 1, 3). Genae and outer sides of head pallide-flavens; small fusco-piceous subtriangular blotch on each side of head before eyes (Fig. 2). Frons fuscescent with base black, median carina and lateral margin pale flavovirens. Clypeus fusco-piceous with a broad stramineous median carina; lateral margin pale flavovirens or sometimes viridescent. Rostrum fuscous (Fig. 5). Antennae fusco-testaceous with a small black spot on preapical surface of second segment. Ocelli testaceous (Fig. 6). Eyes pitchy (Figs. 2, 3). Pronotum yellowish green with two piceous maculae at mid of posterior margin; anterior margin fusco-rufous, posterior margin canescent with some small fuscus spots. Mesonotum testaceous with some black maculae or spots (Fig. 3). Tegmen pale flavovirens, costal margin ivory, with one narrow pitchy stripe from costal margin to outer margin (Fig. 7). Wing fumatus, veins blackish brown (Fig. 8). Leg flavotestaceous with suffusion greenish, hind femora dark fuscescent, fore- and mesofemora with black stripes, fore-, meso- and hind tibiae with black stripes (Fig. 4). Abdomen pale brown, and apex of each segment pale flavovirens. Vertex with disc depressed, about 0.6 time wider at apex than long in midline, minute transverse wrinkles scattered at disc, median carina complete, lateral margin distinctly carinated (Fig. 3). Frons elevated at disc with median carina, glossy, 2.0 times wider at widest part near apex than at base, 1.8 times longer at midline than broad at widest part. Clypeus distinctly elevated, median carina distinct. Rostrum long, reaching post-trochanters, last segment slightly shorter than penultimate (Fig. 5). Antennae comparatively short, scape annular, pedicel subglobose with numerous tuberculiform sensory pores. Pronotum with numerous pustules or small tubercules along posterior margin. Mesonotum broad, 2.5 times wider at widest part than long at midline, median carina only distinct on anterior half, with some small depressed tubercles (Fig. 3). Tegmen nearly elliptical, 2.2 times longer than broad at widest part, costal margin moderately convex at one third of base; longitudinal veins prominent, with much supernumerary forkings and numerous irregular transverse veinlets (Fig. 7). Wing relatively elongate, about 0.9 time length of tegmen. Spinal formula of posterior leg 6–9 – 2. Male genitalia. Anal segment in dorsal view mushroom-shaped, widest near apex, with apical margin slightly convex at middle and lateral margin strongly convex near apex; anal foramen near middle (Fig. 13). Pygofer in lateral view with dorsal margin oblique, ventral margin relatively straight, dorsolateral angles strongly roundly produced caudad, posterior margin moderately concave in basal half and anterior margin slightly concave in dorsal half (Fig. 12). Aedeagus slightly curved downward medially, with a pair of short sword-like processes near middle, dorsal lobe with apical margin strongly convex at middle, two angles rounded; lateral lobes sword-like with apex tapering; ventral lobe lamellate with apical margin nearly straight (Figs. 14, 15). Genital styles (Fig. 12) in profile nearly triangular, apical margin concave, caudo-ventral angle rounded, with one longitudinal carina between dorsal and apical margins, dorsal margin with one large tubercular process at middle. Capitulum of style, in dorsal view, longer than wide, with two obtuse apical processes, and large lateral tooth (Fig. 9). Female genitalia. Sternite VII with apical margin distinctly convex at middle (Fig. 22). Anal segment in dorsal view oval, with apical margin distinctly produced and lateral margin rounded; anal foramen in basal half (Fig. 16). Gonocoxa VIII nearly quadrilateral (Fig. 20); anterior connective laminae of gonapophysis VIII nearly quadrate, apical margin with 3 nearly parallel teeth, lateral margin with 3 small teeth (Fig. 20); endogonocoxal lobe strongly sclerotized, crescentic in ventral view; endogonocoxal process foliate and membranous. Proximal part of posterior connective lamina of gonapophyses IX slightly convex in lateral view, distal parts of posterior connective laminae of gonapophyses IX arched, lateral fields flat, median field membranous with wide single lobe (Figs. 18, 19); gonospiculum bridge situated at base of gonapophyses IX, apex angled in lateral view (Fig. 18), in dorsal view basal margin angled, apical margin convex and transparent (Fig. 10). Gonoplacs strongly elevated and sclerotized at middle, in dorsal view transparent and membranous at base, fused at base and forked at apical half along dorsal margin (Fig. 11); in profile nearly rectangle, anterior margin membranous and oblique, posterior margin concave at ventral half, dorsal and ventral margins almost straight (Fig. 17). Bursa copulatrix (BC) membranous with two connected pouches (BC 1 & BC 2) (bursa copulatrix constricted medially forming two pouches), opening directly into posterior vagina (Vp), first pouch (BC 1) orbiculate, wall with visible cells, second one (BC 2) saccular and long, without any ornamentation on wall. Vagina much thicker and elongate with posterior and anterior vagina, posterior vagina relatively short. Oviductus communis (OC) slen- der at base, slightly swollen at apex. Spermatheca (Sp) well-developed with five parts: orificium receptaculi (or), ductus receptaculi (dr), diverticulum ductus (dvd), spermathecal pump (spp) and glandula apicalis (ga). Orificium receptaculi correspondingly robust and short. Ductus receptaculi thin and elongate, strongly intumescent and sacculated at middle, with long and smooth ductus at basal and apical part. Diverticulum ductus orbiculate and extending off from tip of ductus receptaculi, followed by spermathecal pump slender and tubular; two glandula apicalis slender at apex of spermathecal pump (Figs. 21, 23). Material examined. Holotype: male, China, Hainan Province, Diaoluoshan Mountain, 1 June 2007, coll. Yinglun Wang & Qing Zhai. Paratypes: 1 male, China, Hainan Province, Wuzhishan Mountain, 15 May 1963, coll. Io Chou; 1 female, China, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Huaping, 7 June 1963, collector unknown. 1 male, 28 March 1964, coll. Sikong Liu; 2 males, 1 May 1965, coll. Sikong Liu; 1 female, 9 May 1984, coll. Youdong Lin; 1 male, 2 females, 29 May 2007, 29 May 2007, coll. Yinglun Wang & Qing Zhai; 2 males, 3 females, 1 June 2007, coll. Yinglun Wang & Qing Zhai; 1 male, 26 May 2008, coll. Qiulei Men; 3 males, 1 female, N 18 ° 43.664 ’, E 109 ° 52.704 ’, 948m, 6 August 2010, coll. Guo Zheng, China, Hainan Province, Diaoluoshan Mountain. 1 male, 1 female, 10 April 1980, coll. Jiang Xiong; 1 female, 23 May 1981, coll. Zhiqing Chen; 1 female, 24 March 1982, coll. same; 1 male, 20 April 1982, coll. same; 1 male, 1 female, 17 May 1984, coll. same; 1 female, 2 December 1981, coll. Maobin Gu; 2 males, 21 April 1983, coll. same; 1 male, 1 female, 15 July 1981, coll. Yuanfu Liu; 1 female, 6 July 1982, coll. Lizhong Hua; 1 male, 28 July 1983, coll. same; 1 male, 15 May 1984, coll. Youdong Lin; 1 male, 3 females, 6 June 2007, coll. Yinglun Wang & Qing Zhai; 41 males, 41 females, N 18 ° 44.026 ’, E 108 ° 52.460 ’, 975m, 15 August 2010, coll. Guo Zheng; 19 males, 14 females, N 18 ° 44.727 ’, E 108 ° 59.632 ’, 235m, 17 August 2010, coll. Guo Zheng; 32 males, 42 females, N 18 ° 44.658 ’, E 108 ° 50.435 ’, 1017m, 18 August 2010, coll. Guo Zheng, China, Hainan Province, Jianfengling Mountain. 1 male, China, Hainan Province, Bawangling Mountain, 28 May 2007, coll. Yinglun Wang & Qing Zhai; 4 females, same, 10 June 2007, coll. same; 1 female, China, Hainan Province, Limuling Mountain, 19 April 2008, coll. Qiulei Men; 48 males, 32 females, China, Hainan Province, Yinggeling Mountain (Yinggezui), N 19 °02.884’, E 109 ° 33.529 ’, 797m, 20 August 2010, coll. Guo Zheng. BC 1, BC 2: two pouches of bursa copulatrix; dr: ductus receptaculi; dvd: diverticulum ductus; ga: glandula apicalis; Gbd: gonospiculum bridge; Gy VIII: gonapophysis VIII; Gy IX: gonapophyses IX; OC: oviductus communis; or: orificium receptaculi; Sp: spermatheca; spp: spermathecal pump; St VII: sternite VII; Va: anterior vagina; Vp: posterior vagina. Additional material. 3 females, China, Hainan Province, Yinggeling Mountain (Yinggezui), N 19 °03.047’, E 109 ° 33.782 ’, 678m, 21 August 2010, coll. Guo Zheng. Distribution. China (Hainan, Guangxi). Remarks. The new species resembles Gergithoides carinatifrons Schumacher, 1915 (Figs. 43–45), but it can be distinguished by: 1) ocelli present, absent in Gergithoides carinatifrons; 2) vertex 1.7 times longer than broad, in Gergithoides carinatifrons, 1.2 times longer than wide in midline; 3) frons elevated at disc and smooth, clypeus with distinct median carina, in Gergithoides carinatifrons, frons plain and coarse, with a row of particles along apical margin and lateral margin at apical half, clypeus without median carina; 4) tegmen with a brown stripe along anterior and apical margins, and anterior margin moderately convex at one third of base, Gergithoides carinatifrons without such stripe and anterior margin arc; 5) genital style with one tubercular process at middle of dorsal margin, capitulum of style with two obtuse apical processes, style without any tubercular process and capitulum of style angulate at apex in Gergithoides carinatifrons. The new species is also similar to Macrodaruma pertinax Fennah, 1978 (Figs. 37–39), but can be separated from the latter by the following characters: 1) vertex more or less hexagonal and slightly produced, vertex of Macrodaruma pertinax longer than broad and strongly produced, tapering and almost awl-shaped; 2) pronotum with median carina, anterior margin not elevated, in Macrodaruma pertinax, median carina absent, and anterior margin foliately elevated; 3) median carina and lateral margins of frons pale brown, and lateral margins elevated, median carina in Macrodaruma pertinax red, and lateral margins not elevated; 4) genital style with one tubercular process at middle of dorsal margin, but Macrodaruma pertinax absent.Published as part of Sun, Yanchun, Meng, Rui & Wang, Yinglun, 2012, Neogergithoides, a new genus with a new species from China (Hemiptera: Issidae), pp. 42-53 in Zootaxa 3186 on pages 44-50, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.28000

    Neogergithoides, a new genus with a new species from China (Hemiptera: Issidae)

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    Sun, Yanchun, Meng, Rui, Wang, Yinglun (2012): Neogergithoides, a new genus with a new species from China (Hemiptera: Issidae). Zootaxa 3186: 42-53, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.28000

    Supervised Kernel Optimized Locality Preserving Projection with Its Application to Face Recognition and Palm Biometrics

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    Kernel Locality Preserving Projection (KLPP) algorithm can effectively preserve the neighborhood structure of the database using the kernel trick. We have known that supervised KLPP (SKLPP) can preserve within-class geometric structures by using label information. However, the conventional SKLPP algorithm endures the kernel selection which has significant impact on the performances of SKLPP. In order to overcome this limitation, a method named supervised kernel optimized LPP (SKOLPP) is proposed in this paper, which can maximize the class separability in kernel learning. The proposed method maps the data from the original space to a higher dimensional kernel space using a data-dependent kernel. The adaptive parameters of the data-dependent kernel are automatically calculated through optimizing an objective function. Consequently, the nonlinear features extracted by SKOLPP have larger discriminative ability compared with SKLPP and are more adaptive to the input data. Experimental results on ORL, Yale, AR, and Palmprint databases showed the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Transit-Oriented Development in China: A Comparative Content Analysis of the Spatial Plans of High-Speed Railway Station Areas

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    With rapid high-speed railway (HSR) developments in China, HSR-based transit-oriented development (TOD) has proliferated across the country. Although local governments claim that HSR station areas are planned according to TOD principles, some scholars argue that these station areas actually contribute to unsustainable development. This study investigates two main questions: (1) what success factors should be included in a TOD plan for HSR station areas? (2) to what extent are these factors considered in the plans of Chinese HSR station areas? To answer these questions, we use content analysis to compare spatial plans for 15 HSR station areas across China, triangulating the findings via in-depth interviews and field investigations. This study reveals that most of the factors in the plans for HSR station areas deviate from TOD principles, especially in small- and medium-sized cities. We find that Chinese local governments mainly use TODs as a tool to promote suburban expansion around HSR stations

    Enhancing dynamic ECG heartbeat classification with lightweight transformer model

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    Arrhythmia is a common class of Cardiovascular disease which is the cause for over 31% of all death over the world, according to WHOs' report. Automatic detection and classification of arrhythmia, as an effective tool of early warning, has recently been received more and more attention, especially in the applications of wearable devices for data capturing. However, different from traditional application scenarios, wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) devices have some drawbacks, such as being subject to multiple abnormal interferences, thus making accurate ventricular contraction (PVC) and supraventricular premature beat (SPB) detection to be more challenging. The traditional models for heartbeat classification suffer from the problem of large-scale parameters and the performance in dynamic ECG heartbeat classification is not satisfactory. In this paper, we propose a novel light model Lightweight Fussing Transformer to address these problems. We developed a more lightweight structure named LightConv Attention (LCA) to replace the self-attention of Fussing Transformer. LCA has reached remarkable performance level equal to or higher than self-attention with fewer parameters. In particular, we designed a stronger embedding structure (Convolutional Neural Network with attention mechanism) to enhance the weight of features of internal morphology of the heartbeat. Furthermore, we have implemented the proposed methods on real datasets and experimental results have demonstrated outstanding accuracy of detecting PVC and SPB. © 2022 Elsevier B.V

    Radiomics Nomogram Based on High-<i>b</i>-Value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Distinguishing the Grade of Bladder Cancer

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    Background: The aim was to evaluate the feasibility of radiomics features based on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) at high b-values for grading bladder cancer and to compare the possible advantages of high-b-value DWI over the standard b-value DWI. Methods: Seventy-four participants with bladder cancer were included in this study. DWI sequences using a 3 T MRI with b-values of 1000, 1700, and 3000 s/mm2 were acquired, and the corresponding ADC maps were generated, followed with feature extraction. Patients were randomly divided into training and testing cohorts with a ratio of 8:2. The radiomics features acquired from the ADC1000, ADC1700, and ADC3000 maps were compared between low- and high-grade bladder cancers by using the Wilcox analysis, and only the radiomics features with significant differences were selected. The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator method and a logistic regression were performed for the feature selection and establishing the radiomics model. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was conducted to assess the diagnostic performance of the radiomics models. Results: In the training cohorts, the AUCs of the ADC1000, ADC1700, and ADC3000 model for discriminating between low- from high-grade bladder cancer were 0.901, 0.920, and 0.901, respectively. In the testing cohorts, the AUCs of ADC1000, ADC1700, and ADC3000 were 0.582, 0.745, and 0.745, respectively. Conclusions: The radiomics features extracted from the ADC1700 maps could improve the diagnostic accuracy over those extracted from the conventional ADC1000 maps
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