8 research outputs found

    Transport analytics in action: a cloud-based decision support system for efficient city bus transportation

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    Optimising city bus transport operations helps conserve fuel by providing the urban transport service as efficiently as possible. This study develops a Cloud-based Decision Support System (C-DSS) for transport analytics. The C-DSS is based on an intelligent model on location of depots for opening new depots and/or closing a few existing depots and allocation of city-buses to depots. The C-DSS is built on the Cloud Computing architecture with three layers and includes an efficient and simple greedy heuristic algorithm. Using modern information and communications technology tools, the proposed C-DSS minimizes the cost of city bus transport operations and in turn to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in urban passenger transport. The proposed C-DSS is demonstrated for its workability and evaluated for its performance on 25 large scale pseudo data generated based on the observation from Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) in India

    An Autonomic Algorithm For Data Dissemination In Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    A Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a subclass of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, which provides wireless communication among vehicles as well as between vehicles and roadside units. Providing safety, traffic efficiency and user comfort for drivers and passengers are promising goals of these networks. Due to some inherent characteristics of VANETs, such as intermittent connectivity, highly dynamic topology, and diverse network densities, data dissemination is a challenging activity in this kind of network. Although data dissemination has been extensively studied in the literature, existing solutions do not effectively address the broadcast storm and network partition problems when considered together. To deal with both problems, we propose a network partition-aware geographical data dissemination protocol, which eliminates the broadcast storm and maximizes the data dissemination capability across network partitions with short delays and low overhead. The proposed algorithm is able to autonomically adjust message transmissions in the network. Simulation results show that our proposed approach provides good efficiency with respect to the coverage of event processing, delay and overhead.123430435Williams, B., Camp, T., Comparison of broadcasting techniques for móbile ad hoc network Proceeding of the 3rd ACM Internacional Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Network &ampComputing, , MobiHoc 02, páginas 194-205, New York, NY, EstadosUnidosSpyropoulos, T., Psounis, K., Raghvendra, C.S., Efficient routing in intermittently connected móbile network: The multiple-copy case IEEE/ACM Trans. Network, 16 (1), pp. 77-90Tonguz, O.K., Wisitpongphan, N., Bai, F., Dv-cast: A distributed vehicular broadcast protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks (2010) Wireless Commun., 17, pp. 47-56Viriyasitavat, W., Bai, F., Tonguz, O., Uv-cast: An urban vehicular broadcast protocol (2010) Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), pp. 25-32. , 2010 IEEE, páginasBakhouya, M., Gaber, J., Lorenz, P., An adaptive approach for information dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (2011) Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34 (6), pp. 1971-1978Ros, F., Ruiz, P., Stojmenovic, I., Acknowledgment-based broadcast protocol for reliable and efficient data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (2012) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11 (1), pp. 33-46Kim, T.-H., Hong, W.-K., Kim, H.-C., Lee, Y.-D., An effective data dissemination in vehicular ad-hoc network (2008) Information Networking. Towards Ubiquitous Networking and Services, Volume 5200 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, , páginas 295-304. Springer Berlin HeidelbergWisitpongphan, N., Tonguz, O.K., Parikh, J.S., Mudalige, P., Bai, F., Sadekar, V., Broadcast storm mitigation techniques in vehicular ad hoc networks (2007) IEEE Wireless Communications, 14 (6), pp. 84-94. , DOI 10.1109/MWC.2007.4407231Schwartz, R.S., Barbosa, R.R.R., Meratnia, N., Heijenk, G., Scholten, H., A directional data dissemination protocol for vehicular environments (2011) Computer Communications, 34 (17), pp. 2057-2071Villas, L.A., Boukerche, A., De Araujo, R.B., Loureiro, A.F., Ueyama, J., Network partition-aware geographical data dissemination (2013) Páginas 1-6. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '13)Huebscher, C.M., Cann, J.A., A survey of autonomic computing: Degrees, models, and applications (2008) ACM Computer Surveys, 40 (3), pp. 1-28Varga, A., Hornig, R., An overview of the OMNeT++ simulation environment. in International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications (2008) Networks and Systems & Workshops, , (Simutools '08), páginas 1-10Behrisch, M., Bieker, L., Erdmann, J., Krajzewicz, D., SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility: An Overview (2011) International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, , (SIMUL '11)Sommer, C., German, R., Dressler, F., Bidirectionally couplednetwork and road traffic simulation for improved ivc analysis (2011) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10 (1), pp. 3-15Sommer, C., Joerer, S., Dressler, F., On the applicability of two-ray path loss models for vehicular network simulation (2012) IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC '12), pp. 64-6

    User-centric Mobility Management Architecture For Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a subclass of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks that provides wireless communication among vehicles as well as between vehicles and roadside devices. Providing safety and user comfort for drivers and passengers is a promising goal of these networks. Some user applications need a connection to internet through gateways which are in the road side. This connection could generate an overhead of control messages and also the handover time among gateways can affect the performance of these applications. This paper proposes an architecture for intra- and inter-system management for virtual environments in vehicular networks, supporting user-driven applications. More specifically, we consider applications that depend on virtual environments which must be constantly updated, such as online gaming. To efficiently support these applications, the proposed architecture includes an extension of the 802.21 protocol to cope with the virtual environment updates. NS3 simulations were performed to evaluate the proposal over the proxy MIPv6 considering VANET and LTE networks as base stations. We observed that the proposed mechanism that extends the 802.21 protocol had a shorter handover time and lower packet loss when acting with the presented architecture.584256Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg,IEEE Communications Society Germany ChapterKaragiannis, G., Altintas, O., Ekici, E., Heijenk, G., Jarupan, B., Lin, K., Weil, T., Vehicular networking: A survey and tutorial on requirements, architectures, challenges, standards and solutions (2011) IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, 13 (4), pp. 584-616Asgari, M., Jumari, K., Ismail, M., (2011) Analysis of Routing Protocols In Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Applications, 181, pp. 384-397. , In: Zain, J.M., Wan Mohd, W.M.B., El-Qawasmeh, E. (eds.) ICSECS 2011, Part III. CCIS, Springer, HeidelbergGerla, M., Maggiorini, D., Palazzi, C., Bujari, A., (2012) A Survey On Interactive Games Over Mobile Networks, , Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingZhou, S., Cai, W., Lee, B.S., Turner, S.J., Time-space consistency in large-scale distributed virtual environments (2004) ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul, 14, pp. 31-47Faezipour, M., Nourani, M., Saeed, A., Addepalli, S., Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks (2012) Communications of the ACM, 55 (2), pp. 90-100Lee, U., Gerla, M., A survey of urban vehicular sensing platforms (2010) Computer Networks, 54 (4), pp. 527-544Kakarla, J., Sathya, S.S., Article: A survey and qualitative analysis of multi-channel mac protocols for vanet (2012) International Journal of Computer Applications, 38 (6), pp. 38-42Feng, W.C., Chang, F., Feng, W.C., Walpole, J., A traffic characterization of popular on-line games (2005) IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw, 13 (3), pp. 488-500Tonguz, O.K., Boban, M., Multiplayer games over vehicular ad hoc networks: A new application (2010) Ad Hoc Netw, 8 (5), pp. 531-543Gupta, P., Kumar, P., The capacity of wireless networks (2000) IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, 46 (2), pp. 388-404Tayal, S., Tripathy, M., Vanet-challenges in selection of vehicular mobility model (2012) 2012 Second International Conference On Advanced Computing Communication Technologies (ACCT), pp. 231-235. , JanuaryPrakash, A., Tripathi, S., Verma, R., Tyagi, N., Tripathi, R., Naik, K., (2010) A Cross Layer Seamless Handover Scheme In Ieee 802.11p Based Vehicular Networks, 95, pp. 84-95. , In: Ranka, S., Banerjee, A., Biswas, K.K., Dua, S., Mishra, P., Moona, R., Poon, S.-H., Wang, C.-L. (eds.) IC3 2010. CCIS, Springer, HeidelbergAkyildiz, L., McNair, J., Ho, J., Uzunalioglu, H., Wang, W., Mobility management in current and future communications networks (1998) IEEE Network, 12 (4), pp. 39-49Chen, Y.C., Hsia, J.H., Liao, Y.J., Advanced seamless vertical handoff architecture for wimax and wifi heterogeneous networks with qos guarantees (2009) Computer Communications, 32 (2), pp. 281-293Yusof, A., Ismail, M., Misran, N., Handoff architecture in next-generation wireless systems (2007) Asia-Pacific Conference On Applied Electromagnetics, APACE 2007, pp. 1-5. , DecemberDutta, A., Das, S., Famolari, D., Ohba, Y., Taniuchi, K., Fajardo, V., Lopez, R.M., Schulzrinne, H., Seamless proactive handover across heterogeneous access networks (2007) Wirel. Pers. Commun, 43, pp. 837-855Taniuchi, K., Ohba, Y., Fajardo, V., Das, S., Tauil, M., Cheng, Y.H., Dutta, A., Famolari, D., Ieee 802.21: Media independent handover: Features, applicability, and realization (2009) IEEE Communications Magazine, 47 (1), pp. 112-120Yang, K., Ou, S., Chen, H.H., He, J., A multihop peer-communication protocol with fairness guarantee for ieee 802.16-based vehicular networks (2007) IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 56 (6), pp. 3358-3370Mussabbir, Q., Yao, W., Niu, Z., Fu, X., Optimized fmipv6 using ieee 802.21 mih services in vehicular networks (2007) IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 56 (6), pp. 3397-3407Chiu, K.L., Hwang, R.H., Chen, Y.S., (2009) Cross-layer Design Vehicle-aided Handover Scheme In VANETs, , Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingLee, J.H., Ernst, T., Deng, D.J., Chao, H.C., Improved pmipv6 handover procedure for consumer multicast traffic (2011) IET Communications, 5 (15), pp. 2149-2156Kim, J., Morioka, Y., Hagiwara, J., An optimized seamless ip flow mobility management architecture for traffic offloading (2012) 2012 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), pp. 229-236. , Apri

    Vanets: An Exploratory Evaluation In Vehicular Ad Hoc Network For Urban Environment

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    Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a promising communication technology suitable for vehicular mobile networks. Represent networks of singular features, wherein the data dissemination is fundamental. The literature is plentiful in protocols, usually specific to address individual issues in well-defined scenarios. This work efforts are concentrated, mainly, to examine operating settings in protocols like AID, DBRS, and ADDHV for disseminating messages. A benchmarking explores strategies that address challenges such as network partitioning and the broadcast storm problem, which undertake the dissemination. The results of a set of metrics obtained in different vehicular traffic schemes complete the discussion held. Considerations for answers in coverage, delay, rate of delivery, broadcast, and packet loss support this initiative and motivate the development of an adaptive solution to fluctuations in carrier density.4549Akamai Technologies, Inc.,IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP),IEEE Computers Society,International Research Institute on Autonomic Network Computing,Technical Committee on Distributed ProcessingMoustafa, H., Zhang, Y., (2009) Vehicular Networks: Techniques, Standards, and Applications, , 1st ed. Boston, MA: Auerbach PublicationsBooysen, M.J., Zeadally, S., Van Rooyen, G.J., Survey of media access control protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks (2011) IET Communications, 5, pp. 1619-1631Villas, L.A., Boukerche, A., De Araujo, R.B., Loureiro, A.A.F., Ueyama, J., Network partition-aware geographical data dissemination (2013) ICC, pp. 1439-1443. , http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/icc/icc2013.html#VillasBALU13, IEEE, [Online]Villas, L.A., Boukerche, A., Maia, G., Pazzi, R.W., Loureiro, A.A.F., (2014) An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Highway and Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, , http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/icc/icc2013.html#VillasBALU13, preprint submitted to Elsevier Computer Networks, [Online]Bakhouya, M., Gaber, J., Lorenz, P., An adaptive approach for information dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (2011) Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34 (6), pp. 1971-1978. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1084804511001226, [Online]Dua, A., Kumar, N., Bawa, S., A systematic review on routing protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks (2014) Vehicular Communications, 1 (1), pp. 33-52. , http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214209614000059, [Online]Meneguette, R.I., Maia, G., Madeira, E.R.M., Loureiro, A.A.F., Villas, L.A., Autonomic data dissemination in highway vehicular ad hoc networks with diverse traffic conditions (2014) Proceedings of the 1st Canada-Brazil Smart Transportation Systems Workshop, , http://workshop.nsercdiva.com/Brazil2014/index.html, Ottawa, Canada: NSERC DIVA, [Online]Artimy, M., Local density estimation and dynamic transmission-range assignment in vehicular ad hoc networks (2007) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 8 (3), pp. 400-412Villas, L.A., Ramos, H.S., Boukerche, A., Guidoni, D.L., Araujo, R.B., Loureiro, A.A.F., (2012) An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, pp. 39-46. , http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2387027.2387035, New York, NY: ACM, [Online]Kim, T.-H., Hong, W.-K., Kim, H., Lee, Y.-D., An effective data dissemination in vehicular ad-hoc network (2007) ICOIN'2007, 5200, pp. 295-304. , http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/icoin/icoin2007.html#KimHKL07, Springer, [Online]Behrisch, M., Bieker, L., Erdmann, J., Krajzewicz, D., Sumo - Simulation of urban mobility: An overview (2011) SIMUL 2011, pp. 63-68. , http://elib.dlr.de/71460/, Barcelona, Spain: ThinkMind, [Online]Varga, A., Omnet++ (2010) Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation, pp. 35-59. , K. Wehrle, M. Günes, and J. Gross, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg(1997) Veins - Vehicles in Network Simulation: The Open Source Vehicular Network Simulation Framewor

    A Solution for Detection and Control For Congested Roads Using Vehicular Networks

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    Autonomic Data Dissemination In Highway Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks With Diverse Traffic Conditions

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)A Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a subclass of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, which provides wireless communication among vehicles as well as between vehicles and roadside units. Providing safety, traffic efficiency and user comfort for drivers and passengers are promising goals of these networks. To reach these goals many envisaged applications for VANETs will rely on data dissemination, turning this task into an essential service. However, due to some inherent characteristics of VANETs, such as intermittent connectivity, highly dynamic topology, and diverse network densities, data dissemination is a challenging activity in this kind of network. Although data dissemination has been extensively studied in the literature, existing solutions do not effectively address the broadcast storm and network partition problems when considered together. To deal with both problems, we propose a network partition-aware geographical data dissemination protocol, which eliminates the broadcast storm and maximizes the data dissemination capability across network partitions with short delays and low overhead. The proposed algorithm is able to autonomically adjust message transmissions in the network. Simulation results show that our proposed approach provides good efficiency with respect to the coverage of event processing, delay and overhead.CAPES; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; FAPESP; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Meneguette, R.I., Bittencourt, L.F., Madeira, E.R.M., A seamless fow mobility management architecture for vehicular communication networks (2013) Journal of Communications and Networks, 15 (2), pp. 207-216Karagiannis, G., Altintas, O., Ekici, E., Heijenk, G., Jarupan, B., Lin, K., Weil, T., Vehicular networking: A survey and tutorial on requirements, architectures, challenges, standards and solutions (2011) IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, 13 (4), pp. 584-616Villas, L.A., Ramos, H.S., Boukerche, A., Guidoni, D.L., Araujo, R.B., Loureiro, A.A., An efficient and robust data dissemination protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks (2012) Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Petformance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks, pp. 39-46. , New York, NY, USA: ACMVillas, L., Boukerche, A., Araujo, R., Loureiro, A., Ueyama, J., Network partition-aware geographical data dissemination (2013) 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 1439-1443Ni, S.-Y., Tseng, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-S., Sheu, J.-P., The broadcast storm problem in a mobile ad hoc network (1999) Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACMIIEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Ser. MobiCom '99. ACM, pp. 151-162Chen, Z.D., Kung, H., Vlah, D., Ad hoc relay wireless networks over moving vehicles on highways (2001) Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking &ampComputing, Ser. MobiHoc '01, pp. 247-250. , New York, NY, USA: ACMMaia, G., Aquino, A.L., Viana, A., Boukerche, A., Loureiro, A.A., HyDi: A hybrid data dissemination protocol for highway scenarios in vehicular ad hoc networks (2012) ACM International Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications (DIVANet '12), pp. 115-122Kim, T.-H., Hong, W.-K., Kim, H.-C., Lee, Y.-D., An effective data dissemination in vehicular ad-hoc network (2008) Information Networking. Towards Ubiquitous Networking and Services, Ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5200, pp. 295-304. , T. Vazo, M. Freire, and I. Chong, Eds. Springer Berlin HeidelbergTonguz, O., Wisitpongphan, N., Bai, F., DV-CAST: A distributed vehicular broadcast protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks (2010) IEEE Wireless Communications, 17 (2), pp. 47-57Schwartz, R.S., Barbosa, R.R.R., Meratnia, N., Heijenk, G., Scholten, H., A directional data dissemination protocol for vehicular environments (2011) Computer Communications, 34 (17), pp. 2057-2071Huebscher, M.C., Cann, J.A., A survey of autonomic comput-ingdegrees, models, and applications (2008) ACM Computer Surveys, 40 (3), pp. 1-28Bakhouya, M., Gaber, J., Lorenz, P., An adaptive approach for information dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (2011) Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34 (6), pp. 1971-1978Wisitpongphan, N., Tonguz, O., Parikh, J., Mudalige, P., Bai, F., Sadekar, V., Broadcast storm mitigation techniques in vehicular ad hoc networks (2007) IEEE Wireless Communications, 14 (6), pp. 84-94Varga, A., Hornig, R., An overview of the OMNeT++ simulation environment (2008) International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems & Workshops (Simutools '08), pp. 1-10Behrisch, M., Bieker, L., Erdmann, J., Krajzewicz, D., SUMO-simulation of urban mobility: An overview (2011) International Conference on Advances in System Simulation (SIMUL ' J J)Sommer, C., German, R., Dressler, F., Bidirectionally coupled network and road traffic simulation for improved ivc analysis (2011) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 10 (1), pp. 3-15Sommer, C., Joerer, S., Dressler, F., On the applicability of two-ray path loss models for vehicular network simulation (2012) IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC '12), pp. 64-6

    A novel fog-based resource allocation policy for vehicular clouds in the highway environment

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    Vehicular networks has unique characteristics compared to other wireless networks, such as, highly dynamic topology, short transmission time, among others. These characteristics becomes a challenge for management and allocation of vehicle cloud resources. In this paper, we propose a allocatioN and mANgement resourCe policY for vehicular cloud, called of NANCY. For this, we formulate the problem of allocation of resources through the mathematical method Multiple Attribute Decision, which will decide whether NANCY will allocate the resources available to attend or not the service requested by the vehicle. Simulation results showed that NANCY provides a larger amount of service to be provided, providing a reduction in the number of service locks due to its accuracy, as well as a reduction in the amount of services discarded due to its load balancing in resource allocation.IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communication