41 research outputs found

    The Freilich Lectures 2007: Religious Toleration in an Age of Terrorism

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    These lectures ask how religion can be related to violent acts. They begin by considering the ways in which religiously motivated terrorism has been understood in the 21st century and then go on to ask whether the lessons (both historical and philosophical) of the 17th century can illuminate the problems we face in the modern world

    Modern Views on Virtue Ethics

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    Abstract: This paper analyzes some influential ideas in virtue ethics. Alasdair MacIntyre, in his work After Virtue, and Elizabeth Anscombe, in his controversial essay “Modern Moral Philosophy”, brought fresh ideas into moral philosophy of their time changing views on contemporary morality. They strongly influenced moral philosophers who then followed their ideas. The two philosophers criticized contemporary moral philosophies such as emotivism, utilitarianism, deontology. Elizabeth Anscombe criticized also the use of the concepts of duty and moral obligation in the absence of God as the context God had no place. For solving the quests of modern morality, both MacIntyre and Anscombe proposed that the only solution was the returning to ancient Aristotelian virtues

    Politics and morality

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