3 research outputs found

    Implikasi Pedagogis Pada Sakramen Perjamuan Kudus Dalam Liturgi Gereja

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    The Lord's Supper is one of the sacraments of the church and is an important part of the Christian liturgy. The author conducts research on the meaning of the Holy Communion so that he can find pedagogical implications in the Holy Communion. The research used is a literature analysis approach that uses various relevant literature sources. The pedagogical implications of the Lord's Supper concern the past, present and future. The meaning of the past means that the Lord's Supper is a reminder of Christ's sacrifice for believers. Today means that the Lord's Supper means sharing in enjoying the benefits of Christ’s death and fellowship with the members of the body of Christ, even Christ himself. The meaning of the future means that the Holy Communion is a guarantee of enjoying the Kingdom of Heaven and the great supper in the future. The Lord's Supper is an expression of hope for His return. Christ Jesus is the sure hope. Practically speaking, Holy Communion reminds us of the importance of fellowship with fellow members of the body of Christ. ABSTRAKPerjamuan Kudus merupakan salah satu sakramen gereja dan menjadi bagian penting dalam liturgi Kristen. Penulis melakukan penelitian terhadap makna perjamuan kudus sehingga dapat menemukan implikasi pedagogis dalam perjamuan kudus. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan analisis pustaka yang menggunakan berbagai sumber pustaka relevan. Implikasi pedagogis Perjamuan Kudus menyangkut masa lalu, masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Makna masa lalu berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus merupakan peringatan pengorbanan Kristus bagi orang percaya. Masa kini berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus memiliki makna keikutsetaan menikmati keuntungan kematian Kristus serta persekutuan dengan anggota tubuh Kristus, bahkan Kristus sendiri. Makna masa yang akan datang berarti bahwa Perjamuan Kudus menjadi jaminan menikmati Kerajaan Sorga dan perjamuan agung di masa yang akan datang. Perjamuan Kudus merupakan perwujudan pengharapan akan kedatangan-Nya kembali. Kristus Yesus adalah pengharapan yang pasti. Secara praktis, Perjamuan Kudus mengingatkan tentang pentingnya persekutuan dengan sesama anggota tubuh Kristus

    Digital Sin: A Theological Review of Human Sins through Audio-Visual in Digital Realm

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    The development of increasingly advanced Science and Technology has altered various aspects of human life. Whether consciously or not, this development has also impacted the spiritual component of humans. This article discusses how sin can enter human existence through the senses of hearing and sight, beginning with Eve in Genesis 3:15 and continuing to the present day with the widespread use of digital media. The method utilized is a literature review composed of books and journal articles. The findings of this study indicate that digital media can serve as a channel for sin. Humans can sin because of flawed hearing and words. Through the consumption of indecent materials such as pornography, and the unethical use of visual media, digital media sets up the potential for humans to feed their already sinful tendencies. This action demeans human dignity and undermines cherished Christian values. Sinful individuals require pastoral care. Understanding, support, guidance, prayer, prevention, and long-term recovery must be the focus of the ministry for those who have sinned through digital media use. Therefore, a pastor and pastoral counselors must understand the digital world and the challenges people confront in order to approach problems with wisdom and compassion

    Hukuman Bagi Pelaku Seks Komersial

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    The issue of punishment for commercial sex offenders continues to be debated both in social, psychological, and legal aspects. Through this paper, the author presents a conceptual analysis related to the issue. For the writer, the punishment for commercial sex workers is not right. The author proposes a more human approach to refer to Jesus' actions. This coaching is expected to be more inclined to positive personal recovery from a woman or man who is a former commercial sex offender.Isu hukuman bagi pelaku seks komersial terus menjadi perdebatan baik sosial, psikologis, maupun aspek hukum. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis menyajikan sebuah analisis konseptual terkait isu tersebut. Bagi penulis, hukuman bagi pekerja seks komersial tidak tepat. Penulis mengusulkan sebuah pendekatan yang lebih manusiawi mengacu pada tindakan Yesus. Pembinaan ini diharapkan lebih cenderung pada pemulihan pribadi yang positif dari seorang wanita atau pria mantan pelaku seks komersial