14 research outputs found

    Decerebration induced by surgical transection of cerebral ganglion of crayfish

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    Background: Since the neural structures of the crayfish brain closely resemble their equivalent in the mammals. This can be suggested by observing the similarity that exists in the brain divided by the surgical transection of the crayfish brain in which the protocerebrum remains attached to the first two cranial nerves, findings also described by Frederic Bremer in 1935 in cats with cerebral transection.Methods: Total 11 Adult male crayfish were trained to respond with defense reflex, the animals were placed in water at 0°C, remained without any movement, and subsequently through a small incision of 3 mm in diameter in the medial antero region and dorsal cephalothorax region, a surgical section of the cerebral ganglion was performed. Immediately after surgery, metal microelectrodes were implanted to collect the activity of the photoreceptors and visual fibers.Results: Once the defense reflex begins to recover in previously decerebrated crayfish, it means that it shows signs of reconnection. The isolated protocerebrum with the deutocerebrum olfactory lobe remain alive for several days and the neuronal connections were reestablished, as measured throughout the bilateral defense activity. The defense reflex was observed in all animals and then recovered after surgery.Conclusions: The crayfish is an excellent model to work the visual activity, all coding of visual information was suppressed in de-cerebrated crayfish. The recovery of the neural disconnection is observed from 40 days, where the defence reflex appears again before visual stimuli.

    Current treatment of difficult airway: a practical review of advanced techniques for airway management

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    The airway by definition is a conduit through which the air passes; or it is the route by which the air travels from the nose or mouth to the lungs. An exhaustive review was performed with the available literature using the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Cochrane databases from 2009 to 2021. The search criteria were formulated to identify reports related to difficult airway management. To allow controlled ventilation, the airway must meet two characteristics in priority order, be permeable and airtight. In assessing risk, in addition to looking for predictors of difficult airway, it was important to understand the global clinical circumstances. Faced with a patient with a difficult airway, decision-making must be agile and correct since any decision can modify the clinical outcome

    Heparin-induced bleeding treatment in microsurgery

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    Microsurgery is associated with prolonged surgical times with an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction. The use of antithrombotic means is a commonly employed tactic to prevent vascular thrombosis after microvascular free flap surgery. Flap loss is a devastating complication of microsurgical procedures that leads to detrimental outcomes. A 32-year-old male patient has a ruptured calcaneal tendon. He underwent 5 surgical cleanings with multiple failed sequential attempts at wound closure. Traumatology department in its microsurgery division where it is proposed to perform neo-tendon with graft of palmaris longus of the right thoracic extemity and radial antebrachial microvascular flap. The neo tendon was performed in addition to the micro surgical coverage with the radial antebrachial flap.When having vascular control with micro-clamps, 6000 U of unfractionated heparin was initiated, approximately 20 minutes after the end of the microvascular anastomosis, there was incoercible bleeding, which is initially treated with spray fibrin. Continued bleeding after 3 hours, so it was decided to reverse the effect of heparin with transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, 10 mg of vitamin K and fibrinogen. The effect of heparin was reversed without having thrombotic complications of microvascular anastomoses. The flap was not reexplored since they showed no signs of vascular compromise. If anticoagulants have been used and an incoercible hemorrhage is found, the effect of heparin must be reversed. In the transfer of tissues with microsurgery, the recommended and safe anticoagulation are prophylactic doses and not therapeutic doses

    Pelvic limb reconstruction failed by propeller flap resolved with microsurgery

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    Reconstruction of lower limb defects is a constant challenge for surgeons, the etiology of the defect can be very variable from diabetic ulcers, traffic accidents, fall from height, oncological resections and many others. Free flaps have always been an important option because it has great results in complex reconstructions in lower limbs, it is a microvascular technique, so it has a higher level of complexity. This technique is usually reserved for extensive perilesional wide defects. On the other hand, the propeller flap, which is considered less invasive and easier as it does not involve microvascular surgery. An 18-year-old patient who had a fracture of the right tibial pylon due to a 7-meter drop, who after orthopedic treatment had a defect with exposure of ostesynthesis material of 3 cm in circumference in the medial malleolus. This defect was first managed with a propeller flap complicated with necrosis at 48 hours which was treated with sub atmospheric pressure system for 5 days and later with an ultra-thin anterolateral flap of the pelvic limb. Complete pedicled propeller flap failure is very rare but, because necrosis develops distally, even partial necrosis can expose bone, tendons, or other tissue. Some surgeons consider that propeller flap placement is risky in this location, especially the distal third of the lower leg a prefer to use free flaps. Whenever any pelvic member reconstruction plan fails in the distal third, the best and safest is the use of microsurgery even with the failure of a previous micro vascular flap

    Postoperative analgesia in total knee arthroplasty

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    Total knee arthroplasty is commonly performed in patients with end-stage osteoarthritis or rheumatic knee arthritis to relieve joint pain, increase mobility, and improve quality of life. Despite advances in surgical techniques, postoperative pain management in these types of patients is still deficient. An exhaustive review was performed with the available literature, using the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Cochrane databases from 2004 to 2021. The search criteria were formulated to identify reports related to total knee replacement and pain management. Pain after total knee arthroplasty has been shown to involve both peripheral and central pain pathways, which is why various postoperative pain management strategies are currently applied, including patient-controlled analgesia, continuous peripheral nerve blocks, or single injection or local infiltration analgesia. Today local techniques such as periarticular injections are becoming more common in total knee replacement due to their effectiveness in controlling pain without causing muscle weakness. The development of minimally invasive techniques associated with multimodal and preventive analgesia improves recovery rates and early rehabilitation in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, reducing in-hospital costs, risk of complications, and improving patient satisfaction with chronic osteoarthropathy.

    Thoracic limb salvage by fibular free flap

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    The treatment of most fractures of the ulna and radius is usually performed by anatomical reduction and internal fixation, when damage is extensive and local soft tissue cannot provide a complete wound coverage, locoregional flaps present a suitable reconstructive benefit. A 35-year-old male patient suffered an exposed diaphysio-metaphyseal fracture with multi-fragmented distal radius. The patient was evaluated during a 10-day period at the National Institute of Rehabilitation, where the osteosynthesis material and a severe infectious process with necrosis were identified. Necrosectomy of the posterior compartment and removal of the osteosynthesis material was performed, a skin defect of approximately 22x16 cm was observed with a bone gap of 6 cm of radius and ulna. a fibula-free flap is placed to correct the skin defect and an external fixative used for bone alignment. The fibular free flap presents an excellent therapeutic alternative in the resolution of bone gaps with extensive skin defect. Whenever a trained microsurgery team is available, current scales of limb injury should be considered but not utilized for therapeutic approach, always trying to shift amputation as the first option, to the very last one of them

    Microsurgery in complex trauma of pelvic limb in a pediatric patient: case report

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    Complex trauma is defined as the condition secondary to the exchange of kinetic energy of two or more tissues in one limb. This entity is a surgical emergency that can have many sequelae and can even result in limb loss. An 11-year-old female patient presents complex pelvic limb trauma secondary to contuse injury caused by a helicopter’s rotor blades.  Pelvic limb reconstruction was performed with iliac crest bone graft, the fracture was stabilized with an external fixator and the skin defect was covered with an anterolateral microvascular thigh flap (ALT). There was an adequate integration of the bone graft with adequate skin coverage thanks to the ALT thigh flap. The patient presented discreet limb shortening as consequence.  Currently, microsurgery is the only medical option that meets the objectives of limb reconstruction. Microsurgical techniques can be used in pediatric and adult patients. The success of any recovery from complex trauma is vigorous surgical cleaning, avoiding sequential and/or multiple washes

    Management of a ruptured epidural catheter, an anesthesiologist's dilemma: a case report

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    Epidural anesthesia is a widely used anesthetic technique in lower extremity surgeries although it is a relatively safe procedure, it can have complications, such as rupture of the epidural catheter. This is a 69-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of Wagner IV diabetic foot is presented, which was scheduled for left supracondylar amputation in which after epidural block, retention of the catheter tip in the epidural space at level L2-L3 was seen, so hemi laminectomy was performed in a second surgical stage in L2 and removal of the epidural catheter. Ideally a broken needle should be removed as soon as possible

    Inferior vena cava filters: a review

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    Venous thromboembolism is an entity that ranges from deep vein thrombosis to pulmonary embolism, both are highly prevalent diseases in our environment and potentially fatal. The intention of this review is to compile information regarding the indications, contraindications, complications and comparison of different therapeutic methods in order to create an algorithm. An exhaustive review was performed with the available literature, using the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Cochrane databases from 2004 to 2021. The search criteria were formulated to identify reports related to inferior vena cava filters. Venous thrombosis manifested as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism is a highly prevalent disease in our setting with high morbidity and mortality. Currently, different therapeutic options have been presented to address this pathology, in this review we focus on the developments regarding the use of vena cava filters. Reviewing the indications for the placement of a vena cava filter, we find absolute indications such as a contraindication to anticoagulation and high risk of massive pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary thromboembolism is a disease with high prevalence and mortality, we have highly effective and novel treatments such as the vena cava filter, patients should be selected carefully always taking into account the absolute and relative indications

    Neuroaxial anesthesia caused paraplegia: a case report

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    Patients who undergo; anesthesia, neuraxial analgesia, or some type of neuraxial blockage are exposed to multiple complications. 33-year-old male patient, suffers a femur fracture with a long oblique trace causing pain and functional limitation for movements. Surgical resolution is determined using neuraxial block at L2-L3 level, and intravenous sedation. During his postoperative follow-up, a decrease in strength was confirmed in the lower limbs with 0/5 on the Daniels scale, 100% sensitivity without sphincter control, steroids were prescribed along with magnetic resonance imaging and a neurosurgical evaluation was requested. The MRI shows bulging of the fibrous annulus that obliterates the epidural fat and makes contact with the thecal sac in the L5-S1 intervertebral disc level. The neurosurgery service prescribes rehabilitation sessions at home, electrostimulation and neuropathic medications. Patient was discharged with rehabilitation sessions at home and medical treatment. In his last consultation, an evaluation from the psychiatry department was requested for ideas of disability, hopelessness, fantasies of death without a suicide plan related to limitations and loss of functionality. Patient does not return to external follow-up, cannot be located