6 research outputs found


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    Tourism in rural space is a tourism modality which has lately been the focus of investitors and students. However there has been little spread of studies focusing such modality, featuring the characteristics of te industry to which it belongs, showing up-to-date discussions and world trends. So, this study, concerned as it is with it, has gathered information on such points and shows that, worldwidely, tourism in rural space is an alternative modality that arose in counter-position to mass tourism, has been seen as a solution to poorer regions and, because of this, has been the aim of many investitors and students. The industry to which it belongs features characteristics like the complementarity of the segments that make it up and due to this it demands a different management style. By the problems raised, one believes that the essential question concerning tourism in rural space in the world is the lack of knowledge, both on behalf of the agents in dealing with the characteristics of the rural environment and the rural producers’ behalf in dealing with the characteristics of the tourism industry. The cluster, due to its characteristics, is the most adequate form to the characteristics of the tourism industry and especifically to tourism in rural space, which demands integration, coordination and cooperation. Once organized that way, tourism in rural space may come to smoothen problems said to be of regional under-development and de-valorization of small and medium rural enterprises that exist worldwide.tourism industry, tourism in rural space, rural sector, Community/Rural/Urban Development,


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    O turismo no espaço rural é uma atividade que está em evidencia e se mostrando cada vez mais promissora em várias regiões do Brasil. A região de Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul, é uma das regiões que está sobressaindo nesta atividade, com a preocupação de atender às exigências de qualidade e a um custo que o consumidor possa e esteja disposto a pagar. Assim, o presente artigo tem o interesse de apresentar informações sobre a gestão do potencial cluster turístico com ênfase rural em Bonito, MS que são: o processo de gestão do turismo tem sido conduzido de forma integrada envolvendo os territórios urbano e rural em um território turístico e ofertando o produto turístico Bonito. Existe um inventário turístico, o envolvimento de todos os setores e seus segmentos, existe coordenação, o respeito ao papel de cada um e existem regras. A integração entre os agentes pôde ser percebida nas ações empreendidas por eles de forma cooperativa e sob coordenação. O resultado da gestão do turismo no espaço rural em Bonito tem sido a estratégia do tipo competitiva, o nascimento do cluster e o crescimento do município. No entanto, em relação ao desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade, existem pontos falhos. Primeiro porque não existe um estudo direcionado para medir tais resultados e, além disso, as informações a respeito das variáveis social e cultural, na percepção dos entrevistados foram identificadas como negativas


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    Tourism in rural space is a tourism modality which has lately been the focus of investitors and students. However there has been little spread of studies focusing such modality, featuring the characteristics of te industry to which it belongs, showing up-to-date discussions and world trends. So, this study, concerned as it is with it, has gathered information on such points and shows that, worldwidely, tourism in rural space is an alternative modality that arose in counter-position to mass tourism, has been seen as a solution to poorer regions and, because of this, has been the aim of many investitors and students. The industry to which it belongs features characteristics like the complementarity of the segments that make it up and due to this it demands a different management style. By the problems raised, one believes that the essential question concerning tourism in rural space in the world is the lack of knowledge, both on behalf of the agents in dealing with the characteristics of the rural environment and the rural producers’ behalf in dealing with the characteristics of the tourism industry. The cluster, due to its characteristics, is the most adequate form to the characteristics of the tourism industry and especifically to tourism in rural space, which demands integration, coordination and cooperation. Once organized that way, tourism in rural space may come to smoothen problems said to be of regional under-development and de-valorization of small and medium rural enterprises that exist worldwide

    A indústria do turismo: história, características e tendências

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    This present paper aims to present a historical evolution of the tourism industry, focusing on the reflexes of the industrial management paradigms as well as those of some technological innovations on it, show its features emphasizing its differences in relation to other industry forms and reflect on its trends in Brazil, considering the participation of the rural segment. Through the historical evolution, one verifies that the movements of other forms of industry, as far as growth is concerned, technological innovations and changes in management patterns have reflected directly on tourism industry. There is a trend in formation of networks, as a managerial alternative to small and medium size companies, and it happens to adapt to the tourism industry’s features. In Brazil one also verifies that its trajectory follows the same path as former Europe’s and the trend is also the countryside’s tranquility for similar reasons. As for the reflections, they focus basically on the managerial challenge that rural producers will face ahead due to the tourism industry’s features, to the features of the product and its production, such as being responsible for avoiding its occurring in the rural environment, which is where he makes his living, and which still features such valuable natural resources, so as to avoid undergoing consequences of negative experiences similar to those from the past, and keeping it from being destroyed even further than it has been so far


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    Tourism in rural space is a tourism modality which has lately been the focus of investors and students. However there has been little spread of studies focusing such modality, featuring the characteristics of the industry to which it belongs, showing up-to-date discussions and world trends. So, this study, concerned as it is with it, has gathered information on such points and shows that, world-widely, tourism in rural space is an alternative modality that arose in counter-position to mass tourism, has been seen as a solution to poorer regions and, because of this, has been the aim of many investors and students. The industry to which it belongs features characteristics like the complementarity of the segments that make it up and due to this it demands a different management style. By the problems raised, one believes that the essential question concerning tourism in rural space in the world is the lack of knowledge, both on behalf of the agents in dealing with the characteristics of the rural environment and the rural producers’ behalf in dealing with the characteristics of the tourism industry. The cluster, due to its characteristics, is the most adequate form to the characteristics of the tourism industry and especially to tourism in rural space, which demands integration, coordination and cooperation. Once organized that way, tourism in rural space may come to smoothe problems said to be of regional under-development and devalorization of small and medium rural enterprises that exist worldwide

    A indústria do turismo: história, características e tendências

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    This present paper aims to present a historical evolution of the tourism industry, focusing on the reflexes of the industrial management paradigms as well as those of some technological innovations on it, show its features emphasizing its differences in relation to other industry forms and reflect on its trends in Brazil, considering the participation of the rural segment. Through the historical evolution, one verifies that the movements of other forms of industry, as far as growth is concerned, technological innovations and changes in management patterns have reflected directly on tourism industry. There is a trend in formation of networks, as a managerial alternative to small and medium size companies, and it happens to adapt to the tourism industry’s features. In Brazil one also verifies that its trajectory follows the same path as former Europe’s and the trend is also the countryside’s tranquility for similar reasons. As for the reflections, they focus basically on the managerial challenge that rural producers will face ahead due to the tourism industry’s features, to the features of the product and its production, such as being responsible for avoiding its occurring in the rural environment, which is where he makes his living, and which still features such valuable natural resources, so as to avoid undergoing consequences of negative experiences similar to those from the past, and keeping it from being destroyed even further than it has been so far.industry, tourism, rural sector.,