2,685 research outputs found

    Redescription des types d' Utiaritichthys sennaebragai Miranda Ribeiro, 1937 et description d'une nouvelle espèce du bassin amazonien, U. longidorsalis (Characiformes, Serrasalmidae)

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    Les types d'#Utiaritichthys sennaebragai ont un corps allongé, et les deux séries de dents du prémaxillaire sont proches mais non accolées. Les specimens rapportés à #Utiaritichthys sennaebragai postèrieurement à sa description diffèrent des types notamment par la hauteur du corps, la forme et la position relative des dents des deux séries du prémaxillaire ainsi que par le nombre d'écailles sur le corps. Ces specimens sont rapprochés du taxon décrit par Machado-Allison (1982) et rapporté par erreur à #Utiaritichthys Utiaritichthys longidorsalis n. sp., décrit du bassin du Madeira (Brésil), et #U. sp., fondé sur un specimen du Sinnamary (Guyane Française), diffèrent de #U. sennaebragai par la longueur de la dorsale, le nombre de serrae préventrales et le nombre d'écailles sur le corps. #Utiaritichthys est un genre proche de #Myleus$ dont il se différencie par l'extrême allongement du corps dû au raccourcissement des ptérygiophores de la nageoire dorsale. (Résumé d'auteur

    Impurities near an Antiferromagnetic-Singlet Quantum Critical Point

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    Heavy fermion systems, and other strongly correlated electron materials, often exhibit a competition between antiferromagnetic (AF) and singlet ground states. Using exact Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations, we examine the effect of impurities in the vicinity of such AF- singlet quantum critical points, through an appropriately defined impurity susceptibility, χimp\chi_{imp}. Our key finding is a connection, within a single calculational framework, between AF domains induced on the singlet side of the transition, and the behavior of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1. We show that local NMR measurements provide a diagnostic for the location of the QCP which agrees remarkably well with the vanishing of the AF order parameter and large values of χimp\chi_{imp}. We connect our results with experiments on Cd-doped CeCoIn5_5

    New occurences for Gnathodolus bidens and Synaptolaemus cingulatus and descriptions of two new species of Sartor (Characiformes, Anostomidae)

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    Gnathodolus MYERS, 1927, Synaptolaemus MYERS & FERNANDEZ YEPEZ in MYERS, 1950 and Sartor MYERS & CARVALHO, 1959 are genera of the family Anostomidae which have hitherto been considered to be monotypic and to have geographical distribution restricted to the Orinoco River (Gnathodolus), the Xingu (Sartor) or both (Synaptolaemus). The species of the se genera are characterized by the entirely superior mouth and the symphyseal pair of teeth on the lower jaw much larger than the remainder. As a result of taxonomic surveys of specimens from various rivers in the Brasilian Amazon, we are now able to widen the known distribution of these genera in the Amazon region and to conclude that Sartor, rather than being monotipic, includes three species, two of which are here described as new: Sartor elongatus n. sp. from the Trombetas River and S. tucuruiense n. sp. from the Tocantins River, both in the state of Pará, on the left and right banks of the Amazon River, respectively. The two new species differ from Sartor respectus in the presence of 16 rather than 12 circumpeduncular scales and from each other in the more elongated form of S. elongatus

    The traditional knowledge on stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponina) used by the Enawene-Nawe tribe in western Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper presents the Enawene-Nawe Society's traditional knowledge about stingless bees. The Enawene-Nawe are an Aruak speaking people, indigenous to the Meridian Amazon. Specifically, they live in the Jurema River hydrological basin, located in the northwestern region of the Mato Grosso state.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The stingless bees were sampled from two ecologically similar regions in the interior of Enawene-Nawe Land. The first sampling took place around the village, i.e., adjacent to houses, by the edge of the Iquê River, next to food leftovers, around human excrement, and simply when the insects were found flying or reposing on a human body. The second round of sampling happened from 29/10 to 02/11/94, during an expedition for honey collection that took place throughout the ciliar bushes of the Papagaio River, an important tributary of Juruena River. We sampled bees adjacent to their nests following the beehive inspection or during the honey extraction.</p> <p>In this work, the main bee species of the sub tribe Meliponina, which were handled by the Enawene-Nawe, was identified, and a brief ethnographic description of the honey collection expeditions and its social-cosmologic meaning for the group was done.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>Similar to other indigenous people in Brazil, the Enawene-Nawe recognized 48 stingless bee species. They identified each bee species by name and specified each one's ecological niche. A brief ethnographic description of the honey collection expeditions and bees' social-cosmologic meaning for the group is included.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We concluded that, as an example of other indigenous people, the Enawene-Nawe classify and identify the bees based not only on their structure and morphological aspects but also on the ecological, etiological, and social characteristics of the species.</p

    Resposta das bananeiras Grand Naine e Princesa a irrigação no segundo ciclo nas condições do Norte de Minas.

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    A bananeira é uma das fruteiras mais exploradas nos países tropicais e seu fruto um dos mais consumidos no mundo. O Brasil ocupa a quarta posição no ranking dos países produtores de banana, com cerca de 7 milhões de toneladas de frutos produzidos em 2008 (AGRIANUAL, 2011). A bananeira é uma planta herbácea de rápido crescimento e de grande porte, que chega a produzir mais de 300 toneladas de matéria fresca por hectare, por safra (LICHTEMBERG; LICHTEMBERG, 2011), sendo a massa de água correspondente a 87,5% da massa total da planta. Desta forma é uma cultura que consome grandes volumes de água

    Teores de micronutrientes em um vertissolo após o cultivo de coquetéis vegetais em diferentes sistemas de manejo no cultivo de meloeiro.

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    A semeadura de coquetéis vegetais pode beneficiar o sistema solo-planta, aumentando os teores de matéria orgânica no solo, ciclando nutrientes e favorecendo a biodiversidade microbiana. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de dois coquetéis vegetais e dois sistemas de manejo de solo nos teores de cobre, ferro e manganês do solo cultivado com meloeiro. O experimento foi instalado em Vertissolo localizado em Juazeiro-BA. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x2, compreendendo três sistemas de culturas intercalares (sem coquetel vegetal, coquetel vegetal 1 e coquetel vegetal 2) e dois sistemas de preparo de solo ( sem revolvimento e com revolvimento). Após dois ciclos de cultivo dos coquetéis vegetais e do meloeiro foi realizado a amostragem do solo e determinação dos teores de cobre, ferro e manganês. O cultivo de coquetel vegetal com predominância de leguminosas aumentou os teores de manganês no solo. Os teores de ferro foram superiores nos tratamentos sem revolvimento

    Adubação verde no cultivo de meloeiro no Semiárido: teores de potássio, cálcio e magnésio no solo.

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    A adubação verde é uma prática cultural para a conservação dos solos que pode ser utilizada no sistema produtivo do meloeiro no Vale do Submédio do São Francisco. A ciclagem de nutrientes proporcionada pelo cultivo de coquetéis vegetais pode alterar os teores de potássio, cálcio e magnésio do solo. O trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de potássio, cálcio e magnésio presentes após o cultivo do meloeiro. O estudo foi realizado em Vertissolo localizado em Juazeiro-BA. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x2, compreendendo três sistemas de culturas intercalares (sem coquetel vegetal, coquetel vegetal 1 e coquetel vegetal 2) e dois sistemas de preparo de solo. Após a colheita foi realizada a amostragem do solo nas profundidades 0-20 e 20-40 cm e analisado os teores de potássio, cálcio e magnésio. Dois ciclos de cultivo de coquetéis vegetais alteraram os teores de potássio no solo na camada de 0 a 20 cm

    Levantamento de plantas daninhas em cafezais, em solos com diferentes níveis de fertilidade em Rondônia.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento de plantas daninhas em cafezais de Coffea canephora, localizados em dois solos com diferentes níveis de fertilidade, com o intuito auxiliar na definição de um manejo adequado das mesmas.bitstream/item/59877/1/cot367-plantasdaninhas.pd

    Inductive Power Transfer: Past, Current, and Future Research

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    Electric vehicle (EV) technology has proven to be a propulsion technology of the future but urgently needs to address challenges such as lower-priced, reasonably sized EV for higher market penetration, higher life cycle efficiency, and increased power density. Range extension, in particular, in urban scenarios is critical. Inductive power transfer (IPT) technology solves simultaneously the electric hazard risks of conventional power cord battery chargers, but specially EV limited autonomy and related anxiety and even security. In this context, this chapter presents the past, current, and future research areas of IPT systems. A review of the main resonant compensation networks and prominent geometries of magnetic couplers is presented. Then, future research areas namely dynamic IPT and in-wheel IPT solutions are introduced along with their main challenges