7 research outputs found

    O impacto do exercício físico na inflamação, stress oxidativo e na remodelação do músculo cardíaco

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    FORSCells: 40-days fixed prepared reagent for detection of anti-Forssman in humans

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    In 2012, the FORS system was accepted by the International Society of Blood Transfusion as the 31st blood group system. Forssman (Fs) antigen (Ag) expression is most commonly found on sheep red blood cells (RBC) but rare in human RBC. Anti-Fs antibodies (Ab) are naturally occurring in human sera and are predominantly IgM but they can also be IgG. To this day, the global prevalence of the FORS system is unknown. Currently, there is a lack of natural FORS1-positive RBC available to use for anti-Fs screening in large populations. This study was designed to produce FORS1-positive cells viable for 40 days use in the anti-Fs screening. Three to 5% FORS1-positive cells were produced using sheep's blood and CellStab stabilizer solution. The quality of the FORS1-positive cells was investigated in more than three independent experiments of ABO titration, osmotic fragility test and supernatant haemolysis. For each batch of FORS1-positive cells produced, an extended antibody panel was performed. To demonstrate that the FORS1-positive cells can be used for up to 40 days, anti-Fs screening and classification were carried out in a patient and donor population. Antigenic expression and membrane integrity of FORS1-positive cells remained stable for 40 days. Good FORS1 Ag preservation was established, and minimal haemolysis was observed. In conclusion, a novel and easy-to-produce reagent has been developed and submitted to a patent with stable FORS1 Ag expression. With this FORS1-positive cell suspension, it is now possible to screen and classify anti-Fs Ab in large populations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expression of the GBGT1 gene and the Forssman antigen in red blood cells in a Palestinian population

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    The Forssman antigen (FORS1 Ag) is expressed on human red blood cells (RBCs). We investigated its presence on RBCs from Palestinian subjects and Swedish subjects by serological testing and by sequencing part of exon 7 of the GBGT1 gene, which encodes Forssman synthase.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Performance empresarial da superestrutura turística

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    Lusíada. Economia & empresa. - ISSN 1645-6750. - S. 2, n. 22 (2017). - p. 9-38O turismo é um dos sectores mais importantes da economia portuguesa onde, para além do seu impacto na Balança de Pagamentos, no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) e do seu papel na criação de emprego, investimento e rendimento, é-lhe também reconhecida a função de “motor” de desenvolvimento de outras actividades económicas. O turismo é de facto um sector bastante importante e com uma actividade económica bastante relevante para o país, daí o interesse pelo seu estudo. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem por objectivo avaliar a dinâmica económica e social das empresas que integram a Superestrutura Turística, no âmbito do emprego, remuneração e competitividade, dos subsectores que a integram, com referência ao período 2010-2015. O método de pesquisa do estudo seguiu o procedimento longitudinal, visando analisar as variações nas características dos elementos amostrais – GE’s,PME’s e Microempresas turísticas. As variáveis básicas do modelo, aplicado no estudo, foram colectadas a partir da informação disponível nos quadros económicos das sociedades, elaborados pela Central de Balanços do Banco de Portugal. Os resultados dos agregados sectoriais, por natureza dos parâmetros de avaliação (emprego, remuneração e produtividade) - expresso em números índice - evidenciam a dinâmica da superestrutura da economia do turismo no período observado.Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the Portuguese economy where, in addition to its impact on the Balance of Payments, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its role in job creation, investment and income, it is also recognized the role Of “engine” of development of other economic activities.tourism is indeed a very important sector and with a very important economic activity for the country, hence the interest for its study. In this sense, the present work has the objective of evaluating the economic and social dynamics of the companies that make up the Tourist Superstructure, in the scope of employment, remuneration and competitiveness, of the subsectors that comprise it, with reference to the period 2010-2015. The research method of the study followed the longitudinal procedure, aiming to analyze the variations in the characteristics of the sample elements- GE’s, SMEs and tourist Micro-enterprises. The basic variables of the model, applied in the study, were collected from the information available in the economic tables of the companies, prepared by the Balance Sheet Central of the Bank of Portugal. The results of the sectoral aggregates, by nature of the evaluation parameters (employment, remuneration and productivity) - expressed in index numbers - show the dynamics of the superstructure of the tourism economy in the observed period

    Dinâmica do emprego, remuneração e competitividade na economia do turismo DERCET : 2008/2014

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    Lusíada. Economia & Empresa. - ISSN 1645-6750. - S. 2, n. 20 (2016). - p. 31-59Portugal é, há largas décadas, um país claramente vocacionado para o turismo, sector estratégico pelo seu contributo para o desenvolvimento da economia nacional e detentor de uma transversalidade com impacto revelante nas áreas social e cultural. O Estudo DERCET, que dá corpo a este artigo, teve o propósito de avaliar a dinâmica do emprego, da remuneração e da competitividade da economia do turismo, com referência ao período 2008-2014. Nesse sentido foi constituído um painel empresarial representativo do cluster do turismo, analisado na sua transversalidade com outros sectores da actividade económica nacional. Os resultados saídos do estudo longitudinal mostram que a dinâmica do cluster do turismo, retomou no final do período observado (2014) os níveis de performance que registava no pico da crise financeira internacional em 2008. Se por um lado os números apontam para a contracção geral da economia do turismo, ocorrida naquele período crítico, os últimos seis anos parecem revelar que os subsectores que lhe estão associados, têm vindo a revelar, no seu conjunto, uma recuperação, com perspectivas de evolução futura positiva

    Crystalline films of L‐threonine complexed with copper (II) dispersed in a Galactomannan solution: a structural, vibrational, and thermal study

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    The study’s aim was to synthesize a crystalline film formed by L-threonine crystals complexed with Cu2+ ions (LTCu) dispersed in a galactomannan (Gal) solution as well as to characterize its structural, vibrational, and thermal properties. Gal(LTCu) films were prepared by the addition of copper II L-threoninate crystals in concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 in 2%Gal solution. To characterize the Gal(LTCu) properties, we used X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–Vis and Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, and thermal analyses (TG- DTA). XRD showed that the Gal(LTCu) films are crystalline and have acquired coloration similar to the one of LTCu crystal. The UV–Vis spectra revealed that the films tend to assume a square planar conformation due to Jahn Teller effect. Bands related to the interaction between the metal ion with the organic compounds were observed through the Raman spectra. TG-DTA showed that the films exhibit low thermal stability due to the dehydration processinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Surface-PASylation of ferritin to form stealth nanovehicles enhances in vivo therapeutic performance of encapsulated ellipticine

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    Surface functionalisations substantially influence the performance of drug delivery vehicles by improving their biocompatibility, selectivity and circulation in bloodstream. Herein, we present the study of in vitro and in vivo behaviour of a highly potent cytostatic alkaloid ellipticine (Elli) encapsulated in internal cavity of ferritin (FRT)-based nanocarrier (hereinafter referred to as FRTElli). In addition, FRTElli surface was functionalised with three different molecular coatings: two types of protective PAS peptides (10- or 20-residues lengths) with sequences comprising amino acids proline (P), alanine (A) and serine (S) (to form PAS-10-FRTElli or PAS-20-FRTElli, respectively), or polyethylene glycol (PEG-FRTElli). All three surface modifications of FRT disposed sufficient encapsulation efficiency of Elli with no premature cumulative release of cargo. Noteworthy, all tested surface modifications displayed beneficial effects on the in vitro biocompatibility. PAS-10-FRTElli exhibited markedly reduced uptake by macrophages compared to PAS-20-FRTElli, PEG-FRTElli or unmodified FRTElli. The exceptional properties of PAS-10-FRTElli were validated by an array of in vitro analyses including formation of protein corona, uptake efficiency or screenings of selectivity of cytotoxicity. In murine preclinical model bearing triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) xenograft, compared to free Elli or FRTElli, PAS-10-FRTElli displayed enhanced accumulation of Elli within tumour tissue, while hampering the uptake of Elli into off-target tissues. Noteworthy, PAS-10-FRTElli led to decreased in vivo complement (C3) activation and protein corona formation. Taken together, presented in vivo results indicate that PAS-10-FRTElli represents a promising stealth platform for translation into clinical settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio