6 research outputs found

    Hellenistic Architectural Sculpture

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    Les paysages liés au fromage Saint Nectaire : mythe ou réalité ?

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    Extrait de documentIn France, the landscape is often used to promote local products, like wines or cheeses. The advertising message is very simple: a quality landscape produces a quality product. We can interpret this reasoning as an extension of the French legislation that protects specific products in well-defined areas (AOC). The link between a product and the landscape is not only a marketing argument. In the middle of the French Massif Central, the Saint-Nectaire cheese is a good illustration when analysing the relationship that exists between a distinctive product, the actual landscapes of its production area, and those landscapes as presented to the consumers in advertising it. This example demonstrates that, without discussion and explanations, there is no clear correlation between what farmers are doing to the landscape, and the image that these farmers and consumers have of this landscape. People need to discover what characteristics and values are related to the different kinds of landscapes, in order to reduce the gap between reality and representation.En France, le paysage est frĂ©quemment utilisĂ© Ă  des fins de promotion des produits locaux tels que les vins ou les fromages. Le message publicitaire est trĂšs simple : un paysage de qualitĂ© ne peut ĂȘtre synonyme que d'un produit de qualitĂ©. Le raisonnement peut ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ© comme une extension de la lĂ©gislation française protĂ©geant les produits spĂ©cifiques au sein de zones reconnues (AOC). Au cÂœur du Massif central le fromage AOC St Nectaire constitue une bonne illustration pour analyser les relations entre un produit reconnu, le paysage effectivement prĂ©sent sur la zone de production et celui mis en avant dans les publicitĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats tendent Ă  montrer l'absence de corrĂ©lation claire entre les pratiques des exploitants agricoles par rapport au paysage et les perceptions des consommateurs comme de ces mĂȘmes exploitants. Un besoin d'explicitation des caractĂ©ristiques et des valeurs liĂ©es aux diffĂ©rents types de paysage est donc nĂ©cessaire si l'on souhaite rĂ©duire le fossĂ© actuel entre rĂ©alitĂ© et reprĂ©sentation

    The North Court of the Erechtheion and the Ritual of the Plynteria

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    The north side of the uncanonical Temple of Athena Polias at Athens, conventionally called the Erechtheion, included a small paved court with banks of steps on the east and on the north against the Acropolis wall. The details of construction indicate that both the marble paving and the steps were built as part of the Erechtheion. This small, secluded North Court is a likely venue for the solemn ceremonies of the Plynteria and the Kallynteria, in which the ancient olive-wood statue of Athena Polias was taken out of the temple, bathed, and adorned. The unroofed, tightly integrated North Court reinforces the status of the Erechtheion as an innovative architectural composition