3 research outputs found

    Health Expenditure Concentration and Characteristics of High-Cost Enrollees in CHIP

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    Devising effective cost-containment strategies in public insurance programs requires understanding the distribution of health care spending and characteristics of high-cost enrollees. The aim was to characterize high-cost enrollees in a state’s public insurance program and determine whether expenditure inequality changes over time, or with changes in cost-sharing policies or program eligibility. We use 1999-2011 claims and enrollment data from the Alabama Children’s Health Insurance Program, ALL Kids. All children enrolled in ALL Kids were included in our study, including multiple years of enrollment (N = 1,031,600 enrollee-months). We examine the distribution of costs over time, whether this distribution changes after increases in cost sharing and expanded eligibility, patient characteristics that predict high-cost status, and examine health services used by high-cost children to identify what is preventable. The top 10% (1%) of enrollees account for about 65.5% (24.7%) of total program costs. Inpatient and outpatient costs are the largest components of costs incurred by high-cost utilizers. Non-urgent emergency department costs are a relatively small portion. Average expenditure increases over time, particularly after expanded eligibility, and the share of costs incurred by the top 10% and 1% increases slightly. Multivariable logistic regression results indicate that infants and older teens, Caucasian children, and those with chronic conditions are more likely to be high-cost utilizers. Increased cost sharing does not reduce cost concentration or average expenditure among high-cost utilizers. These findings suggest that identifying and targeting potentially preventable costs among high-cost utilizers are called for to help reduce costs in public insurance programs

    Adverse Selection in the Children’s Health Insurance Program

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    This study investigates whether new enrollees in the Alabama Children’s Health Insurance Program have different claims experience from renewing enrollees who do not have a lapse in coverage and from continuing enrollees. The analysis compared health services utilization in the first month of enrollment for new enrollees (who had not been in the program for at least 12 months) with utilization among continuing enrollees. A second analysis compared first-month utilization of those who renew immediately with those who waited at least 2 months to renew. A 2-part model estimated the probability of usage and then the extent of usage conditional on any utilization. Claims data for 826 866 child-years over the period from 1999 to 2012 were used. New enrollees annually constituted a stable 40% share of participants. Among those enrolled in the program, 13.5% renewed on time and 86.5% of enrollees were late to renew their enrollment. In the multivariate 2-part models, controlling for age, gender, race, income eligibility category, and year, new enrollees had overall first-month claims experience that was nearly 29lessthancontinuingenrollees.Thiswasdrivenbylowerambulatoryuse.Laterenewalshadoverallfirst−monthclaimsexperiencethatwas29 less than continuing enrollees. This was driven by lower ambulatory use. Late renewals had overall first-month claims experience that was 10 less than immediate renewals. However, controlling for the presence of chronic health conditions, there was no statistically meaningful difference in the first-month claims experience of late and early renewals. Thus, differences in claims experience between new and continuing enrollees and between early and late renewals are small, with greater spending found among continuing and early renewing participants. Higher claims experience by early renewals is attributable to having chronic health conditions

    Hospitals\u27 Use of Hospitalists: Implications for Financial Performance

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    Background: Hospitalists, or physicians specializing in hospital-based practice, have grown significantly since they were first introduced in the United States in the mid-1990s. Prior studies on the impact of hospitalists have focused on costs and length of stay. However, there is dearth of research exploring the relationship between hospitals\u27 use of hospitalists and organizational performance. Purpose: Using a national longitudinal sample of acute care hospitals operating in the United States between 2007 and 2014, this study explores the impact of hospitalists staffing intensity on hospitals\u27 financial performance. Methodology: Data sources for this study included the American Hospital Association Annual Survey, the Area Health Resources File, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services\u27 costs reports and Case Mix Index files. Data were analyzed using a panel design with facility and year fixed effects regression. Results: Results showed that hospitals that switched from not using hospitalists to using a high hospitalist staffing intensity had both increased patient revenues and higher operating costs per adjusted patient day. However, the higher operating costs from high hospitalist staffing intensity were offset by increased patient revenues, resulting in a marginally significant increase in operating profitability (p \u3c .1). Practice Implications: These findings suggest that the rise in the use of hospitalists may be fueled by financial incentives such as increased revenues and profitability in addition to other drivers of adoption