9 research outputs found

    Risk-Benefit Assessment in foods: a tool for a better food and health policy in Europe

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    RiskBenefit4EU – Partnering to strengthen the risk–benefit assessment within EU using a holistic approach, is a recent European pilot project funded by EFSA and coordinated by Portugal (PT), integrating a multidisciplinary team from health and food institutes, national food safety authorities, R&D institutions and academia from PT, Denmark (DK) and France (FR). The main objectives of RiskBenefit4EU concerns the development of a set of Risk–Benefit Assessment (RBA) tools to assess and integrate food risks and benefits in the areas of microbiological, nutritional and chemical components through the development of a harmonised framework. This pilot project will validate the RBA framework created using a Portuguese case study on cereal-based foods. The research idea for food safety in risk assessment is to create an international network on RBA to promote and disseminate the outputs and knowledge acquired under RiskBenefir4EU, at European level. This network aims to promote knowledge and capacity building on RBA (acquired under RiskBenefit4EU) among European early stage researchers and to apply the harmonised framework on their countries. Health risks associated with consumption of cereal-based foods, an important source of nutrients with beneficial health effects, could increase soon due to climate changes in Europe (dry conditions and increased ambient temperatures could promote an increase in toxins production; occurrence of emergent compounds) so the dissemination and use of the RBA harmonized tools related with ingestion of cereal-based foods and derivatives could contribute to support future food and health policy in Europe.Projects GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2017/01-GA02 (EFSA), BioMAN/DAN/01 (INSA), UID/AMB/50017/2013 (CESAM)N/