19 research outputs found

    Collectivism Is Associated With Greater Neurocognitive Fluency in Older Adults

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    Neuropsychological research has been limited in the representation of cultural diversity due to various issues, raising questions regarding the applicability of findings to diverse populations. Nonetheless, culture-dependent differences in fundamental psychological processes have been demonstrated. One of the most basic of these, self-construal (individualism, collectivism), is central to how many other differences are interpreted. Self-construals may have possible consequences on social interactions, emotions, motivation, and cognition. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of self-construal on neurocognitive functions in older adults. A total of 86 community-dwelling older adults 60 years and older were assessed with three common self-report measures of self-construal along individualism and collectivism (IC). A cognitive battery was administered to assess verbal and non-verbal fluency abilities. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was used to categorize individuals according to IC, and one-way analyses of covariance (ANCOVA), including relevant covariates (e.g., ethnicity, gender, linguistic abilities), were used to compare neurocognitive functions between individualists and collectivists. Collectivists outperformed individualists on left frontally-mediated measures of verbal fluency (action, phonemic) after controlling for relevant covariates, F(1,77) = 6.942, p = 0.010, η2 = 0.061. Groups did not differ on semantic fluency, non-verbal fluency, or attention/working memory (all ps > 0.05). These findings suggest a cognitive advantage in collectivists for verbal processing speed with an additional contribution of left frontal processes involved in lexicosemantic retrieval. Self-construal may provide a meaningful descriptor for diverse samples in neuropsychological research and may help explain other cross-cultural differences

    PSY 470 Intermediate Statistics for Psychological Research

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    By the end of this course, you will be able to\ud - Understand and explain the commonalities among varying statistical techniques.\ud - Discern and apply appropriate statistical techniques based on a research design.\ud - Weigh complementary information from inferential testing with effect size estimates.\ud - Use SPSS to analyze data, with expertise in the General Linear Model procedure.\ud - Apply, apply, apply. I.e., correctly interpret the meaning of statistics in the context of a research context

    Ethnic Diversity Matters: Putting Implicit Associations between Weapons and Ethnicity in Context

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    Weapons are implicitly associated with Black Americans. We examined the extent to which this implicit stereotype fluctuates as a function of the ethnic diversity of contexts. Across 351 U.S. metropolitan areas, we tested whether three distinct indicators of ethnic diversity predicted implicit associations between the concept of “weapons” (vs. “harmless objects”) and Black Americans vs. White Americans. As predicted, implicit Black-weapon stereotypes were weaker in areas characterized by the presence of multiple ethnic groups (variety) and greater dispersion of ethnic groups at the neighborhood level (integration). Additionally, the negative association between integration and implicit stereotypes was strongest when minority representation was low compared to high. Considering multiple dimensions of ethnic diversity proved useful to document reliable relations between implicit associations and characteristics of local contexts


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    Implicit American Identity and Ethnic Diversity across Metropolitan Areas

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    Prior research documents that Asian Americans are implicitly seen as less American than European Americans (implicit American = White effect). The aim of the present research was to test whether this effect is weaker in more ethnically diverse metropolitan areas. Data from the 2010 U.S. Census were utilized to compute three indicators of context ethnic diversity: minority representation, variety, and integration. Implicit ethnic-American associations were assessed using data collected through Project Implicit. A total of 304 metropolitan areas were included in the analyses. The sample (N = 271,006) included 44.8% White and 31.7% Asian participants; it was composed mostly of relatively young adults (M = 26.54, SD = 11.16) and included more women (60.9%) than men. Respondents completed an Implicit Association Test measuring associations between the concepts “American” vs. “foreign” and two ethnic groups (“Asian American” vs. “European American”). Data were analyzed using multilevel modeling. The implicit American = White effect was less pronounced in metropolitan areas characterized by higher proportions of Asian Americans (minority representation). The presence of multiple ethnic groups (variety) was associated with a weaker implicit American = White effect only when minority representation was high. Greater dispersion of ethnic groups at the neighborhood level (integration) was not a source of reliable variation in implicit ethnic-American associations. These findings highlight the value of a multi-faceted perspective on context ethnic diversity. The extent to which the American identity is implicitly associated with Asian Americans and European Americans fluctuates as a function of socio-structural characteristics of local contexts

    Implicit Weapon Associations and Ethnic Diversity across Metropolitan Areas

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    Weapons are implicitly associated with Black Americans. We examined the extent to which this implicit stereotype fluctuates as a function of the ethnic diversity of contexts. Across 351 U.S. metropolitan areas, we tested whether three distinct indicators of ethnic diversity predicted implicit associations between the concept of “weapons” (vs. “harmless objects”) and Black Americans vs. White Americans. As predicted, implicit Black-weapon stereotypes were weaker in areas characterized by the presence of multiple ethnic groups (variety) and greater dispersion of ethnic groups at the neighborhood level (integration). Additionally, the negative association between integration and implicit stereotypes was strongest when minority representation was low compared to high. Considering multiple dimensions of ethnic diversity proved useful to document reliable relations between implicit associations and characteristics of local contexts

    Context Diversity Predicts the Extent to Which the American Identity Is Implicitly Associated with Asian Americans and European Americans

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    Prior research documents that Asian Americans are implicitly seen as less American than European Americans (implicit American = White effect). The aim of the present research was to test whether this effect is weaker in more ethnically diverse metropolitan areas. Data from the 2010 U.S. Census were utilized to compute three indicators of context ethnic diversity: minority representation, variety, and integration. Implicit ethnic-American associations were assessed using data collected through Project Implicit. A total of 304 metropolitan areas were included in the analyses. The sample (N = 271,006) included 44.8% White and 31.7% Asian participants; it was composed mostly of relatively young adults (M = 26.54, SD = 11.16) and included more women (60.9%) than men. Respondents completed an Implicit Association Test measuring associations between the concepts “American” vs. “foreign” and two ethnic groups (“Asian American” vs. “European American”). Data were analyzed using multilevel modeling. The implicit American = White effect was less pronounced in metropolitan areas characterized by higher proportions of Asian Americans (minority representation). The presence of multiple ethnic groups (variety) was associated with a weaker implicit American = White effect only when minority representation was high. Greater dispersion of ethnic groups at the neighborhood level (integration) was not a source of reliable variation in implicit ethnic-American associations. These findings highlight the value of a multi-faceted perspective on context ethnic diversity. The extent to which the American identity is implicitly associated with Asian Americans and European Americans fluctuates as a function of socio-structural characteristics of local contexts

    Increasing Ethnic Diversity and Implicit American Identity

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    The present research examined whether temporal fluctuations in context ethnic diversity account for current levels of implicit ethnic-American associations. Temporal fluctuations in ethnic diversity at the metropolitan level were assessed using data from four decennial U.S. censuses (1980-2010) and distinguishing three dimensions of context ethnic diversity (minority representation, variety, and integration). Project Implicit data (2011-2017) indexed the extent to which American identity was implicitly associated with European Americans over Asian Americans (i.e., American = White associations). Data were analyzed using multilevel modeling (N = 152,011, nested within 226 metropolitan areas). Steeper increases in the proportion of Asian Americans were related to weaker implicit (but stronger explicit) American = White associations. Increases in ethnic integration accounted for stronger implicit American = White associations when integration fluctuations reflected accelerating rather than decelerating trends. These results suggest that current levels of implicit ethnic-national associations are linked to complex patterns of ethnic diversity fluctuations


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    Temporal Changes in Weapon Bias Depend on Context Diversity

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    A repeated cross-sectional design was used to examine whether temporal changes in implicit Black-weapon associations were dependent on the changing ethnic diversity of metropolitan areas over the course of a decade (2009–2018). Data on implicit Black-weapon associations were obtained from Project Implicit. Three indicators of ethnic diversity were calculated using American Community Survey data. Minority representation referred to the proportion of African American residents. Variety was operationalized as the degree to which six ethnic groups each accounted for an equal proportion of the population. Integration assessed the degree to which ethnic groups were evenly distributed across census tracts making up the metropolitan area. Multilevel model analyses (N = 345,647 participants, nested within 185 metropolitan areas) revealed that implicit Black-weapon associations weakened over time, and to a larger degree in metropolitan areas characterized by steeper increases in variety. This longitudinal relationship is consistent with the notion that, as metropolitan areas become more multiethnic, implicit associations between crime, danger, or violence and Black Americans decline