4,901 research outputs found

    Allelopathic effect of the Cladonia verticillaris lichen extracts and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of germinated seedlings in Allium cepa L.

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    The allelopathic activity of the different type of Cladonia verticillaris lichen extracts and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of A. cepa (IPA 6) germinated seedlings depends on their chemical composition and concentration, respectively. It was observed that the length of the radicle was significantly stimulated by fumarprotocetraric acid at high concentrations and by the total extract of C. verticillaris thalli, which contained high level of fumarprotocetraric, acid confirmed by HPLC – technique. In addition, it was found, that the phosphate buffer extract, which contained high level of methy betha-orcinol carboxilate measured by HPLC, significantly reduced the length of the hypocotyls. Under our experimental conditions there was no influence of different type of extract and fumarprotocetraric acid on the seed germination ratio of A. cepa, in relation to control. From the study of HPLC it was found that fumarprotocetraric acid and methy betha-orcinol carboxilate were present in all extracts at different concentrations, according to the method of extraction

    Sistemas produtivos utilizados em lavouras conduzidas em "Plantio Direto" na região dos cerrados.

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    Esta publicação apresenta os sistemas produtivos e procedimentos técnicos usados com maior frequência em áreas conduzidas em plantio direto no Sudoeste dos Cerrados, nos municípios de Chapadão do Sul, Costa Rica e São Gabriel do Oeste (MS), alto Taquari (MT) e Chapadão do Céu (GO).bitstream/CPAO-2010/32324/1/BP200952.pdfDocumento on-line

    Single observable concurrence measurement without simultaneous copies

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    We present a protocol that allows us to obtain the concurrence of any two qubit pure state by performing a minimal and optimal tomography of one of the subsystems through measuring a single observable of an ancillary four dimensional qudit. An implementation for a system of trapped ions is also proposed, which can be achieved with present day experimental techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Produção de amendoim sob diferentes fontes de adubação na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco.

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    Efeito de indutores abióticos de resistência na severidade da ferrugem-asiática e na produtividade de soja.

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    Indutores de resistência sistêmica têm sido empregados com sucesso no manejo de doenças em diversos patossistemas. Essa prática, quando eficiente, contribui para o manejo sustentável da produção, resultando em redução de custos e menor impacto ambiental. Neste trabalho, os indutores de resistência silicato de potássio (solução aquosa), silicato de cálcio (volastonita) e acibenzolar-S-methyl (granulado dispersível em água) foram testados para o controle da ferrugem-asiática-da-soja, em duas safras consecutivas. Nenhum dos indutores testados apresentou eficiência no controle da doença, quando não associados à aplicação de fungicida. Aplicações preventivas de silicato de potássio permitiram redução do uso de fungicida.bitstream/item/82997/1/BP201262.pd

    A study on the geographical distribution of Brazil’s prestigious software developers

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    Brazil is an emerging economy with many IT initiatives from public and private sectors. To evaluate the progress of such initiatives, we study the geographical distribution of software developers in Brazil, in particular which of the Brazilian states succeed the most in attracting and nurturing them. We compare the prestige of developers with socio-economic data and find that (i) prestigious developers tend to be located in the most economically developed regions of Brazil, (ii) they are likely to follow others in the same state they are located in, (iii) they are likely to follow other prestigious developers, and (iv) they tend to follow more people. We discuss the implications of those findings for the development of the Brazilian software industry.Fernando Figueira Filho, Marcelo Gattermann Perin, Christoph Treude, Sabrina Marczak, Leandro Melo, Igor Marques da Silva and Lucas Bibiano dos Santo