44 research outputs found

    Genome of Linum usitatissimum convar. crepitans expands the view on the section Linum

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    Sequencing whole plant genomes provides a solid foundation for applied and basic studies. Genome sequences of agricultural plants attract special attention, as they reveal information on the regulation of beneficial plant traits. Flax is a valuable crop cultivated for oil and fiber. Genome sequences of its representatives are rich sources of genetic information for the improvement of cultivated forms of the plant. In our work, we sequenced the first genome of flax with the dehiscence of capsules—Linum usitatissimum convar. сrepitans (Boenn.) Dumort—on the Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and Illumina platforms. We obtained 23 Gb of raw ONT data and 89 M of 150 + 150 paired-end Illumina reads and tested different tools for genome assembly and polishing. The genome assembly produced according to the Canu—Racon ×2—medaka—POLCA scheme had optimal contiguity and completeness: assembly length—412.6 Mb, N50—5.2 Mb, L50—28, and complete BUSCO—94.6% (64.0% duplicated, eudicots_odb10). The obtained high-quality genome assembly of L. usitatissimum convar. crepitans provides opportunities for further studies of evolution, domestication, and genome regulation in the section Linum

    Standards of specialized diabetes care. Edited by Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V., Mayorov A.Yu. 10th edition

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    Dear Colleagues!We are glad to present the 10th Edition (revised) of the Standards of Specialized Diabetes Care. These evidence-based guidelines were designed to standardize and facilitate diabetes care in all regions of the Russian Federation.The Standards are updated on the regular basis to incorporate new data and relevant recommendations from national and international clinical societies, including World Health Organization Guidelines (WHO, 2011, 2013), International Diabetes Federation (IDF, 2011, 2012, 2013), European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2018, 2019), American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2018, 2019, 2021), American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE, 2020, 2021), International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD, 2018) and Russian Association of Endocrinologists (RAE, 2019). Current edition of the “Standards” also integrates results of completed randomized clinical trials (ADVANCE, ACCORD, VADT, UKPDS, SAVOR, TECOS, LEADER, EXAMINE, ELIXA, SUSTAIN, DEVOTE, EMPA-REG OUTCOME, CANVAS, DECLARE, CARMELINA, REWIND, CREDENCE, CAROLINA, DAPA-CKD, DAPA-HF, EMPEROR-Reduced trial, VERIFY, VERTIS CV, PIONEER, etc.), as well as findings from the national studies of diabetes mellitus (DM), conducted in close partnership with a number of Russian hospitals.Latest data indicates that prevalence of DM in the world increased during the last decade more than two-fold, reaching some 537 million patients by the end of 2021. According to the current estimation by the International Diabetes Federation, 643 million patients will be suffering from DM by 2030 and 784 million by 2045.Like many other countries, Russian Federation experiences a sharp rise in the prevalence of DM. According to Russian Federal Diabetes Register, there are at least 4 871 863 patients with DM in this country on 01.01.2021 (3,34% of population) with 92,3% (4 498 826)–Type 2 DM, 5,6% (271 468)–Type 1 DM and 2,1% (101 569)–other types of DM, including 9 729 women with gestational DM. However, these results underestimates real quantity of patients, because they consider only registered cases. Results of Russian epidemiological study (NATION) confirmed that only 54% of Type 2 DM are diagnosed. So real number of patients with DM in Russia is 10 million patients (about 7% of population). This is a great long-term problem, because a lot of patients are not diagnosed, so they don’t receive any treatment and have high risk of vascular complications.Severe consequences of the global pandemic of DM include its vascular complications: nephropathy, retinopathy, coronary, cerebral and peripheral vascular disease. These conditions are responsible for the majority of cases of diabetes-related disability and death.In сurrent edition of the “Standards”:New goals of glycemic control for continuous glucose monitoring (time in range, below range and above range, glucose variability) are given.It also features updated guidelines on stratification of treatment in newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes.In the recommendations for the personalization of the choice of antidiabetic agents, it is taken into account that in certain clinical situations (the presence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors, chronic heart failure, chronic kidney disease, obesity, the risk of hypoglycemia) certain classes of hypoglycemic agents (or individual drugs) have proven advantages.Indications for the use of antidiabetic agents in chronic kidney disease are expanded.Information about insulin pump therapy is added.Recommendations on vaccination are added.An algorithm for replacing some insulin preparations with others is given.This text represents a consensus by the absolute majority of national experts, achieved through a number of fruitful discussions held at national meetings and forums. These guidelines are intended for endocrinologists, primary care physicians, pediatricians and other medical professionals involved in the treatment of DM.Compared with previous edition of the Standards of Specialized Diabetes Care edited by Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V., ­Mayorov A.Yu., 10th edition, Moscow, 2021 (signed for printing on 10.09.2021) a number of changes have been made.On behalf of the Working Grou

    Методика формирования системы показателей для оценки эффективности социально-экономического развития

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    Globalization has an impact on the socio-economic development of any country. One of the major problems of the interdependent world community is not the cooperation of various socio-economic systems, but the interaction of the multilevel economic structures characterized both by the extent of development and the degree of involvement into the world differentiation of labour and the world economy. As V. Bandurin precisely notes, “state borders gradually lose their value, become more transparent and provide more opportunities for the freedom of movement of all types of resources”На социально-экономическое развитие любой страны влияют факторы, вызванные глобализацией. Одной из важнейших проблем взаимозависимого мирового сообщества является уже не сотрудничество различных социально-экономических систем, а взаимодействие разноуровневых хозяйственных структур, характеризующихся не только степенью развития, но степенью вовлеченности в мировое разделение труда и мировое хозяйство, причем, как точно отмечает В. Бандурин: «…государственные границы постепенно утрачивают свое значение, становятся все более прозрачными, дают все больше возможностей для свободы перемещения всех видов ресурсов» (Bandurin, 1999

    Методика формирования системы показателей для оценки эффективности социально-экономического развития

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    Globalization has an impact on the socio-economic development of any country. One of the major problems of the interdependent world community is not the cooperation of various socio-economic systems, but the interaction of the multilevel economic structures characterized both by the extent of development and the degree of involvement into the world differentiation of labour and the world economy. As V. Bandurin precisely notes, “state borders gradually lose their value, become more transparent and provide more opportunities for the freedom of movement of all types of resources”На социально-экономическое развитие любой страны влияют факторы, вызванные глобализацией. Одной из важнейших проблем взаимозависимого мирового сообщества является уже не сотрудничество различных социально-экономических систем, а взаимодействие разноуровневых хозяйственных структур, характеризующихся не только степенью развития, но степенью вовлеченности в мировое разделение труда и мировое хозяйство, причем, как точно отмечает В. Бандурин: «…государственные границы постепенно утрачивают свое значение, становятся все более прозрачными, дают все больше возможностей для свободы перемещения всех видов ресурсов» (Bandurin, 1999

    The Mechanism for Identifying and Responding to Real and Potential Threats in the System of Ensuring Economic Security in Innovation and Investment Policy

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    Forming the concept of the essence of economic security of innovation and investment policy makes it possible to use it as the foundation for making managerial decisions aimed at enhancing such attributes of sustainability as competitiveness, paying capacity, enterprise, and adaptability. The mechanism for identifying and responding to real and potential threats in the system of ensuring economic security in the innovation and investment policy will make it possible to carry out a set of interrelated measures of an economic, legal, organizational nature: to formulate and apply a system of measures to predict risks; to prevent impacts leading to the weakening of internal and external threats to vital cycles in innovation and investment policy at the macro, meso and micro levels; provide a sense of security for the management and personnel, as well as capital involved in innovation and investment policy. The article explores the areas of economic security based on the "Eulerian circles", reflecting different levels of security

    Do Lipids Influence Gastrointestinal Processing: A Case Study of Major Soybean Allergen Gly m 4

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    Previously, we have demonstrated that Gly m 4, one of the major soybean allergens, could pass through the Caco-2 epithelial barrier and have proposed a mechanism of sensitization. However, it is not known yet whether Gly m 4 can reach the intestine in its intact form after digestion in stomach. In the present work, we studied an influence of various factors including lipids (fatty acids and lysolipids) on digestibility of Gly m 4. Using fluorescent and CD spectroscopies, we showed that Gly m 4 interacted with oleic acid and LPPG (lyso-palmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol), but its binding affinity greatly decreased under acidic conditions, probably due to the protein denaturation. The mimicking of gastric digestion revealed that Gly m 4 digestibility could be significantly reduced with the change of pH value and pepsin-to-allergen ratio, as well as by the presence of LPPG. We suggested that the protective effect of LPPG was unlikely associated with the allergen binding, but rather connected to the pepsin inhibition due to the lipid interaction with its catalytic site. As a result, we assumed that, under certain conditions, the intact Gly m 4 might be able to reach the human intestine and thereby could be responsible for allergic sensitization

    Features and Possible Applications of Plant Lipid-Binding and Transfer Proteins

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    In plants, lipid trafficking within and inside the cell is carried out by lipid-binding and transfer proteins. Ligands for these proteins are building and signaling lipid molecules, secondary metabolites with different biological activities due to which they perform diverse functions in plants. Many different classes of such lipid-binding and transfer proteins have been found, but the most common and represented in plants are lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), pathogenesis-related class 10 (PR-10) proteins, acyl-CoA-binding proteins (ACBPs), and puroindolines (PINs). A low degree of amino acid sequence homology but similar spatial structures containing an internal hydrophobic cavity are common features of these classes of proteins. In this review, we summarize the latest known data on the features of these protein classes with particular focus on their ability to bind and transfer lipid ligands. We analyzed the structural features of these proteins, the diversity of their possible ligands, the key amino acids participating in ligand binding, the currently known mechanisms of ligand binding and transferring, as well as prospects for possible application