220 research outputs found

    Multitemporal generalization of Schwarzschild solution

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    The nn-time generalization of Schwarzschild solution is considered. The equations of geodesics for the metric are integrated. The multitemporal analogues of Newton laws for the extended objects described by the solution are suggested. The scalar-vacuum generalization of the solution is also presented.Comment: 7 page

    On Brane Solutions Related to Non-Singular Kac-Moody Algebras

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    A multidimensional gravitational model containing scalar fields and antisymmetric forms is considered. The manifold is chosen in the form M=M0×M1××MnM = M_0 \times M_1 \times \cdots \times M_n, where MiM_i are Einstein spaces (i1i \geq 1). The sigma-model approach and exact solutions with intersecting composite branes (e.g. solutions with harmonic functions, SS-brane and black brane ones) with intersection rules related to non-singular Kac-Moody (KM) algebras (e.g. hyperbolic ones) are reviewed. Some examples of solutions, e.g. corresponding to hyperbolic KM algebras: H2(q,q)H_2(q,q), AE3AE_3, HA2(1)HA_2^{(1)}, E10E_{10} and Lorentzian KM algebra P10P_{10} are presented

    Two-loop planar master integrals for the production of off-shell vector bosons in hadron collisions

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    We describe the calculation of all planar master integrals that are needed for the computation of NNLO QCD corrections to the production of two off-shell vector bosons in hadron collisions. The most complicated representatives of integrals in this class are the two-loop four-point functions where two external lines are on the light-cone and two other external lines have different invariant masses. We compute these and other relevant integrals analytically using differential equations in external kinematic variables and express our results in terms of Goncharov polylogarithms. The case of two equal off-shellnesses, recently considered in Ref. [1], appears as a particular case of our general solution.Comment: 28 pages, many figures; ancillary files included with arXiv submissio

    Seasonal Movements and Relative Abundance of Bearded Seals (Erignathus barbatus) in the Coastal Waters of the Chukotka Peninsula

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    Information about bearded seal seasonal distribution in the Pacific Arctic is limited. Bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus Exleben, 1777) from coastal sites along the southern, eastern, and northern Chukotka Peninsula, Russian Federation, were observed most seasons during 1993 – 96, 1998 – 2000, 2002 – 05, and 2010 – 11. These observations provide spatial and temporal information about bearded seal seasonal distribution, movements, and relative numbers in the coastal zones. In winter, bearded seals aggregate on the young ice in the northern part of the Gulf of Anadyr. Numbers gradually increase during March. In springtime (April–May), bearded seals in the northern Gulf of Anadyr are relatively numerous around Nunligran (Cape Achen), but the number is highly variable across years. During spring bearded seals move eastward along the coast from the northern part of the Gulf of Anadyr towards the Bering Strait and then to the north, as the marginal ice edge zone retreats north. These movements to the east and north continue in ice-free water, and by August, the spring migration of bearded seals along the coast of the Chukotka Peninsula ends. In the summer months of August and September, few bearded seals are present in this coastal zone. The southward autumn migration of bearded seals is not evident near the coast, which suggests that it occurs farther from shore.Il existe peu de renseignements sur la distribution saisonnière du phoque barbu dans le secteur pacifique de l’Arctique. Des phoques barbus (Erignathus barbatus Exleben, 1777) ont été observés sur divers sites côtiers tout au long du sud, de l’est et du nord de la péninsule de Tchoukotcha, Fédération de Russie, pendant les années 1993-1996, 1998-2000, 2002-2005 et 2010-2011. Ces observations permettent d’obtenir des données spatiales et temporelles au sujet de la distribution saisonnière et des déplacements du phoque barbu, ainsi qu’au sujet du nombre relatif de phoques barbus dans les zones côtières. L’hiver, les phoques barbus se rassemblent sur la jeune glace de la partie nord du golfe de l’Anadyr. Le nombre de phoques augmente graduellement au mois de mars. Au printemps (avril-mai), les phoques barbus du nord du golfe de l’Anadyr sont relativement nombreux dans les environs de Nunligran (cap Achen), mais leurs nombres varient beaucoup d’une année à l’autre. Pendant le printemps, les phoques barbus se déplacent vers l’est, le long de la côte, depuis la partie nord du golfe de l’Anadyr vers le détroit de Béring, puis vers le nord lorsque la zone marginale des lisières de glace recule vers le nord. Ces déplacements en direction est et en direction nord se poursuivent en eaux libres, et vers le mois d’août, la migration printanière des phoques barbus le long de la côte de la péninsule de Tchoukotcha prend fin. Pendant les mois d’été d’août et de septembre, les phoques barbus se font rares dans cette zone côtière. La migration automnale vers le sud des phoques barbus n’est pas évidente près de la côte, ce qui suggère qu’elle se produit loin de la rive.Информация о сезонном распределении лахтака в тихоокеанском секторе Арктики ограничена. Исследования лахтака (Erignathus barbatus Exleben, 1777) проводили с береговых наблюдательных пунктов расположенных на южном, восточном и северном побережье Чукотского полуострова Российской Федерации в 1993–96, 1998–2000, 2002–05 и в 2010–11 гг. В результате была получена информация о пространственном, временном, сезонном распределении, перемещениях и относительной численности лахтака в прибрежной зоне Чукотки. В зимний период лахтак образует агрегации на молодом льду в северной части Анадырского залива, где его численность постепенно возрастает на протяжении марта. Весной (апрель – май) в северной части Анадырского залива лахтак наиболее многочислен в районе пос. Нунлигран (мыс Аччен), однако его численность в этом районе в межгодовом отношении очень вариабельна. В весенний период лахтаки движутся на восток вдоль побережья северной части Анадырского залива, вдоль восточного побережья Чукотки в направлении Берингова пролива, а затем на север по мере перемещения на север кромки дрейфующего льда. Это движение на восток и север вдоль побережья Чукотского полуострова продолжается по свободной ото льда воде и заканчивается к августу. В летние месяцы встречи лахтака в прибрежье Чукотского полуострова единичны. Осенняя миграция лахтака на юг в прибрежье Чукотки выражена слабо, что указывает на его движение вдали от берегов

    Optimization of Enzymatic Logic Gates and Networks for Noise Reduction and Stability

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    Biochemical computing attempts to process information with biomolecules and biological objects. In this work we review our results on analysis and optimization of single biochemical logic gates based on enzymatic reactions, and a network of three gates, for reduction of the "analog" noise buildup. For a single gate, optimization is achieved by analyzing the enzymatic reactions within a framework of kinetic equations. We demonstrate that using co-substrates with much smaller affinities than the primary substrate, a negligible increase in the noise output from the logic gate is obtained as compared to the input noise. A network of enzymatic gates is analyzed by varying selective inputs and fitting standardized few-parameters response functions assumed for each gate. This allows probing of the individual gate quality but primarily yields information on the relative contribution of the gates to noise amplification. The derived information is then used to modify experimental single gate and network systems to operate them in a regime of reduced analog noise amplification.Comment: 7 pages in PD

    Experimental study of heat transfer from the gas-vapor mixture to the surface in rectangular channel with the water vapor condensation

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    The laboratory setup was developed for studying the water vapor condensation process from the gas mixture on a vertical flat heat exchange surface in rectangular channel 10x2 cm. The experiments were carried out with normal pressure of steam-air mixture. The results allowed to determine the heat transfer coefficient from steam-gas mixture to the heat transfer surface. The dependences of the heat transfer coefficient on the initial moisture content and the mixture flow rate in the heat exchanger channel were obtained

    Heart and lungs protection technique for cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Cardioplegic cardiac arrest with subsequent ischemic-reperfusion injuries can lead to the development of inflammation of the myocardium, leucocyte activation, and release of cardiac enzymes. Flow reduction to the bronchial arteries, causing low-flow lung ischemia, leads to the development of a pulmonary regional inflammatory response..

    The IAA RAS Correlator First Results

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    In 2009 the national Russian VLBI observations were processed by the new correlator ARC (Astrometric Radiointerferometric Correlator). The ARC is a VSI-H correlator and equipped with Mark 5B playback terminals. During 2009 ARC was used to process a series of VLBI sessions, observed on stations Svetloe, Zelenchukskaya, and Badary. NGS files were formed, and EOP parameters were obtained by IAA RAS Analysis Center. The accuracies of the pole coordinates and UT1-UTC were 1-2 mas and 0.07-0.1 ms, respectively

    Heart and lungs protection technique for cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Cardioplegic cardiac arrest with subsequent ischemic-reperfusion injuries can lead to the development of inflammation of the myocardium, leucocyte activation, and release of cardiac enzymes. Flow reduction to the bronchial arteries, causing low-flow lung ischemia, leads to the development of a pulmonary regional inflammatory response..

    Heart and Lungs Protection Technique for Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Introduction: Cardioplegic cardiac arrest with subsequent ischemic-reperfusion injuries can lead to the development of inflammation of the myocardium, leucocyte activation, and release of cardiac enzymes. Flow reduction to the bronchial arteries, causing low-flow lung ischemia, leads to the development of a pulmonary regional inflammatory response. Hypoventilation during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is responsible for development of microatelectasis, hydrostatic pulmonary edema, poor compliance, and a higher incidence of infection. Based on these facts, prevention methods of these complications were developed. The aim of this study was to evaluate constant coronary perfusion (CCP) and the “beating heart” in combination with pulmonary artery perfusion (PAP) and “ventilated lungs” technique for heart and lung protection in cardiac surgery with CPB.Methods. After ethical approval and written informed consent, 80 patients undergoing cardiac surgery with normothermic CPB were randomized in three groups. In the first group (22 patients), the crystalloid cardioplegia without lung ventilation/perfusion techniques were used. In the second group (30 patients), the CCP and “beating heart” without lung ventilation/perfusion techniques were used. In the third group (28 patients), the CCP with PAP and lung ventilation techniques were used. Clinical, functional parameters, myocardial damage markers (CK MB level), oxygenation index, and lung compliance were investigated.Results. There were higher rates of spontaneous cardiac recovery and lower doses of inotrops in the second and third groups. Myocardial contractility function was better preserved in the second and third groups. The post-operative levels of CK-MB were lower than in control group.  Three hours after surgery CK-MB levels in the second and third  groups were lower by 38.1% and 33.3%, respectively. Eight hours after surgery, CK-MB levels were lower in the second and third groups by 45.9% and  47.7%, respectively. 24 hours after surgery, CK-MB levels were lower in the second and third groups by 42.0% and  42.6%, respectively, and lower by 29.7% and 27.4% 48 hours after surgery, respectively. Normalization of CK-MB levels were registered earlier in second and third groups (within 24 hours) than the control group. Oxygenation index and lung compliance were significantly higher in the third group after CPB.Conclusion. Our technique improved myocardial and lung function in patients, but larger prospective randomized trials are needed to definitively assess the protective effects of this technique