2 research outputs found

    The Influence and Feasibility of Therapeutic Exercise Videos at Home on the Functional Status of Post-COVID-19 Hospitalization

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    The COVID-19 pandemic pushed physicians to modify conventional practices to reduce the exposure and risk of infection among patients and health workers. Telemedicine is one of the safest methods, and telerehabilitation could prevent the sequelae of COVID-19. A quasi-experimental study with randomized sampling without masking/blinding was conducted. The study was conducted from August 2021 to March 2022 at Hospital A in Pekanbaru, Hospital B in Jayapura, and Hospital C in Jakarta, Indonesia. A total of 27 patients were recruited and divided into control and intervention groups. The control group was given conventional education on therapeutic exercise at home, while the intervention group was shown educational videos about therapeutic exercise at home. The comparison of all functional outcomes between the two groups after the intervention showed a significant difference. The intervention group improved more than the control group, except for the fatigue severity scale. Most of the responses showed that this video was feasible and useful and did not need to be supervised by health workers. Therapeutic exercise educational videos can be an option to deliver rehabilitation programs for post-COVID-19 hospitalized patients

    Peranan USG Muskuloskeletal di Bidang Rehabilitasi Medik pada Pasien Diduga Cedera Anterior Cruciate Ligament: An Evidence – Based Case Report

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    Latar Belakang. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sering mengalami cedera. Cedera ACL dapat mengganggu aktivitas fungsional sehari-hari. Di bidang rehabilitasi medik, modalitas USG muskuloskeletal merupakan salah satu pilihan untuk penegakan diagnosis cedera ACL. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan USG muskuloskeletal dalam penegakan diagnosis pasien diduga cedera ACL dan sebagai panduan; dilakukan melalui telusur Pubmed®, Cochrane®, EBSCO®, SCOPUS®, ProQuest®, dan Springerlink®. Artikel terpilih akan ditelaah kritis melalui lembar kerja diagnostik dan systematic review berdasarkan Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence. Hasil. Didapatkan empat studi terpilih yang membandingkan akurasi penggunaan USG dengan MRI. Studi pertama mendapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas diagnostik 91% dan 100%. Studi kedua mendapatkan sensitivitas, spesifisitas, LR +, LR –, PPV, dan NPV sebesar 91,9%, 95,6%, 20,9, 0,1, 94,4%, dan 93,9%. Studi ketiga mendapatkan sensitivitas, spesifisitas, LR +, LR –, PPV, dan NPV sebesar 96,9%, 87,5%; 7,75, 0,035, 26,9%, dan 12,5%. Studi keempat berupa systematic review-meta analysis dengan hasil kombinasi sensitivitas dan spesifisitas, LR +, LR -, dan heterogenitas sebesar 90% dan 97%, dan 31,08 dan 0.11 63.69 (24.27 hingga 100.00). Simpulan. Pemeriksaan USG muskuloskeletal merupakan pemeriksaan non-invasif yang akurat untuk mendiagnosis cedera ACL.Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a knee ligament that often injured. ACL injury can cause limitation of daily activities. In physical medicine and rehabilitation, musculoskeletal ultrasonography (USG) is a promising diagnostic tool for musculoskeletal injury. This study assess the role of musculoskeletal USG in the diagnosis of ACL injury and as a guide to perform intraarticular injection. Article search was performed using Pubmed®, Cochrane®, EBSCO®, SCOPUS®, ProQuest®, and Springerlink®. Four selected articles were reviewed using appraisal sheet from Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence. Result: Three primary studies showed excellent sensitivity (0.91-0.97) and specificity (0.88-1.00), as well as positive predictive value (0.97-1.00). One systematic review also showed excellent sensitivity (0.90) and specificity (0.97) but with high heterogeneity (I2=63.69). Conclusion: Musculoskeletal USG is an accurate, non-invasive diagnostic tool for ACL injury