18 research outputs found

    Oyster Reef Mapping in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire - 2003, Grizzle, R

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    In New Hampshire, the locations, sizes, and shapes of the major oyster, Crassostrea virginica, reefs have been determined using a variety of techniques. The most recent survey occurred in 2001 when four (Nannie Island, Woodman Point, Adams Point, and Oyster River) of the six largest reefs were mapped using a combination of acoustic sounders, videography, and quadrat sampling. The present project required mapping the boundaries in order to determine the size of the remaining two major reefs in the Great Bay Estuary: Squamscott River and Piscataqua River. Underwater videography was used in the present study to determine the boundaries of these two reefs. Continuous video imagery was acquired along three or four parallel transects spanning the longest axis of each reef and seven to ten transects perpendicular to them. At approximately 90 points for the Squamscott reef and 115 points for the Piscataqua reef, stationary (for 3 to 5 seconds) video imagery was taken within the overall matrix of transects. Concurrently and synchronized with respect to time with the imaging, DGPS output was logged at 0.5 second intervals to provide geo-referencing of all the imagery. Stills taken from each stationary imagery site were assigned a classification of non-reef (\u3c10% bottom coverage by oyster shells), low density reef (10% to 50% coverage by oyster shells), or high density reef (\u3e50% coverage by oyster shells). The classification types were then plotted on the base map and polygons were constructed manually, drawing each boundary line approximately midway between bottom type classes. Areas of polygons for high density reef and low density reef were determined by ArcView for each of the reefs. One representative still image from each stationary video site was assembled in a systematic grid overlaid on the overall imaging area to provide a photomontage of bottom images for each reef. The video imagery was of sufficient quality to allow classification of shell bottom into two density classes: low (10% to 50% bottom coverage by oyster shell) and high (\u3e50% bottom coverage by oyster shell). If it is assumed that low and high density oyster shell coverage reflect oyster reef bottom, the Piscataqua reef had an areal extent of 19.9 acres (Fig. 6) and the Squamscott reef covered 3.9 acres (Fig. 7). If only high density bottom represents oyster reef bottom, the Piscataqua reef covered 12.5 acres and the Squamscott 1.9 acres. If it is assumed that at least the high density areas would have been considered oyster reef bottom in previous studies, then areal coverages from the present study compare well with recent previous surveys suggesting that total bottom areal coverage may not have changed appreciably for either reef since the 1990s. The use of underwater videography for routine monitoring of oyster reefs is in the early development stages. At this time, we think it can be recommended that video be considered as a tool for routine inspection of reefs, and to better design the traditional sampling programs based on quadrat sampling. Our laboratory recently was awarded a 2- year NH Sea Grant project to develop a general protocol for routine monitoring of oyster reefs. This research will consider underwater video along with several acoustics techniques and quadrat sampling

    Bottom habitat mapping using towed underwater videography: subtidal oyster reefs as an example application

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    Towed underwater video has become a widely used method for bottom habitat mapping in coastal waters, but very little has been published on this relatively new and effective approach. We use a case study on two oyster reefs to illustrate the pros and cons of towed video, visualization techniques, and future research topics. Towed video is deployed in similar fashion to single-beam sonars, yielding narrow swaths of video imagery that are recorded concurrently with global positioning system (GPS) data for georeferencing. The major advantages over acoustic (sonar) methods are that image processing and interpretation are relatively simple, and there is little or no need for subsequent ground-truthing. The system used in the present study consists of an underwater black and white camera mounted on a steel frame, differential GPS unit, and digital video camera for recording. It was assembled from off-the-shelf items, and total cost was approximately 3500(2006US3500 (2006 US). The imagery from both study reefs was of sufficient quality to allow classification of the surveyed bottom into three categories: nonreef, low-density shell, and high-density shell. Some reef characteristics such as the amount of vertical relief were easily discernable and showed substantial differences between the two reefs. Reef bottom areal coverages determined from the video imagery compared well with recent previous studies on the two reefs using other methods. Water clarity limitations represent the major obstacle to widespread use of video for routine mapping of oyster reefs. Turbidity–image quality relations remain to be quantified

    Effects of a Large Fishing Closure on Benthic Communitites in the Western Gulf of Maine: Recovery from the Effects of Gillnets and Otter Trawls

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    The recovery of benthic communities inside the western Gulf of Maine fishing closure area was evaluated by comparing invertebrate assemblages at sites inside and outside of the closure four to six years after the closure was established. The major restriction imposed by the closure was a year-round prohibition of bottom gillnets and otter trawls. A total of 163 seafloor sites (~half inside and half outside the closure) within a 515-km2 study area were sampled with some combination of Shipek grab, Wildco box corer, or underwater video. Bottom types ranged from mud (silt and clay) to boulders, and the effects of the closure on univariate measures (total density, biomass, taxonomic richness) of benthos varied widely among sediment types. For sites with predominantly mud sediments, there were mixed effects on inside and outside infauna and no effect on epifauna. For sites with mainly sand sediments, there were higher density, biomass, and taxonomic richness for infauna inside the closure, but no significant effects on epifauna. For sites dominated by gravel (which included boulders in some areas), there were no effects on infauna but strong effects on epifaunal density and taxonomic richness. For fishing gear, the data indicated that infauna recovered in sand from the impacts of otter trawls operated inside the closure but that they did not recover in mud, and that epifauna recovered on gravel bottoms from the impact of gillnets used inside the closure. The magnitudes of impact and recovery, however, cannot be inferred directly from our data because of a confounding factor of different fishing intensities outside the closure for a direct comparison of preclosure and postclosure data. The overall negative impact of trawls is likely underestimated by our data, whereas the negative impact of gillnets is likely overestimated

    Neurobehavioral Function in School-Age Children Exposed to Manganese in Drinking Water

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    Background: Manganese neurotoxicity is well documented in individuals occupationally exposed to airborne particulates, but few data are available on risks from drinking-water exposure. Objective: We examined associations of exposure from concentrations of manganese in water and hair with memory, attention, motor function, and parent- and teacher-reported hyperactive behaviors. Methods: We recruited 375 children and measured manganese in home tap water (MnW) and hair (MnH). We estimated manganese intake from water ingestion. Using structural equation modeling, we estimated associations between neurobehavioral functions and MnH, MnW, and manganese intake from water. We evaluated exposure–response relationships using generalized additive models. Results: After adjusting for potential confounders, a 1-SD increase in log10 MnH was associated with a significant difference of –24% (95% CI: –36, –12%) SD in memory and –25% (95% CI: –41, –9%) SD in attention. The relations between log10 MnH and poorer memory and attention were linear. A 1-SD increase in log10 MnW was associated with a significant difference of –14% (95% CI: –24, –4%) SD in memory, and this relation was nonlinear, with a steeper decline in performance at MnW > 100 μg/L. A 1-SD increase in log10 manganese intake from water was associated with a significant difference of –11% (95% CI: –21, –0.4%) SD in motor function. The relation between log10 manganese intake and poorer motor function was linear. There was no significant association between manganese exposure and hyperactivity. Conclusion: Exposure to manganese in water was associated with poorer neurobehavioral performances in children, even at low levels commonly encountered in North America. Citation: Oulhote Y, Mergler D, Barbeau B, Bellinger DC, Bouffard T, Brodeur ME, Saint-Amour D, Legrand M, Sauvé S, Bouchard MF. 2014. Neurobehavioral function in school-age children exposed to manganese in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 122:1343–1350; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.130791

    An Overview of Marine Biodiversity in United States Waters

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    Marine biodiversity of the United States (U.S.) is extensively documented, but data assembled by the United States National Committee for the Census of Marine Life demonstrate that even the most complete taxonomic inventories are based on records scattered in space and time. The best-known taxa are those of commercial importance. Body size is directly correlated with knowledge of a species, and knowledge also diminishes with distance from shore and depth. Measures of biodiversity other than species diversity, such as ecosystem and genetic diversity, are poorly documented. Threats to marine biodiversity in the U.S. are the same as those for most of the world: overexploitation of living resources; reduced water quality; coastal development; shipping; invasive species; rising temperature and concentrations of carbon dioxide in the surface ocean, and other changes that may be consequences of global change, including shifting currents; increased number and size of hypoxic or anoxic areas; and increased number and duration of harmful algal blooms. More information must be obtained through field and laboratory research and monitoring that involve innovative sampling techniques (such as genetics and acoustics), but data that already exist must be made accessible. And all data must have a temporal component so trends can be identified. As data are compiled, techniques must be developed to make certain that scales are compatible, to combine and reconcile data collected for various purposes with disparate gear, and to automate taxonomic changes. Information on biotic and abiotic elements of the environment must be interactively linked. Impediments to assembling existing data and collecting new data on marine biodiversity include logistical problems as well as shortages in finances and taxonomic expertise

    Intellectual Impairment in School-Age Children Exposed to Manganese from Drinking Water

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Manganese is an essential nutrient, but in excess it can be a potent neurotoxicant. Despite the common occurrence of manganese in groundwater, the risks associated with this source of exposure are largely unknown. OBJECTIVES: Our first aim was to assess the relations between exposure to manganese from drinking water and children's intelligence quotient (IQ). Second, we examined the relations between manganese exposures from water consumption and from the diet with children's hair manganese concentration. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 362 children 6-13 years of age living in communities supplied by groundwater. Manganese concentration was measured in home tap water (MnW) and children's hair (MnH). We estimated manganese intake from water ingestion and the diet using a food frequency questionnaire and assessed IQ with the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence. RESULTS: The median MnW in children's home tap water was 34 microg/L (range, 1-2,700 microg/L). MnH increased with manganese intake from water consumption, but not with dietary manganese intake. Higher MnW and MnH were significantly associated with lower IQ scores. A 10-fold increase in MnW was associated with a decrease of 2.4 IQ points (95% confidence interval: -3.9 to -0.9; p < 0.01), adjusting for maternal intelligence, family income, and other potential confounders. There was a 6.2-point difference in IQ between children in the lowest and highest MnW quintiles. MnW was more strongly associated with Performance IQ than Verbal IQ. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this cross-sectional study suggest that exposure to manganese at levels common in groundwater is associated with intellectual impairment in children

    Preclinical Models for Neuroblastoma: Establishing a Baseline for Treatment

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    Preclinical models of pediatric cancers are essential for testing new chemotherapeutic combinations for clinical trials. The most widely used genetic model for preclinical testing of neuroblastoma is the TH-MYCN mouse. This neuroblastoma-prone mouse recapitulates many of the features of human neuroblastoma. Limitations of this model include the low frequency of bone marrow metastasis, the lack of information on whether the gene expression patterns in this system parallels human neuroblastomas, the relatively slow rate of tumor formation and variability in tumor penetrance on different genetic backgrounds. As an alternative, preclinical studies are frequently performed using human cell lines xenografted into immunocompromised mice, either as flank implant or orthtotopically. Drawbacks of this system include the use of cell lines that have been in culture for years, the inappropriate microenvironment of the flank or difficult, time consuming surgery for orthotopic transplants and the absence of an intact immune system.Here we characterize and optimize both systems to increase their utility for preclinical studies. We show that TH-MYCN mice develop tumors in the paraspinal ganglia, but not in the adrenal, with cellular and gene expression patterns similar to human NB. In addition, we present a new ultrasound guided, minimally invasive orthotopic xenograft method. This injection technique is rapid, provides accurate targeting of the injected cells and leads to efficient engraftment. We also demonstrate that tumors can be detected, monitored and quantified prior to visualization using ultrasound, MRI and bioluminescence. Finally we develop and test a "standard of care" chemotherapy regimen. This protocol, which is based on current treatments for neuroblastoma, provides a baseline for comparison of new therapeutic agents.The studies suggest that use of both the TH-NMYC model of neuroblastoma and the orthotopic xenograft model provide the optimal combination for testing new chemotherapies for this devastating childhood cancer

    Spatiotemporal patterns of variability in the abundance and distribution of winter-spawned pelagic juvenile rockfish in the California Current.

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    Rockfish are an important component of West Coast fisheries and California Current food webs, and recruitment (cohort strength) for rockfish populations has long been characterized as highly variable for most studied populations. Research efforts and fisheries surveys have long sought to provide greater insights on both the environmental drivers, and the fisheries and ecosystem consequences, of this variability. Here, variability in the temporal and spatial abundance and distribution patterns of young-of-the-year (YOY) rockfishes are described based on midwater trawl surveys conducted throughout the coastal waters of California Current between 2001 and 2019. Results confirm that the abundance of winter-spawning rockfish taxa in particular is highly variable over space and time. Although there is considerable spatial coherence in these relative abundance patterns, there are many years in which abundance patterns are very heterogeneous over the scale of the California Current. Results also confirm that the high abundance levels of YOY rockfish observed during the 2014-2016 large marine heatwave were largely coastwide events. Species association patterns of pelagic YOY for over 20 rockfish taxa in space and time are also described. The overall results will help inform future fisheries-independent surveys, and will improve future indices of recruitment strength used to inform stock assessment models and marine ecosystem status reports