39 research outputs found

    Regulering van de Nederlandse trustsector

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    __Abstract__ Op 1 maart 2004 is de Wet toezicht trustkantoren (Wtt) in werking getreden. Doelstelling van deze wet is ‘het bevorderen van de integriteit van het financiële stelsel’ door middel van ‘regulering van de (Nederlandse) trustsector’. Een belangrijk deel van de bestaande gedragsregels in de trustbranche heeft hiermee een wettelijke basis verkregen. Beoogd is zo een bijdrage te leveren aan het tegengaan van misbruik van trustkantoren. Naast de bestuursrechtelijke handhaving van de Wtt door De Nederlandsche Bank, kan deze wet ook strafrechtelijk worden gehandhaafd op basis van de Wet op de Economische Delicten (WED). Regulering van de Nederlandse trustsector behandelt de wijze waarop het misbruik van trustkantoren zich in de praktijk afspeelt en de mate waarin de Nederlandse wetgever de internationale standaarden van regulering en toezicht betreffende trustkantoren heeft geïmplementeerd. Tevens wordt de manier besproken en toegelicht waarop de keuze voor een sanctiestelsel tot stand komt bij de handhaving van financiële wetgeving betreffende trustkantoren, met in het bijzonder de keuze voor een sanctiestelsel bij de handhaving van de Wtt

    Prima analisi degli impatti ambientali causati dall’antropizzazione del Parco nazionale del Sagarmatha (Everest), attraverso il telerilevamento satellitare

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    Questa ricerca è stata realizzata nell’ambito del progetto Ev-K²-CNR – Ricerche Scientifiche e Tecnologiche in Himalaya e Karakorum, con il sostegno del Comitato Ev-K²-CNR e in collaborazione con la Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (RONAST) come previsto dal Memorandum of Understanding tra il Regno del Nepal e il Governo della Repubblica Italiana e grazie al contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche e del Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Il presente articolo è poi, in effetti, una ideale prosecuzione dello studio presentato lo scorso anno alla 9° Conferenza nazionale ASITA di Catania ed avente per titolo” L’uso del telerilevamento satellitare per una corretta analisi degli impatti ambientali del turismo, nel Parco nazionale del Sagarmatha (Nepal)”. In questi ultimi mesi il gruppo di ricerca del progetto Ev-K2_CNR che afferisce al Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica dell’Università degli Studi di Perugina, attraverso lo studio e l’interpretazione di immagini multitemporali telerilevate da satellite, incrociate con le informazioni raccolte in loco attraverso apposite missioni, si è posto l’obiettivo di ampliare l’oggetto dello studio, arrivando a riconoscere ogni possibile segno identificativo di presenza umana nell’area parco. Questa è, quindi, non più e solo, una indagine rivolta all’influenza che un turismo elitario, ma non meno devastante, provoca all’ambiente naturale nel suo complesso, ma anche un primo, esaustivo esame delle opere di diverso tipo che “tutta” la popolazione residente, all’interno del perimetro, ha realizzato nel tempo. I risultati attesi dalla metodologia di ricerca applicata, sono riconducibili alla individuazione di impatti ambientali presenti nell’area protetta e conseguenza dell’attività agricola, zootecnica e urbanistica.This study was carried out within the framework of the Ev-K_-CNR “Scientific and Technological Research in Himalaya and Karakorum” Project with support from the Ev-K_-CNR Committee and in collaboration with the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) as foreseen by the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Kingdom of Nepal and the Government of the Republic of Italy. The research conducted was also made possible thanks to contributions from the Italian National Research Council and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This study is carryng on the previous study “L’uso del telerilevamento satellitare per una corretta analisi degli impatti ambientali del turismo, nel Parco nazionale del Sagarmatha (Nepal)” presented by the same authors during the 9thASITA Conference held in Catania. During the last monthes, the research group of the project Ev-K2-CNR, afferent to the Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica, Università di Perugia by interpretation of remote sensing satellite images and field work, was aimed to enlarge the objective of this study. It is planned first to analyse the tourism impact but to consider the influences of the local population too

    Application of spectral indexes to SPOT images in the study of Iraq marshland

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    Under the project coordinated by UNEP, "Support for Environmental Management of the Iraqi Marshlands", which is part of the Iraqi Marshlands Observation System (IMOS), other researchers were involved in the development of analytical techniques for the protection of this vast system with a high risk environmental degradation for intense activity. This is the southern sector of the alluvial plain of the Tigris and Eufrate. The climate of Mesopotamia is arid with an average annual rainfall ranging from 100 to 150 mm. The high summer temperatures lead a very high value of evapotranspiration summer as opposed to the events of flooding caused by winter rainfall on Anatolian and Zagros mountains (> 1000 mm). The purpose of this study is to propose a system of image processing SPOT for the recognition of the state of soil moisture surrounding the system of marshes, to be used as an investigative geomorphological tool to monitor changes in water levels. The results obtained in this first phase of the study make it possible to bring the sensor SPOT as a tool for monitoring, and the second phase of the study will lead to confrontation with one or a series of images acquired at different times (the image used was acquired on 23/07/2006 in the summer season with anhigh evapotranspiration and aridity of the system environment)

    Nuovi dati sull'idrogeologia del Supramonte di Baunei ottenuti mediante la ricerca speleologica e l'analisi di immagini telerilevate

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    In the past few years speleological research in Supramonte di Baunei has allowed to discover a subterranean drainage pattern that mostly confirms the hydrogeological hypothesis formulated until now. The fact that the major submarine karst springs of the Gulf have been located (Cala Luna resurgence, Bel Torrente cave, Mudaloro resurgence) and the difficulty in quantifying their flow rate have pushed the Authors to analyse satellite images aiming to verify the possibility to locate the fresh water exits in the sea with a certain precision and also to formulate a methodology for estimating their flow rate. The digital image processing was first of all performed on a series of 7 Landsat TM5 and ETM+ images to enhance thermal anomalies in the spectral band 6. This conventional analysis is strongly affected by spatial resolution and the temperature of the uppermost water layer is very much influenced by the climatic conditions. In this analysis the fresh water outlets cannot be clearly defined using only the thermal band.The transparency analysis instead, seams to give better results at least for the location of the fresh water outlets. In fact, around these outlets the transparency of the water diminishes because of suspended particles and the mixing of salt and fresh water. To be able to analyse all these anomalies an interpretation model that takes into account the climatic and physical conditions of the water should be mad

    HR Remote Sensing data for the mapping of morphodynamic units in the area of Oung El-Jemel (SW Tunisia)

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    The aim of this study is to propose a discussion about the vulnerability of an area in southern Tunisia affected by land degradation phenomena. The study are is along the southern border of the Chott El-Rharsa not far from Tozeur and it is characterised by an arid climatologic conditions with the typical desert morphologies and Aeolian dynamics. Tozeur is the most important tourist town of South-Western Tunisia, situated in between the two salt lakes Chott El Djerid to the South and Chott El Rharsa to the North. In the area many sites have to be preserved for their scientific interest and some of these are tourist attraction. The tourism permits to the local population to live in hardly environmental conditions but the intensive degradation development on these sites is connected to irrational use of this land by man. The high resolution Quickbird images have been used as base data to map six morpho-dynamic units and to estimate in a particular site, with the integration of the field work, the movement of a dune. The use of remote sensing data as a tool for monitoring arid systems is well known and it is now possible to apply this technique to map morphological units with an high cartographic definition

    Metodologie di analisi dei dati MODIS per la redazione di cartografie tematiche geomorfologiche.

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    The aim of this study is to test the MODIS data to mapping geomorphological units in the arid system of Western Sahara. Previous observations of the authors demonstrated how remote sensing data help in the reconstruction of palaeo-geography and climatic fluctuation during the Quaternary. In this study we propose the integration of multispectral, multisensor bands and DEM data for the interpretation and mapping of the phenomena. The analysis was done in two steps:spatian analysis by photointerpretation of MODIS and Landsat images modeled on tridimensional views; application of spectral classification of MODIS emissivity band acquired in nightime. The spectral angle mapping classification was performed on the dataset to map the limit of cemented sand dunes. The classified areas represent the most important units affected by climate changes. The Western Sahara is interested by a large oued system actually cutted by the erg; these areas may be an interresting sites to collect samples for dating and to reconstruct the Holocene climate fluctuatio

    Landscape Typology in the Mediterranean context: A tool for habitat restoration

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    Despite the wide use of Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) as a tool for landscape planning in NW Europe, there are few examples of its application in the Mediterranean. This paper reports on the results from the development of a typology for LCA in a study area of northern Sardinia, Italy to provide a spatial framework for the analysis of current patterns of cork oak distribution and future restoration of this habitat. Landscape units were derived from a visual interpretation of map data stored within a GIS describing the physical and cultural characteristics of the study area. The units were subsequently grouped into Landscape Types according to the similarity of shared attributes 36 using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). The preliminary results showed that the methodology classified distinct Land- 37 scape Types but, based on field observations, there is a need for further refinement of the classification. The distribution and properties of two main cork oak habitats types was examined within the identified Landscape Types namely woodlands and wood pastures using Patch Analyst. The results show very clearly a correspondence between the distribution of cork oak pastures and cork oak woodland and landscape types. This forms the basis of the development of strategies for the maintenance, restoration and recreation of these habitat types within the study area, ultimately for the whole island of Sardinia. Future work is required to improve the landscape characterisation , particularly with respect to cultural factors, and to determine the validity of the landscape spatial framework for the analysis of cork oak distribution as part of a programme of habitat restoration and re-creation