45 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic treatment of a large pedunculated hemangioma of the liver: A case report

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    Hepatic hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of the liver, often asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. A 62-year-old woman was referred to our Institution under the suspicion of having an 8 cm-sized GIST. Due to the atypical features of the lesion on TC scan, a biopsy was performed. We report the case of pedunculated hepatic hemangioma with the aim to discuss the diagnostic approach, the possible causes of misdiagnosis and the opportunity of the laparoscopic approach

    Joining smallholder farmers’ traditional knowledge with metric traits to select better varieties of Ethiopian wheat

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    Smallholder farming communities face highly variable climatic conditions that threaten locally adapted, low-input agriculture. The benefits of modern crop breeding may fail to reach their fields when broadly adapted genetic materials do not address local requirements. To date, participatory methods only scratched the surface of the exploitability of farmers’ traditional knowledge in breeding. In this study, 30 smallholder farmers in each of two locations in Ethiopia provided quantitative evaluations of earliness, spike morphology, tillering capacity and overall quality on 400 wheat genotypes, mostly traditional varieties, yielding altogether 192,000 data points. Metric measurements of ten agronomic traits were simultaneously collected, allowing to systematically break down farmers’ preferences on quantitative phenotypes. Results showed that the relative importance of wheat traits differed by gender and location. Farmer traits were variously contributed by metric traits, and could only partially be explained by them. Eventually, farmer trait values were used to produce a ranking of the 400 wheat varieties identifying the trait combinations most desired by farmers. The study scale and methods lead to a better understanding of the quantitative basis of Ethiopian smallholder farmer preference in wheat, broadening the discussion for the future of local, sustainable breeding efforts accommodating farmers’ knowledge

    Comparison of minimally invasive parathyroidectomy under local anaesthesia and minimally invasive video-assisted parathyroidectomy for primary hyperparathyroidism: A cost analysis

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    Background: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) origins from a solitary adenoma in 70-95% of cases. Moreover, the advances in methods for localizing an abnormal parathyroid gland made minimally invasive techniques more prominent. This study presents a micro-cost analysis of two parathyroidectomy techniques. Patients and methods: 72 consecutive patients who underwent minimally invasive parathyroidectomy, video-assisted (MIVAP, group A, 52 patients) or "open" under local anaesthesia (OMIP, group B, 20 patients) for PHPT were reviewed. Operating room, consumable, anaesthesia, maintenance costs, equipment depreciation and surgeons/anaesthesiologists fees were evaluated. The patient's satisfaction and the rate of conversion to conventional parathyroidectomy were investigated. T-Student's, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests and Odds Ratio were used for statistical analysis. Results: 1 patient of the group A and 2 of the group B were excluded from the cost analysis because of the conversion to the conventional technique. Concerning the remnant patients, the overall average costs were: for Operative Room, 1186,69 \u20ac for the MIVAP group (51 patients) and 836,11 \u20ac for the OMIP group (p<0,001); for the Team, 122,93 \u20ac (group A) and 90,02 \u20ac (group B) (p<0,001); the other operative costs were 1388,32 \u20ac (group A) and 928,23 \u20ac (group B) (p<0,001). The patient's satisfaction was very strongly in favour of the group B (Odds Ratio 20,5 with a 95% confidence interval). Conclusions: MIVAP is more expensive compared to the "open" parathyroidectomy under local anaesthesia due to the costs of general anaesthesia and the longer operative time. Moreover, the patients generally prefer the local anaesthesia. Nevertheless, the rate of conversion to the conventional parathyroidectomy was relevant in the group of the local anaesthesia compared to the MIVAP, since the latter allows a four-gland exploration

    Predictive factors for lymph node involvement in sporadic medullary thyroid microcarcinoma: A systematic review

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the impact of laboratory and imaging tests in predicting central and lateral neck lymph node/LN involvement and in decision making for surgical extent. Materials and Methods: A PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus search was performed according to PRISMA criteria. The relationship between nodule size, diagnostic biomarkers and imaging with LN involvement were evaluated. Results: The available data analysis did not yield clear indications of the relationship between each of these topics and the presence, number, and location of LN involved. There was no conclusive data for the selective indication of central neck dissection in the preoperative diagnosis of microMTC. Conclusions: There is no justification for less invasive interventions than total thyroidectomy with lymph node dissection

    Breast cancer in previously thyroidectomized patients: which thyroid disorders are a risk factor?

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether there are thyroid diseases in which breast cancer will appear later as well as the role of autoimmunity. This was a retrospective observational study. A total of 410 females (thyroid surgery and later breast cancer) and 524 females (thyroid surgery only) were compared with regard to pathological thyroid findings, thyroid hormones, thyroid autoimmunity and type of breast cancer. Thyroid autoimmunity, especially antithyroid peroxidase antibodies, significantly increased the risk of breast cancer (p &lt; 0.01); however, this was not true for other thyroid diseases, including thyroid cancer. No variant of breast cancer was predominant, and only thyroid autoimmunity was associated with the risk of breast cancer. Further research is needed to explain the impacts of different antithyroid antibodies.Lay abstract: Several studies have long hypothesized a link between thyroid disease and breast cancer. The authors' study retrospectively examined a large cohort of patients who initially underwent thyroid surgery and subsequently had breast cancer compared with a control group consisting of patients with only breast cancer. This comparison showed that only autoimmune thyroid disease was a risk factor for subsequent breast cancer, whereas no significant association of thyroid cancer with breast cancer was found

    Improving Diagnostic Performance for Thyroid Nodules Classified as Bethesda Category III or IV: How and by Whom Ultrasonography Should be Performed

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    Background: The purpose of this prospective study is to evaluate if the association of Bethesda system and a 3-categories Ultrasonography (US) risk stratification system proposed by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of Endocrinology/Associazione Medici Endocrinologi improves the performance of cytology alone in III or IV categories and if further variables such as US provider (radiologist; endocrinologist, or endocrine surgeon both coming from a dedicated team) influence the accuracy of the diagnostic. Methods: 570 consecutive patients with complete clinical records, affected by Bethesda III or IV nodules, have been addressed to two public referral surgical centers of Western Sicily. Age, sex, autoimmunity, nodule size, and US provider were recorded. Fisher's exact test was used for the univariate analysis; Odd's ratios were calculated for the multivariate analysis. Results: 248 patients had malignancy at histology, 322 were benign. The mean age was 52 years for the malignancy group and 58 y for the benign group (P &lt; 0.001). At univariate analysis, autoimmunity was correlated with benign group (P &lt; 0.001), and US risk 2 and 3 were correlated with malignancy (nearly 10-folds, P &lt; 0.001); In addition, no difference was found concerning nodule size. At multivariate analysis, US risk 2 and 3 were strong predictors of malignancy (P &lt; 0.0001) especially if cytology was Bethesda IV; endocrinologist and surgeon were more accurate in predicting malignancy compared with the radiologist (P &lt; 0.01). Conclusions: In the context of indeterminate nodules, the American College of Endocrinology/American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/Associazione Medici Endocrinologi US risk stratification system strongly improves the results of Bethesda system especially when performed from dedicated endocrinologist or endocrine surgeon

    The Role of “Critical” Ultrasound Reassessment in the Decision-Making of Bethesda III Thyroid Nodules

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    Background and Objectives: Bethesda III (BIII) thyroid nodules have an expected malignancy rate of 5-15%. Our purpose was to assess which US criteria are most associated with cancer risk, and the value of critical ultrasound (US) reassessment. Methods: From 2018 to 2022, 298 BIII nodules were enrolled for thyroidectomy (79 malignancies). We evaluated ultrasonographic data: hechogenicity, intralesional vascularization, spiculated margins, micro-calcifications, "taller than wide" shape, extra-thyroidal growth, size increase, as well as their association with histology. We also evaluated if the ultrasound reassessment modified the strategy. Results: Spiculated margins and microcalcification were significantly correlated with malignancy risk. Spiculated margins showed a specificity of 0.95 IC95% (0.93-0.98); sensitivity 0.70 IC95% (0.59-0.80). Microcalcifications showed a sensitivity of 0.87 CI95% (0.80-0.94); specificity 0.75 CI95% (0.72-0.83). The presence of these signs readdressed the strategy in 76/79 cases Then, the indication for surgery was appropriate in 75% of cases. Conclusions: Microcalcifications and spiculated margins should be routinely sought during a final ultrasound reassessment in BIII nodules. These signs allowed for a modification of the strategy in favor of surgery in 96% of the cases that were not otherwise referred to surgery. The importance of integrating ultrasound and cytology in the evaluation of BIII thyroid nodules is confirmed. Reassessment with ultrasound of BIII nodules allowed for a redirection of the surgical choice

    Interpretation of intraoperative parathyroid hormone monitoring according to the Rome criterion in primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Intraoperative parathyroid hormone dosage allows real-time monitoring of the decrease in PTH levels during parathyroidectomy and verify procedure’s efficacy. Currently, none of the interpretative criteria used has absolute accuracy. The aim of this study is to evaluate diagnostic accuracy of the Rome criterion verifying diagnostic significance of the individual assays. A total of 205 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism from a single adenoma were retrospectively evaluated and monitored with baseline PTH, PTH at 10&nbsp;min and PTH at 20&nbsp;min after adenoma excision. The accuracy of the latter two assays compared with baseline was compared by ROC curves. In addition, was evaluated the influence on these data of localization diagnostics (ultrasounds and scintigraphy), definitive histology, and type of surgery performed. The ratio of 20-min sampling to baseline in the Rome criterion showed highest diagnostic significance. This finding was not influenced by the type of surgery performed, definitive histologic examination, or intraoperative localization of the adenoma. The Rome criterion has shown its high reliability in detecting persistence. The ratio of sampling at 20&nbsp;min to baseline is by far the best performing. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether sampling at 10&nbsp;min after adenoma excision can be considered not mandatory