3 research outputs found

    Gestión integrada de Chenopodium album L

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    [ES] Chenopodium album es una mala hierba muy problemática en numerosos cultivos a nivel mundial, cuyo manejo y control es muy complicado por sus características biológicas. Puede afectar a numerosos cultivos, tanto de secano como de regadío por su gran plasticidad y adaptabilidad, además de producir gran cantidad de semilla con diferentes estrategias de germinación, lo que prolonga su persistencia en el banco de semillas del suelo. Además, ha desarrollado resistencias a numerosos herbicidas, estando en la clasificación de malas hierbas más resistentes a herbicidas a nivel mundial la número 25, al presentar resistencia a 4 modos de acción distintos. Uno de los desafíos de la agricultura actual es incrementar la producción agrícola, siendo respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Se prevé que la población mundial llegue a los 9 billones de personas en 2050, a la vez que los recursos naturales, como la tierra arable disponible, el agua. el suelo de calidad, sean cada vez menores, Además se debe afrontar el desafío del cambio climático, que contribuye a la proliferación de diferentes plagas, incluyendo las malas hierbas. La problemática de las malas hierbas es debida a que compiten con los cultivos por los recursos disponibles (agua, luz y nutrientes), pudiendo llegar a disminuir sus rendimientos en un 50% si se dejan descontroladas. Es por ello muy importante plantear estrategias de manejo de los cultivos que sean respetuosas con el medio ambiente, especialmente en cuanto a la protección de los mismos. El uso de herbicidas ha sido el método más utilizado para el control de malas hierbas, desde su gran desarrollo en los años 40, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, por su gran eficacia y facilidad de uso. Pero con los años se ha visto que el uso excesivo de herbicidas provoca daños al medio ambiente y los seres vivos, así como promueve la aparición de biotipos de malas hierbas resistentes. Es necesario adoptar nuevas estrategias de control más respetuosas con el medio ambiente. En la Unión Europea, la legislación sobre la comercialización y el uso de productos sanitarios cambió en 2009, para lograr un uso más sostenible de los mismos, promoviendo la gestión integrada de plagas. En este trabajo, se pretende explicar la problemática que supone el manejo de Chenopodium album, debido a sus características biológicas, los problemas que puede causar en los diferentes cultivos que puede afectar, y plantear una estrategia de manejo integrado, mediante las diferentes técnicas que se podrían utilizar para su control de forma sostenible. Se revisarán experiencias con diferentes métodos de control de Chenopodium album y se recomendarán los más exitosos, dentro de una estrategia integrada.[EN] Chenopodium album is a very problematic weed in many crops worldwide, whose management and control is very complicated due to its biological characteristics. It can affect many crops, both irrigated and non-irrigated due to its great plasticity and adaptability, in addition to producing large amounts of seed with different germination strategies, which prolongs its persistence in the soil seedbank. It has also developed resistance to many herbicides, with the number 25 being in the classification of weeds that are most resistant to herbicides worldwide, presenting resistance to 4 different modes of action. One of the challenges of agriculture today is to increase agricultural production, while being respectful of the environment. The world population is estimated to reach 9 billion people by 2050. Natural resources, such as available arable land, water and soil, are decreasing. In addition, it is necessary to face climate change, which contributes to the proliferation of different pests, including weeds, Weeds compete with crops for the available resources (water, light and nutrients), and crop yields could decrease by 50% if they are left uncontrolled. For this reason, it is very important to propose crop management strategies respectful of the environment, especially regarding crop protection. The use of herbicides has been the most widely used method for weed control, since its great development in the 1940s, after the Second World War, due to its great efficiency and easy use. But over the years it has been seen that the excessive use of herbicides causes damage to the environment and living beings, as well as promotes the emergence of resistant weed biotypes. It is necessary to adopt new control strategies that are more respectful with the environment. In the European Union, the legislation on the marketing and use of pesticides changed in 2009, to achieve a more sustainable use of them, promoting integrated pest management. In this work, the aim is to explain the problems involved in Chenopodium album management due to its biological characteristics, the problems it can cause in the different crops it can affect, and to propose an integrated weed management strategy, using the different techniques that could be used for its control in a sustainable way. Experiences carried out with different control methods on Chenopodium album will be reviewed and the most successful ones will be recommended, within an integrated weed management strategy.Melero Carnero, N. (2020). Gestión integrada de Chenopodium album L. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150942TFG

    Effect of different parameters (treatment administration mode, concentration and phenological weed stage) on Thymbra capitata L. essential oil herbicidal activity

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    The essential oil (EO) of Thymbra capitata has been demonstrated to possess herbicidal activity and could be used as an alternative to synthetic herbicides with reduced persistence in soil and new mode of action. Nevertheless, it is necessary to determine the adequate doses for its use, the proper way for its application and the best phenological stage of weeds and crops in which the EO should be applied to obtain maximum efficacy against weeds without compromising crop production. In this work, T. capitata EO was tested at three different concentrations against weeds grown from a citrus orchard soil seedbank untreated with herbicides and against three important weed species grown in substrate to determine the efficacy of the concentrations on different weed species. All experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions. To find out the best way for applying the EO, it was applied by irrigation and by spraying on the targeted weeds, and to verify the influence of timing, it was tested on Lolium rigidum at two different phenological stages and on wheat at a later phenological stage than weeds. The highest concentration tested (12 µL·mL−1) showed the best performance to control weeds. The more effective mode of application was by spraying on dicotyledons and by irrigation on monocotyledons at the earliest phenological stage. T. capitata EO was phytotoxic for wheat. More trials in different crops are needed to determine the best conditions for its use.Spanish Society of Weed Scienc

    Effect of Different Parameters (Treatment Administration Mode, Concentration and Phenological Weed Stage) on Thymbra capitata L. Essential Oil Herbicidal Activity

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    [EN] The essential oil (EO) of Thymbra capitata has been demonstrated to possess herbicidal activity and could be used as an alternative to synthetic herbicides with reduced persistence in soil and new mode of action. Nevertheless, it is necessary to determine the adequate doses for its use, the proper way for its application and the best phenological stage of weeds and crops in which the EO should be applied to obtain maximum efficacy against weeds without compromising crop production. In this work, T. capitata EO was tested at three different concentrations against weeds grown from a citrus orchard soil seedbank untreated with herbicides and against three important weed species grown in substrate to determine the efficacy of the concentrations on different weed species. All experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions. To find out the best way for applying the EO, it was applied by irrigation and by spraying on the targeted weeds, and to verify the influence of timing, it was tested on Lolium rigidum at two different phenological stages and on wheat at a later phenological stage than weeds. The highest concentration tested (12 µL·mL¿1) showed the best performance to control weeds. The more effective mode of application was by spraying on dicotyledons and by irrigation on monocotyledons at the earliest phenological stage. T. capitata EO was phytotoxic for wheat. More trials in different crops are needed to determine the best conditions for its use.This research was funded by the Spanish Society of Weed Science.Torres-Pagán, N.; Jouini, A.; Melero-Carnero, N.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Sánchez-Moreiras, A.; Carrubba, A.; Verdeguer Sancho, MM. (2023). Effect of Different Parameters (Treatment Administration Mode, Concentration and Phenological Weed Stage) on Thymbra capitata L. Essential Oil Herbicidal Activity. Agronomy. 13(12):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13122938116131