55 research outputs found

    A brief Survey of Recent Clinical Dashboards

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    Abstract. Application of data analytics and visual analytics to the medical domain, and specifically to support clinical activities is more and more both a need and an opportunity. For example, as reported by the US Institute of Medicine, positive transformation of current health systems to make them cost-sustainable and providing higher care quality, requires to capture more clinical data and generate knowledge for better healthcare management and enhancement of medical research. In this brief survey we review recent papers (since 2013 on) describing innovative clinical dashboards which promise better support of clinical and medical research activities. We also explain how in some of these tools analytics features are implemented to cope with clinical dataset and get insights from them. We try therefore to identify for each considered tool a set of features concerning data sources, tasks/workflows supported, indicators and their graphical representation, analytics support, target users and data processing approaches

    Reputation evaluation of georeferenced data for crowd-sensed applications

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    Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is a process where individuals, supported by enabling technologies, behave like physicalsensorstoharvestgeoreferencedcontentintheirsurroundings. Thevalueofthis, typicallyheterogeneous, contenthasbeen recognized by both researchers and organizations. However, in order to be fruitfully used in various VGI-based types of application reliability and quality of particular VGI content (i.e., Points of Interest) have to be assessed. This evaluation can be based on reputation scores that summarize users’ experiences with the specific content. Following this direction, our contribution provides, primarily, a new comprehensive model and a multi-layer architecture for reputation evaluation aimed to assess quality of VGI content. Secondly, we demonstrate the relevance of adopting such a framework through an applicative scenario for recommending touristic itineraries

    A Social Network-based Framework for Data Services Selection in Modern Web Application Design

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    Abstract. In recent years the design of enterprise Web applications is more and more based on the integration of resources delivered through data services from outside the organization boundaries. Searching and composing existing data services offer many advantages, namely, the availability of widespread solutions in the form of services and data shared over the Web, and reduced development costs. In this scenario, new methods for speeding up the design process are emerging and, in particular, developers' social networks have been established, where developers follow other developers to learn from their choices in selecting suitable services. In this paper, we propose a framework to support data service selection for modern Web application design, by also considering the developers' social network. The network of social relationships, properly weighted with the developers' credibility, is used to compute developers' rank. This rank qualifies developers' experience in selecting data services

    Evaluating Reputation in VGI-enabled Applications

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    ABSTRACT Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is an approach to crowdsource information about geospatial objects around us, as implemented in Open Street Map, Google Map Maker and WikiMapia projects. The value of this content has been recognized by both researchers and organizations for acquiring free, timely and detailed spatial data versus standard spatial data warehouses where objects are created by professionals with variable updating time. However, evaluating its quality and handling its heterogeneity remain challenging concerns. For instance, VGI data sources have been compared to authoritative geospatial ones on specific regions/areas in order to determine an average overall quality level. In user-oriented VGI-based applications, it can be more relevant to assess the quality of particular contents, like specific Points of Interest. In this case, evaluation can be performed indirectly by reputation scores associated with the specific content. This paper focuses on this last aspect. Our contribution primarily provides a comprehensive model and architecture for reputation evaluation aimed to assess quality of VGI content. On the other hand, we also focus on applications by discussing two motivating scenarios for reputation-enhanced VGI data in the context of geospatial decision support systems and in recommending tourist itineraries

    Hybrid Techniques for Web APIs Recommendation ∗

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    Currently on the Web there is a proliferation of software components with public APIs that made available readyto-use functionalities and access to contents. These APIs can be exploited to build applications, called mashups, that are gaining a lot of interest as an opportunity to integrate contents and application logics from independent sources in short-living situational applications. Although existing mashup frameworks, like Google’s Mashup Editor or Yahoo Pipes, provide valid support for development of new applications from given content sources, designers often have to deal with large component repositories in which APIs for components are usually featured by semantic and technological heterogeneities. This situation creates disorientation in a designer that has to select manually components and finding the better way to compose them in a mashup. As a contribution to solve this problem, we introduce hybrid techniques that combine semantics and collective knowledge to organize component descriptors in a registry according to coupling links. Then, we discuss how this organization can be exploited to implement proactive component recommendation for the design of mashup applications

    A brief Survey of Recent Clinical Dashboards

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    . Application of data analytics and visual analytics to the medical domain, and specifically to support clinical activities is more and more both a need and an opportunity. For example, as reported by the US Institute of Medicine, positive transformation of current health systems to make them cost-sustainable and providing higher care quality, requires to capture more clinical data and generate knowledge for better healthcare management and enhancement of medical research. In this brief survey we review recent papers (since 2013 on) describing innovative clinical dashboards which promise better support of clinical and medical research activities. We also explain how in some of these tools analytics features are implemented to cope with clinical dataset and get insights from them. We try therefore to identify for each considered tool a set of features concerning data sources, tasks/workflows supported, indicators and their graphical representation, analytics support, target users and data processing approaches

    Improving Geo-spatial Linked Data with the Wisdom of the Crowds ABSTRACT

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    Currently, there is more and more interest in geo-spatial data sources providing rich information about a huge number of interconnected geo-entities and points of interest located in the real world. Moreover, this kind of sources is one of the first to be published as linked open data. Noteworthy examples are the Geonames and GeoLinkedData initiatives. On the one hand, making available more data sources as linked open data allows querying the sources in an integrated way. On the other hand, it is known that content of geo-spatial data sources suffers from various drawbacks, mainly concerning data quality and conflicts. In this context, relevant feedbacks from users with specific experience and knowledge about POIs in a certain spatial region are considered valuable contributions to improve data quality and solve description conflicts. In this context, we propose a conceptual framework called M-PREGeD (Multi-Providers cRowd-Enhanced Geo linked Data) devoted to collect, organize and rank user-generated corrections and completions to improve accuracy and completeness of Geo-spatial Linked Data from different data sources. Metrics have been defined for both contributors and contents. In the framework, validated and ranked corrections and completions are stored as linked open data in a separate repository but linked to the original data sources. The repository can be queried in a combined way with the original data sources
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