2,145 research outputs found

    Molecular content of a type-Ia SN host galaxy at z=0.6

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    We study the properties and the molecular content of the host of a type-Ia supernova (SN1997ey). This z=0.575 host is the brightest submillimetre source of the sample of type-Ia supernova hosts observed at 450um and 850um by Farrah et al.. Observations were performed at IRAM-30m to search for CO(2-1) and CO(3-2) lines in good weather conditions but no signal was detected. The star formation rate cannot exceed 50 M_sol/yr. These negative results are confronted with an optical analysis of a Keck spectrum and other data archives. We reach the conclusion that this galaxy is a late-type system (0.7 L^B_*), with a small residual star-formation activity (0.2 M_sol/yr) detected in the optical. No source of heating (AGN or starburst) is found to explain the submillimetre-continuum flux and the non-CO detection excludes the presence of a large amount of cold gas. We thus suggest that either the star formation activity is hidden in the nucleus (with A_V ~ 4) or this galaxy is passive or anemic and this flux might be associated with a background galaxy.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    CO investigation of z=0.4-1.5 galaxies

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    We report on the results of an IRAM-30m search for CO emission lines in three galaxies at intermediate redshifts. The idea was to investigate the molecular content of galaxies bright in the infrared at z=0.4-1.5, a redshift desert for molecular line studies, poorly investigated as of yet. We integrated 8-10h per source and did not succeed in detecting any of the sources. From our upper limits, we are able to constrain the molecular gas content in these systems to less than 4 to 8 x 10^9 Mo, assuming a CO-to-H_2 conversion factor (\alpha=0.8 Mo/(K km s^-1 pc^2)). We stress the current difficulty of selecting sources with a detectable molecular content, a problem that will be faced by the ALMA First Science projects.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Detection of CO in the inner part of M31's bulge

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    We report the first detection of CO in M31's bulge. The 12CO (1-0) and (2-1) lines are both detected in the dust complex D395A/393/384, at 1.3" (~0.35 kpc) from the centre. From these data and from visual extinction data, we derive a CO-luminosity to reddening ratio (and a CO-luminosity to H_2 column density ratio) quite similar to that observed in the local Galactic clouds. The (2-1) to (1-0) line intensity ratio points to a CO rotational temperature and a gas kinetic temperature > 10 K. The molecular mass of the complex, inside a 25' (100 pc) region, is 1.5 10^4 Mo.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures (2 in colour

    Star formation efficiency in galaxy interactions and mergers: a statistical study

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    We investigate the enhancement of star formation efficiency in galaxy interactions and mergers, by numerical simulations of several hundred galaxy collisions. All morphological types along the Hubble sequence are considered in the initial conditions of the two colliding galaxies, with varying bulge-to-disk ratios and gas mass fractions. Different types of orbits are simulated, direct and retrograde, according to the initial relative energy and impact parameter, and the resulting star formation history is compared to that occuring in the two galaxies when they are isolated. Our principal results are: (1) retrograde encounters have a larger star formation efficiency (SFE) than direct encounters; (2) the amount of gas available in the galaxy is not the main parameter governing the SFE in the burst phase; (3) there is an anticorrelation between the amplitude of the star forming burst and the tidal forces exerted per unit of time, which is due to the large amount of gas dragged outside the galaxy by tidal tails in strong interactions; (4) globally, the Kennicutt-Schmidt law is retrieved statistically for isolated galaxies, interacting pairs and mergers; (5) the enhanced star formation is essentially occurring in nuclear starbursts, triggered by inward gas flows driven by non-axisymmetries in the galaxy disks. Direct encounters develop more pronounced asymmetries than retrograde ones. Based on these statistical results, we derive general laws for the enhancement of star formation in galaxy interactions and mergers, as a function of the main parameters of the encounter.Comment: 22 pages, 37 figures, 4 tables. Accepted on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Data Processing Pipeline for the Herschel-HIFI Instrument

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    The HIFI data processing pipeline was developed to systematically process diagnostic, calibration and astronomical observations taken with the HIFI science instrumentas part of the Herschel mission. The HIFI pipeline processed data from all HIFI observing modes within the Herschel automated processing environment, as well as, within an interactive environment. A common software framework was developed to best support the use cases required by the instrument teams and by the general astronomers. The HIFI pipeline was built on top of that and was designed with a high degree of modularity. This modular design provided the necessary flexibility and extensibility to deal with the complexity of batch-processing eighteen different observing modes, to support the astronomers in the interactive analysis and to cope with adjustments necessary to improve the pipeline and the quality of the end-products. This approach to the software development and data processing effort was arrived at by coalescing the lessons learned from similar research based projects with the understanding that a degree of foresight was required given the overall length of the project. In this article, both the successes and challenges of the HIFI software development process are presented. To support future similar projects and retain experience gained lessons learned are extracted.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Etude du comportement mécanique d'un liner de titane

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    National audienceIl s'agit dans ce travail d'étudier le comportement mécanique d'un liner constitué de titane T35, fourni sous la forme de feuillard de 300 μm d'épaisseur. Ce travail porte notamment sur la caractérisation du métal de base mais aussi sur celui des cordons de soudure.. Pour le matériau de base, les observations microstructurales ont révélé des grains équiaxes avec une texture classique de tôle laminée pour les matériaux hexagonaux. Les soudures montrent une microstructure moins régulière et une texture plus isotrope. D'un point de vue comportement mécanique, nous avons pu identifier au moyen d'essais de traction un comportement élastoviscoplastique anisotrope des tôles. Ces résultats expérimentaux ont permis l'identification de 3 modèles issus de la littérature, (Mises, Hill et Bron-Besson) donnant lieu à des comparaisons de simulation. Enfin une analyse tomographique réalisée à l'ESRF sur une éprouvette fissurée a révélée la présence de peu de cavités à proximité de la fissure