1,267 research outputs found

    Electroconvective instability in a fluid layer

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    Electroconvective instabilities in fluid laye

    Electrohydrodynamic charge relaxation and interfacial perpendicular field instability

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    Electrohydrodynamic charge relaxation and interfacial perpendicular-field instabilit

    An electrohydrodynamically induced spatially period cellular Stokes-flow

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    Spatially periodic, time invariant electric field used to create spatially periodic cellular flow by action of electric shear stress in region of fluid-fluid interfac

    Protection of the blood clot in healing circumscribed bone defects

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    1. Penetrating defects were cut in the femora of twenty-five albino rats. In fifteen of the animals the defects in the right legs were protected with cellulose-acetate shields while those in the left legs were unprotected and allowed to heal as controls. In the remaining ten animals the defects in both legs were protected with shields made of homogenous organic bone. 2. New bone was found to proliferate into the concavity of the shields in most of the animals and this protruded beyond the contour of the femur. The development of the protuberance appeared to depend upon the degree to which the shield was adapted to the femoral surface. 3. The cellulose-acetate shield was not removed by the host, but the homogenous organic bone was actively resorbed; multinucleated giant cells were associated with this process. 4. There are indications that the maintenance of the protuberance is dependent upon the continued presence of the shield. Exostoses protected by intact cellulose-acetate shields have been recognised up to eighteen months after operation. 5. The function of the shield in the formation of the bony protuberance is thought to be two-fold, in that it protects the haematoma from invasion by non-osteogenic extra-skeletal connective tissue, and that it governs the size of the haematoma and prevents its distortion by the pressure of the overlying soft tissue. </jats:p

    A Sensor Failure Simulator for Control System Reliability Studies

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    A real-time Sensor Failure Simulator (SFS) was designed and assembled for the Advanced Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation (ADIA) program. Various designs were considered. The design chosen features an IBM-PC/XT. The PC is used to drive analog circuitry for simulating sensor failures in real-time. A user defined scenario describes the failure simulation for each of the five incoming sensor signals. Capabilities exist for editing, saving, and retrieving the failure scenarios. The SFS has been tested closed-loop with the Controls Interface and Monitoring (CIM) unit, the ADIA control, and a real-time F100 hybrid simulation. From a productivity viewpoint, the menu driven user interface has proven to be efficient and easy to use. From a real-time viewpoint, the software controlling the simulation loop executes at greater than 100 cycles/sec

    Combustion Stability Characteristics of the Project Morpheus Liquid Oxygen/Liquid Methane Main Engine

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    The Project Morpheus liquid oxygen (LOX) / liquid methane rocket engines demonstrated acousticcoupled combustion instabilities during sealevel groundbased testing at the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) and Stennis Space Center (SSC). Highamplitude, 1T, 1R, 1T1R (and higher order) modes appear to be triggered by injector conditions. The instability occurred during the Morpheusspecific engine ignition/start sequence, and did demonstrate the capability to propagate into mainstage. However, the instability was never observed to initiate during mainstage, even at low power levels. The Morpheus main engine is a JSCdesigned ~5,000 lbfthrust, 4:1 throttling, pressurefed cryogenic engine using an impinging element injector design. Two different engine designs, named HD4 and HD5, and two different builds of the HD4 engine all demonstrated similar instability characteristics. Through the analysis of more than 200 hot fire tests on the Morpheus vehicle and SSC test stand, a relationship between ignition stability and injector/chamber pressure was developed. The instability has the distinct characteristic of initiating at high relative injection pressure drop (dP) at low chamber pressure (Pc); i.e., instabilities initiated at high dP/Pc at low Pc during the start sequence. The high dP/Pc during start results during the injector /chamber chillin, and is enhanced by hydraulic flip in the injector orifice elements. Because of the fixed mixture ratio of the existing engine design (the main valves share a common actuator), it is not currently possible to determine if LOX or methane injector dP/Pc were individual contributors (i.e., LOX and methane dP/Pc typically trend in the same direction within a given test). The instability demonstrated initiation characteristic of starting at or shortly after methane injector chillin. Colder methane (e.g., subcooled) at the injector inlet prior to engine start was much more likely to result in an instability. A secondary effect of LOX subcooling was also possibly observed; greater LOX sub cooling improved stability. Some tests demonstrated a lowamplitude 1L1T instability prior to LOX injector chillin. The Morpheus main engine also demonstrated chug instabilities during some engine shutdown sequences on the flight vehicle and SSC test stand. The chug instability was also infrequently observed during the startup sequence. The chug instabilities predictably initiated at low dP/Pc at low Pc. The chug instabilities were always selflimiting; startup chug instabilities terminated during throttleup and shutdown chug instabilities decayed by shutdown termination

    Energy transfer mechanism in Gd_2(SiO_4)O:Ce scintillators

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    The scintillation decay of cerium-doped gadolinium oxyorthosilicate Gd_2(SiO_4)O:Ce is lengthened by the energy transfer from Gd to Ce. To investigate the role of the Gd in the scintillation processes, the Gd was partially replaced by optically inactive rare earth elements, Y and Lu, and the effective transfer rates from Gd to Ce were measured as a function of Gd and Ce concentrations using UV- and gamma-ray excitations. The data clearly indicate the dilution of the Gd by the Y and the Lu further lengthens the migration time through the Gd in the energy transfer process from Gd to Ce