1,090 research outputs found

    Models of Co-occurrence

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    A model of co-occurrence in bitext is a boolean predicate that indicates whether a given pair of word tokens co-occur in corresponding regions of the bitext space. Co-occurrence is a precondition for the possibility that two tokens might be mutual translations. Models of co-occurrence are the glue that binds methods for mapping bitext correspondence with methods for estimating translation models into an integrated system for exploiting parallel texts. Different models of co-occurrence are possible, depending on the kind of bitext map that is available, the language-specific information that is available, and the assumptions made about the nature of translational equivalence. Although most statistical translation models are based on models of co-occurrence, modeling co-occurrence correctly is more difficult than it may at first appear

    Automatic Construction of Clean Broad-Coverage Translation Lexicons

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    Word-level translational equivalences can be extracted from parallel texts by surprisingly simple statistical techniques. However, these techniques are easily fooled by {\em indirect associations} --- pairs of unrelated words whose statistical properties resemble those of mutual translations. Indirect associations pollute the resulting translation lexicons, drastically reducing their precision. This paper presents an iterative lexicon cleaning method. On each iteration, most of the remaining incorrect lexicon entries are filtered out, without significant degradation in recall. This lexicon cleaning technique can produce translation lexicons with recall and precision both exceeding 90\%, as well as dictionary-sized translation lexicons that are over 99\% correct.Comment: PostScript file, 10 pages. To appear in Proceedings of AMTA-9

    Word-to-Word Models of Translational Equivalence

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    Parallel texts (bitexts) have properties that distinguish them from other kinds of parallel data. First, most words translate to only one other word. Second, bitext correspondence is noisy. This article presents methods for biasing statistical translation models to reflect these properties. Analysis of the expected behavior of these biases in the presence of sparse data predicts that they will result in more accurate models. The prediction is confirmed by evaluation with respect to a gold standard -- translation models that are biased in this fashion are significantly more accurate than a baseline knowledge-poor model. This article also shows how a statistical translation model can take advantage of various kinds of pre-existing knowledge that might be available about particular language pairs. Even the simplest kinds of language-specific knowledge, such as the distinction between content words and function words, is shown to reliably boost translation model performance on some tasks. Statistical models that are informed by pre-existing knowledge about the model domain combine the best of both the rationalist and empiricist traditions

    Automatic Discovery of Non-Compositional Compounds in Parallel Data

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    Automatic segmentation of text into minimal content-bearing units is an unsolved problem even for languages like English. Spaces between words offer an easy first approximation, but this approximation is not good enough for machine translation (MT), where many word sequences are not translated word-for-word. This paper presents an efficient automatic method for discovering sequences of words that are translated as a unit. The method proceeds by comparing pairs of statistical translation models induced from parallel texts in two languages. It can discover hundreds of non-compositional compounds on each iteration, and constructs longer compounds out of shorter ones. Objective evaluation on a simple machine translation task has shown the method's potential to improve the quality of MT output. The method makes few assumptions about the data, so it can be applied to parallel data other than parallel texts, such as word spellings and pronunciations.Comment: 12 pages; uses natbib.sty, here.st

    Manual Annotation of Translational Equivalence: The Blinker Project

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    Bilingual annotators were paid to link roughly sixteen thousand corresponding words between on-line versions of the Bible in modern French and modern English. These annotations are freely available to the research community from http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~melamed . The annotations can be used for several purposes. First, they can be used as a standard data set for developing and testing translation lexicons and statistical translation models. Second, researchers in lexical semantics will be able to mine the annotations for insights about cross-linguistic lexicalization patterns. Third, the annotations can be used in research into certain recently proposed methods for monolingual word-sense disambiguation. This paper describes the annotated texts, the specially-designed annotation tool, and the strategies employed to increase the consistency of the annotations. The annotation process was repeated five times by different annotators. Inter-annotator agreement rates indicate that the annotations are reasonably reliable and that the method is easy to replicate

    Accuracy-based scoring for DOT: towards direct error minimization for data-oriented translation

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    In this work we present a novel technique to rescore fragments in the Data-Oriented Translation model based on their contribution to translation accuracy. We describe three new rescoring methods, and present the initial results of a pilot experiment on a small subset of the Europarl corpus. This work is a proof-of-concept, and is the first step in directly optimizing translation decisions solely on the hypothesized accuracy of potential translations resulting from those decisions

    A Geometric Approach to Mapping Bitext Correspondence

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    The first step in most corpus-based multilingual NLP work is to construct a detailed map of the correspondence between a text and its translation. Several automatic methods for this task have been proposed in recent years. Yet even the best of these methods can err by several typeset pages. The Smooth Injective Map Recognizer (SIMR) is a new bitext mapping algorithm. SIMR's errors are smaller than those of the previous front-runner by more than a factor of 4. Its robustness has enabled new commercial-quality applications. The greedy nature of the algorithm makes it independent of memory resources. Unlike other bitext mapping algorithms, SIMR allows crossing correspondences to account for word order differences. Its output can be converted quickly and easily into a sentence alignment. SIMR's output has been used to align over 200 megabytes of the Canadian Hansards for publication by the Linguistic Data Consortium.Comment: 15 pages, minor revisions on Sept. 30, 199

    Automatic Detection of Omissions in Translations

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    ADOMIT is an algorithm for Automatic Detection of OMIssions in Translations. The algorithm relies solely on geometric analysis of bitext maps and uses no linguistic information. This property allows it to deal equally well with omissions that do not correspond to linguistic units, such as might result from word-processing mishaps. ADOMIT has proven itself by discovering many errors in a hand-constructed gold standard for evaluating bitext mapping algorithms. Quantitative evaluation on simulated omissions showed that, even with today\u27s poor bitext mapping technology, ADOMIT is a valuable quality control tool for translators and translation bureaus