30 research outputs found

    Stochastic Coherence Over Attention Trajectory For Continuous Learning In Video Streams

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    Devising intelligent agents able to live in an environment and learn by observing the surroundings is a longstanding goal of Artificial Intelligence. From a bare Machine Learning perspective, challenges arise when the agent is prevented from leveraging large fully-annotated dataset, but rather the interactions with supervisory signals are sparsely distributed over space and time. This paper proposes a novel neural-network-based approach to progressively and autonomously develop pixel-wise representations in a video stream. The proposed method is based on a human-like attention mechanism that allows the agent to learn by observing what is moving in the attended locations. Spatio-temporal stochastic coherence along the attention trajectory, paired with a contrastive term, leads to an unsupervised learning criterion that naturally copes with the considered setting. Differently from most existing works, the learned representations are used in open-set class-incremental classification of each frame pixel, relying on few supervisions. Our experiments leverage 3D virtual environments and they show that the proposed agents can learn to distinguish objects just by observing the video stream. Inheriting features from state-of-the art models is not as powerful as one might expect

    Machine Learning: A Constraint-Based Approach

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    Machine Learning: A Constraint-Based Approach, Second Edition provides readers with a refreshing look at the basic models and algorithms of machine learning, with an emphasis on current topics of interest that include neural networks and kernel machines. The book presents the information in a truly unified manner that is based on the notion of learning from environmental constraints. It draws a path towards deep integration with machine learning that relies on the idea of adopting multivalued logic formalisms, such as in fuzzy systems. Special attention is given to deep learning, which nicely fits the constrained-based approach followed in this book. The book presents a simpler unified notion of regularization, which is strictly connected with the parsimony principle, including many solved exercises that are classified according to the Donald Knuth ranking of difficulty, which essentially consists of a mix of warm-up exercises that lead to deeper research problems. A software simulator is also included

    Domain Knowledge Alleviates Adversarial Attacks in Multi-Label Classifiers

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    Adversarial attacks on machine learning-based classifiers, along with defense mechanisms, have been widely studied in the context of single-label classification problems. In this paper, we shift the attention to multi-label classification, where the availability of domain knowledge on the relationships among the considered classes may offer a natural way to spot incoherent predictions, i.e., predictions associated to adversarial examples lying outside of the training data distribution. We explore this intuition in a framework in which first-order logic knowledge is converted into constraints and injected into a semi-supervised learning problem. Within this setting, the constrained classifier learns to fulfill the domain knowledge over the marginal distribution, and can naturally reject samples with incoherent predictions. Even though our method does not exploit any knowledge of attacks during training, our experimental analysis surprisingly unveils that domain-knowledge constraints can help detect adversarial examples effectively, especially if such constraints are not known to the attacker. We show how to implement an adaptive attack exploiting knowledge of the constraints and, in a specifically-designed setting, we provide experimental comparisons with popular state-of-the-art attacks. We believe that our approach may provide a significant step towards designing more robust multi-label classifiers

    Learning visual features under motion invariance

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    Humans are continuously exposed to a stream of visual data with a natural temporal structure. However, most successful computer vision algorithms work at image level, completely discarding the precious information carried by motion. In this paper, we claim that processing visual streams naturally leads to formulate the motion invariance principle, which enables the construction of a new theory of learning that originates from variational principles, just like in physics. Such principled approach is well suited for a discussion on a number of interesting questions that arise in vision, and it offers a well-posed computational scheme for the discovery of convolutional filters over the retina. Differently from traditional convolutional networks, which need massive supervision, the proposed theory offers a truly new scenario for the unsupervised processing of video signals, where features are extracted in a multi-layer architecture with motion invariance. While the theory enables the implementation of novel computer vision systems, it also sheds light on the role of information-based principles to drive possible biological solutions

    Learning in text streams: discovery and disambiguation of entity and relation instances

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    We consider a scenario where an artificial agent is reading a stream of text composed of a set of narrations, and it is informed about the identity of some of the individuals that are mentioned in the text portion that is currently being read. The agent is expected to learn to follow the narrations, thus disambiguating mentions and discovering new individuals. We focus on the case in which individuals are entities and relations and propose an end-to-end trainable memory network that learns to discover and disambiguate them in an online manner, performing one-shot learning and dealing with a small number of sparse supervisions. Our system builds a not-given-in-advance knowledge base, and it improves its skills while reading the unsupervised text. The model deals with abrupt changes in the narration, considering their effects when resolving coreferences. We showcase the strong disambiguation and discovery skills of our model on a corpus of Wikipedia documents and on a newly introduced data set that we make publicly available

    Focus of attention improves information transfer in visual features

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    Unsupervised learning from continuous visual streams is a challenging problem that cannot be naturally and efficiently managed in the classic batch-mode setting of computation. The information stream must be carefully processed accordingly to an appropriate spatio-temporal distribution of the visual data, while most approaches of learning commonly assume uniform probability density. In this paper we focus on unsupervised learning for transferring visual information in a truly online setting by using a computational model that is inspired to the principle of least action in physics. The maximization of the mutual information is carried out by a temporal process which yields online estimation of the entropy terms. The model, which is based on second-order differential equations, maximizes the information transfer from the input to a discrete space of symbols related to the visual features of the input, whose computation is supported by hidden neurons. In order to better structure the input probability distribution, we use a human-like focus of attention model that, coherently with the information maximization model, is also based on second-order differential equations. We provide experimental results to support the theory by showing that the spatio-temporal filtering induced by the focus of attention allows the system to globally transfer more information from the input stream over the focused areas and, in some contexts, over the whole frames with respect to the unfiltered case that yields uniform probability distributions

    Domain Knowledge Alleviates Adversarial Attacks in Multi-Label Classifiers

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    Adversarial attacks on machine learning-based classifiers, along with defense mechanisms, have been widely studied in the context of single-label classification problems. In this paper, we shift the attention to multi-label classification, where the availability of domain knowledge on the relationships among the considered classes may offer a natural way to spot incoherent predictions, i.e., predictions associated to adversarial examples lying outside of the training data distribution. We explore this intuition in a framework in which first-order logic knowledge is converted into constraints and injected into a semi-supervised learning problem. Within this setting, the constrained classifier learns to fulfill the domain knowledge over the marginal distribution, and can naturally reject samples with incoherent predictions. Even though our method does not exploit any knowledge of attacks during training, our experimental analysis surprisingly unveils that domain-knowledge constraints can help detect adversarial examples effectively, especially if such constraints are not known to the attacker. We show how to implement an adaptive attack exploiting knowledge of the constraints and, in a specifically-designed setting, we provide experimental comparisons with popular state-of-the-art attacks. We believe that our approach may provide a significant step towards designing more robust multi-label classifiers

    Foveated Neural Computation

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    The classic computational scheme of convolutional layers leverages filter banks that are shared over all the spatial coordinates of the input, independently on external information on what is specifically under observation and without any distinctions between what is closer to the observed area and what is peripheral. In this paper we propose to go beyond such a scheme, introducing the notion of Foveated Convolutional Layer (FCL), that formalizes the idea of location-dependent convolutions with foveated processing, i.e., fine-grained processing in a given-focused area and coarser processing in the peripheral regions. We show how the idea of foveated computations can be exploited not only as a filtering mechanism, but also as a mean to speed-up inference with respect to classic convolutional layers, allowing the user to select the appropriate trade-off between level of detail and computational burden. FCLs can be stacked into neural architectures and we evaluate them in several tasks, showing how they efficiently handle the information in the peripheral regions, eventually avoiding the development of misleading biases. When integrated with a model of human attention, FCL-based networks naturally implement a foveated visual system that guides the attention toward the locations of interest, as we experimentally analyze on a stream of visual stimuli

    Learning as Constraint Reactions

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    A theory of learning is proposed,which extends naturally the classic regularization framework of kernelmachines to the case in which the agent interacts with a richer environment, compactly described by the notion of constraint. Variational calculus is exploited to derive general representer theorems that give a description of the structure of the solution to the learning problem. It is shown that such solution can be represented in terms of constraint reactions, which remind the corresponding notion in analytic mechanics. In particular, the derived representer theorems clearly show the extension of the classic kernel expansion on support vectors to the expansion on support constraints. As an application of the proposed theory three examples are given, which illustrate the dimensional collapse to a finite-dimensional space of parameters. The constraint reactions are calculated for the classic collection of supervised examples, for the case of box constraints, and for the case of hard holonomic linear constraints mixed with supervised examples. Interestingly, this leads to representer theorems for which we can re-use the kernel machine mathematical and algorithmic apparatus