187 research outputs found

    Review on the Role of Forest Landscapes in Watershed Hydrologic Processes

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    Forest hydrology examines the flow paths and storage of water in forests and how forest disturbance and management modify the hydrologic response. Despite, the huge amount of data and knowledge acquired over the world, the result of deforestation seems to reappear every time a new catastrophic flood or drought occurrences somewhere in the world. This paper reviews literatures on the relationship between forest cover and watershed hydrologic processes. There is strong evidence that in well-watered regions, at least, stream flow response is proportional to reduction in forest cover. Response in stream flow may be almost immediate or considerably delayed, depending on climate, soils, topography, and other factors. Most of the existing literature suggests that forest has potential to reduce annual water yield and base flow, but have limited effects on peak flow rates and flooding events. The variability of the hydrologic effects is large due to differences in watershed hydrologic processes which are controlled by climate, soils, and the stage of vegetation development. Re-forestation campaigns are not likely to cause large scale changes in water yield, base flow, and flood peaks before the hydrologic properties of degraded soils are fully improved. By degrading forests, which is essential for erosion control by stabilizing the soil with roots, erosion occurs and as a result the stream carries more sediment and water becomes worse. The presence of vegetation cover in general and forest cover in particular modifies the climatic parameters and creates a microclimate whose characteristics depend on the general climate itself and the physical characteristics defining the nature and structure of the cover. Keywords: Forest, Hydrology, deforestation, Hydrologic impact

    Challenge and Opportunity of Small Scale Irrigation in Assosa District, Benishangul Gumuz Region, Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted to assess the challenge and opportunity of small scale irrigation in Amba four kebele, Assosa District, Benishangul Gumuz Region, western Ethiopia in the year 2019. In the kebele farmer’s grow different cereals, vegetable and fruit and soil types was mostly dominated by clay red which have medium soil fertility. To undertake this research data was collected by questionnaires and interviews from 61 sample respondents and kebele agriculture experts. The data was analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Science and presented by like table, percentage and graph. There are so many challenges faced in the kebele based on the questionnaires survey 50% of the respondent are exposed to those serious factors i.e. lack of irrigation awareness, lack of water saving technologies, lack adequate base line about irrigation, lack of experience in design and supervision about irrigation project and poor economic back ground. Finally the research finding was concluded that there were different output/results based on the research objectives according to the challenges of small-scale irrigation 11.5% of the respondent were exposed to different conflict/disagreement due to shortage of sufficient irrigation system and low capacity of water on the area and on the contrary we have generalized that there have been good opportunities according to our finding 98.4% of the respondent are agree as result of irrigation they have an opportunity to produce crops and vegetables by gaining water from their irrigation system. As a result this irrigation technology used as source of income, maximizing of food production, reduction of poverty. The efficient and effective use of the water resource in irrigation region is central to the long term sustainability of irrigated region in the area.  Finally we have been suggest different point of view  based  our finding  we  recommended to the concerned bodies  such as Assosa District agriculture  office, Amba four kebele agriculture office and farmers to work hormonally to each other sought solution for small-scale irrigation challenges and the government should give attention on those critical issues. Keywords: small scale Irrigation, Challenge, Opportunities, Farmers, Respondents DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/81-01 Publication date: December 31st 2021

    Changes on Selected Hydrologic Regimes in Southeast Blue Nile River Basin: The Case of Neshe Watershed, Ethiopia

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    Variability of hydrologic regimes is the major indicators of change in the climatic condition of the area. Hence, a good understanding on the changes of hydrologic regime is crucial for sustainable water resources management. However, investigations on such relationships are little in Ethiopia both at national and watershed scale. Therefore, this study was designed to deal with the change in rainfall and stream flow pattern of Neshe watershed for the period of 33 years (1972-2005) in South-East Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. The hydrologic data were obtained from Ethiopian Ministry of water resource and National Meteorological agency. Statistical correlation and linear regression analysis was used to detect the periodic trends of the change in the selected hydrologic regimes. Trend analysis for the period 1972 to 1986 has revealed insignificant seasonal variation in the total flow and annual rainfall (p > 0.05). However, dry season base flow and mean annual peak flow were significantly reduced. For the period 1987 to 2005, total flow showed a noticeable increasing trend in the wet season and a decreasing trend in its dry season flow while; base flow in the wet season, annual peak flow and rainfall were not considerably varied. But an imperative dry season decreasing trend was observed on the base flow. Even though, seasonal and periodic variations in terms of increase or decrease for the whole considered hydrologic variables were observed, the overall (1972 to 2005) time series analysis on the hydrologic variable revealed that rainfall and stream flow show a significant increasing trend in rainfall; total flow and peak flow components while a decreasing trend in base flow. Therefore, it is concluded that the study shows the annual variation in water yield potential of Neshe watershed. Keywords: watershed, hydrology, total flow, peak flow, base flow, rainfall DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-2-05

    Challenges of Potable Water Supply in Assosa Town, Benishangul Gumuz Region, Ethiopia

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    Assosa town has been through a problem of sustainable potable water supply because the demand is not satisfied and large numbers of people do not have access to adequate amount of potable water. As a result, residents are forced to get water from unprotected sources which are far from their homes. Besides, they also buy water frequently from illegal persons and incur additional cost. In line with these the main objective of this study was to assess the challenges inadequate water supply in Assosa town. A survey was conducted on a randomly selected 97 House Holds and interviews with purposefully selected key informants in the year 2019. Emphasis was put on examining the nature of the problems of water supply and challenges the service providers and households faced. The study has confirmed that the town water supply service could not cover the demand of it with present existing capacity and based on the research outcome only 36.1% of the respondents get water through their own private taps. As the majority of respondents were agreed that in the study area, many respondents expressed that population size, budget problemsand insufficient and poor distribution of water were the main challenges for potable water supply system. That is, the water supplying service in the town is unsustainable; it is socially inequitable, economically inefficient and environmentally unsound.  This study presents the following recommendations to ensure sustainable water supply in the study area including providing different water sources, conserving water sources, family planning, demand management, demand oriented supply, participating different actors, mobilizing financial resources, and staffing organizational structure with skilled personnel and equipping it with material facilities. Keywords:Water sources, production, accessibility, potable water supply, Assosa. DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/75-03 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Dioxin and Furan Emissions and Its Management Practices

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    Many changes like increment of the population and demanded services, expansion of industries, increasing of transportation demand, etc., have increased the emission of dioxin and furan. There was no indicative research conducted on the quantification and management practices of the unintentionally produced persistent organic pollutants like dioxin and Furan. A UNEP model for dioxin- and furan-related POPs management was commonly used to assess the main anthropogenic sources of dioxin and furan. In this book chapter, UNEP toolkit that was developed in 2013 is used to identify and quantify the sector-based emission of dioxin and furan. About nine main groups of anthropogenic POPs sources such as waste incineration, open burning process, ferrous and nonferrous metal production, etc., explicitly discussed in the report were identified. The case study in Addis Ababa showed that all organizations have no awareness about the dioxin and furan emission issues and follow very weak management styles. Finally, the book chapter suggests the reformulation of the national legal management framework, adaptation of best available technology with less POPs footprint, increasing public and stakeholder’s awareness and participation and capacitating the concerned government organization


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    Most of the physiological effects of the rennin-angiotensin system (RAS) are mediated by angiotensin II (AgII) type one receptors (AT1R), producing cellular dedifferentiation and proliferation; vasoconstriction; renal tubule sodium (Na+) reabsorption etc. However, the pathophysiologic role of AgII type two receptor (AT2R) has not been clearly defined yet. This review was, therefore, aimed at summarizing a plenty of primary literatures related to the role of AT2R. AT2R is a special G protein coupled receptor that is not coupled with the usual second messengers. The expression level of AT2R is greater in the neonates and fetal ages than in adults though its expression is up-regulated following tissue injury in adults implicating its role in regulating cell differentiation, growth and inflammations. Most of the cellular actions mediated by AT2R are counter regulatory to that of AT1R. AgII produces the cellular effects by acting on AT2R via different signal transduction pathways. The common cellular effects mediated by AT2R are antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, vasodilation, natriuresis, etc which may be essential for modulating the cardiovascular, renal and brain injuries caused by different etiologies. The principal molecular signal transductions mediated by AT2R involve stimulation of the bradykinin and/or nitric oxide-cGMP pathwy, inactivation of mitogen activated protein kinase pathway by stimulating tyrosine and serine/threonien phosphatses, production of the neuroprotective factors, like BDNF, etc. These signaling pathways may exert cardio-renal and neuroprotective functions. Therefore, the development of drugs that stimulate the AT2R may the potential target to promote the treatment of different disorders related to the cardiovascular, renal and brain dysfunctions. Keywords: Angiotensin II, AT2R, cardiovascular system, Renal system, neuroprotection Â

    Tree and Shrub Species Integration in the Crop-Livestock Farming System

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    Tree and shrub integration has been promoted as a means of enhancing rural livelihoods through sustaining watershed provision of services and products, especially in Ethiopia. However, research to support this effort has been limited. This study was conducted in Borodo watershed in central Ethiopia, to identify constraints to the process of tree and shrub integration in the watersheds. A household survey was conducted, supplemented with focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interview and field observations. A total of 31tree and 11 shrub species were identified in different niches in the watershed. The key constraints to tree and shrub species integration included shortage of arable land, soil cracking, free grazing, lack of seedlings of desired species and water-logging. The main catalysts to the integration were availability of information on improved integration and cash for investment in the required activities, easy land certification and market opportunity for tree and shrub products. The tree and shrub growing niches preferred by farmers were homesteads (95.5%), gully sides (67.4%), stream sides (61.8%) road sides (60.7%), and crop land (12.4%). It is essential to address the factors that hinder tree and shrub species integration at various growing niche so as to improve the availability of tree products and services. Moreover, the capacity of farmers should be upgraded through training and demonstration of best tree planting, management and utilisation practices.L\u2019int\ue9gration arbre-arbuste a \ue9t\ue9 promue comme moyen d\u2019am\ue9liorer les conditions de vie en milieux ruraux par la fourniture durable dans le bassin versant des services et produits, sp\ue9cialement en Ethiopie. Par ailleurs, la recherche pour appuiyer cet effort a \ue9t\ue9 limit\ue9e. Cette \ue9tude \ue9tait conduite dans le basin versant de Borodo en Ethiopie Central, afin d\u2019identifier les contraintes au processus d\u2019int\ue9gration arbre-arbuste dans les bassins versants. Une enqu\ueate de m\ue9nages suppl\ue9ment\ue9e par les groupes focaux de discussion \ue9tait conduite, l\u2019interview des personnes cl\ue9es et des observations sur terrain.Un total de 31 esp\ue8ces d\u2019arbres et 11 arbustes \ue9taient identifi\ue9es dans diff\ue9rentes niches de bassins versants. Les contraintes majeurs \ue0 l\u2019int\ue9gration des esp\ue8ces d\u2019arbres et arbustes comprenaient la raret\ue9 des terres arables, le craquement du sol, la divagation du betail, manqu\ue9 de plants des esp\ue8ces d\ue9sir\ue9s et innondation. Les pricipaux catalysants de l\u2019int\ue9gration \ue9taient disponibilit\ue9 de l\u2019information et le fonds d\u2019investissement dans ces activitvs, la facilit\ue9 de certilification des terres et l\u2019opportunit\ue9 du march\ue9 des produits d\u2019arbres et arbustes. Les niches de production d\u2019arbres et arbustes pr\ue9f\ue9r\ue9es par les fermiers \ue9taient le voisinages de maisons (95.5%), le long des ravins (67.4%), le long des ruisseaux (61.8%), le long des routes (60.7%) et les terres reserv\ue9es aux cultures (12.4%). Il est essentiel d\u2019addresser les facteurs qui affectent l\u2019int\ue9gration des esp\ue8ces d\u2019arbres et arbustes dans diff\ue9rentes niches de production afin d\u2019am\ue9liorer la disponibilit\ue9 des produits et services de bois. En plus, la capacit\ue9 de fermiers pourrait \ueatre am\ue9lior\ue9e \ue0 travers la formation et la d\ue9monstration de meilleurs fa\ue7ons de planter les arbres, la gestion et les pratiques d\u2019utilisation


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    Metabolic bone diseases are disorders of bone strength, usually caused by abnormalities of minerals (such as calcium or phosphorus), vitamin D, bone mass and/or structure. The most common metabolic bone disease is osteoporosis. It is a progressive bone disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density which can lead to an increased risk of fracture. This review was aimed at summarizing a plenty of literatures related to the impact of RANK/RANKL/OPG system on bone metabolic diseases and therapeutic agents targeting it. Data were collected from several legitimate data bases and services such as Pubmed, Pub med central, Medline, Hinari, Scopus, and other data base sources like Crossref, and Google scholar with the help of key words (RANK/RANKL/OPG system, metabolic bone diseases etc.). Important data on the topic of interest were filtered properly. The role of RANK/RANKL/OPG system is well characterized within bone, where RANKL-RANK signaling mediates osteoclastogenesis, osteoclast activation and bone resorption via paracrine signaling between osteoblast and osteoclast cells. OPG produced by osteoblast and stromal cells in bone acts as a natural RANKL antagonist (decoy receptor) that intereferes with RANKL-RANK binding and hence prevents osteoclast differentiation and activation. This system and its interaction with various cytokines and calciotropic hormones in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis has led to a new era for further understanding of the pathophysiology of several disorders of bone metabolism including osteoporosis, primary bone tumors and rheumatoid arthritis. The system has also resulted in the recognition of several rare genetic disorders of bone mineral metabolism such as paget's disease, familial expansile osteolysis and osteopetrosis. Since this cytokine system plays a major role in the pathogenesis of many disorders, several therapeutic agents targeting this system are being developed. Among them, denosumab, a monoclonal antibody against RANKL, is clinically approved for the treatment of osteoporosis and cancer-related bone diseases. Key words: RANK/RANKL/OPG system, metabolic bone diseases, potential therapeutic approache


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    Background: Crystalline penicillin is one the commonly prescribed antibiotics that has been used for the treatment of certain susceptible bacterial infections over several years in Ethiopia. However, little is known about the appropriateness of clinical indication, dose and frequency of administration, duration and therapeutic outcome of patients in general and pediatrics in particular. Therefore, the study aimed to evaluate the rational use of crystalline penicillin injection in pediatrics ward of Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital (HFSUH), Eastern Ethiopia. Methods: Retrospective cross sectional study was employed for evaluating medication records of hospitalized pediatric patients who received crystalline penicillin from Dec 1, 2015- Feb 29, 2016 at pediatrics ward of HFSUH. Based on Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHCO) criteria, 114 medical records (20%) were selected by systematic random sampling from the total of 570 records. The study was conducted from Mar 1-Mar 15, 2016. Besides, the data were evaluated against Standard treatment guideline (STG) of Ethiopia for general hospitals and World Health Organization (WHO) drug use evaluation guideline Results: Among the 114 medical records of pediatric patients included in the study, the dose and frequency of administration, contra-indications and drug interactions of crystalline penicillin were according to the STG of Ethiopia for general hospitals, and WHO Guidelines for the management of common illnesses in children in areas with limited resources. All the 114 (100%) cases were consistent with guidelines for contra-indications and drug interaction of crystalline penicillin use. Moreover, 108(94.74%) and 112 (98.24%) of the cases were in accordance with the guidelines for the dose and frequency of administration, respectively. However, 93 (81.58%), 59 (51.75%) and 59 (51.75%) of the patient cases were not according to the guidelines of crystalline penicillin use for indications, duration and outcome of therapy, respectively. Conclusion: Crystalline penicillin utilization pattern in pediatric ward of HFSUH has fully adhered to the STG of Ethiopia for general hospitals and WHO Guideline for the majority of the parameters with regard to dose and frequency of administration, contraindications, and drug interactions as well as met the thresholds set for most of the DUE criteria. However, indication, duration and outcome of therapy were not in accordance with the guideline.Keywords: Drug use evaluation; Pediatrics; medication records; crystalline penicillin; Standard treatment Guidelines; World Health OrganizationÂ
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