43 research outputs found

    Fenotipska varijabilnost reproduktivnih osobina sanske rase koza

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    Phenotype variability of the basic reproductive parameters research was conducted on Sanska goat population. This research has determined gestation length of 150,52 days and goat fertility of 173,13%. Singles body weight at birth was 3,53 kg, and twins 2,75 kg. Reproductive parameters phenotype variability results that were determined in this research are in accordance with literature.Istraživanje fenotipske varijabilnosti osnovnih reproduktivnih osobina obavljeno je na populaciji koza sanske rase. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 67 mladih koza koje se prvi put jare. Analizirana su sledeća svojstva: dužina bremenitosti, broj jaradi u leglu - plodnost koza i telesna masa jaradi na rođenju. Ovim istraživanjima je utvrđena dužina gestacionog perioda od 150,95 dana i plodnost koza od 173,13%. Telesna masa jaradi jedinaca na rođenju bila je 3,53 kg a blizanaca 2,75 kg. Dobijeni rezultati o fenotipskoj varijabilnosti reproduktivnih osobina koza sanske rase u saglasnosti su sa literaturom

    Genetsko poboljŔanje plodnosti ovaca selekcijom po fizioloŔkim kvantitativnim parametrima

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    In this paper, fertility parameters of sheep are discussed and principles analyzed in order to obtain the optimal methods for their evaluation. Mathematical procedures for evaluation of genetic and phenotypic parameters and anticipation of genetic values, today, are mainly based on different linear and non-linear concepts, therefore it is necessary to accept the reality that there is no absolute accuracy. Special emphasis is on the possibility of use of physiological quantitative fertility indicators in sheep selection, considering that there is correlation between them and fertility traits. In this regard, the degree of response to direct and indirect selection within population is analyzed in order to established the nature of parameters necessary for evaluation of data and determine the relative degree of such response.U radu se razmatraju parametri plodnosti ovaca i analiziraju principi iznalaženja optimalnih metoda za njihovu procenu. Ističe se da su matematički postupci za procenu genetskih i fenotipskih parametara i predviđanje genetskih vrednosti danas uglavnom zasnovani na različitim linearnim i ne linearnim konceptima, pa je zbog toga potrebno prihvatiti realnost da potpuna tačnost za sada ne postoji. Poseban akcenat se stavlja na mogućnost koriŔćenja fizioloÅ”kih kvantitativnih pokazatelja u selekciji ovaca na plodnost, s obzirom da postoji korelacija između njih i osobina plodnosti. U tom smislu, analizira se stepen odgovora na direktnu i indirektnu selekciju unutar populacije, kako bi se ustanovila priroda parametara neophodnih za ocenu podataka i utvrdili relativni stepeni takvog odgovora

    Reproduktivni pokazatelji i razvoj jagnjadi do odbijanja kod svrljiŔke pramenke

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    As regards a race structure of sheep in Serbia a domestic tuft sheep, Pramenka, is still a dominant one (about 80%). There is a great number of Pramenka breed types, its crossbreds with different breeds, as well as the crossbreds of Pramenka with improved breeds. Improving of domestic tuft sheep, in the last two decades, was directed mostly towards improving the production of lamb meat, where wĆ¼rttemberg and Ile de France were most often improving breeds used. The improvement of sheep in 50-ties and 60-ties of the last century was carried out with the aim of improving all three productions (meat, milk, wool), while one of the more important and organised projects was "merinozation", ie., improving by Merino sheep. In spite of all controlled and random breeding activities realized in the process of improving the sheep stock in Serbia, Pramenka is still the most important sheep in a breed structure. A Svrljig type (second in importance, after Sjenica type) is a particularly distin gushed one. Svrljig breed is significant both for the size of its population and areas of its raising, as well as traditionaly recognizable products made from the sheep of this breed (svrljiski cheese, homoljsko lamb). A format, body weight of adult animals of Svrljig sheep, together with their well-known milk yield, are good prerequisites for the production of lamb meat. Sheep fertility is a major factor on which the yield of meat per sheep depends, being restricted by both genetic predispositions (a breed trait), and paragenetic factors (rearing conditions, season, age, etc.). It is well-known that lambs body weight gain is the most intensive in the first three months after birth so exactly in this period the optimal conditions must be provided in order that genetic potential in meat production should be completely expressed. In a population of 393 lambed sheep of Svrljig Pramenka sheep, raised on 11 private farms, a fertility of sheep and body weight gain of lambs from birth till weaning was analyzed. A body weight of lambs at birth ranged from 2,3 to 5,5 kg, body weight on 30. day was 7,5 kg to 15 kg, and body weight at weaning from 26 to 36 kg. Lambs breed and sex had a significant effect on studied indicators of lamb development.U radu su prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na plodnost ovaca i razvoj jagnjadi svrljiÅ”ke pramenke, a koji su utvrđeni u populaciji od 393 ojagnjene ovce, gajene na ukupno 11 privatnih gazdinstava. Plodnost ovaca prosečno je iznosila 111,45%, sa variranjem po gazdinstvima od 106,06 do 119,35%. Praćen je razoj jagnjadi od rođenja do odbijanja. Masa jagnjadi na rođenju kretala se od 2,3 do 5,5 kg, masa sa 30 dana 7,5 kg do 15 kg, a masa pri odbijanju 26 do 36 kg. Tip jagnjenja i različiti odgajivački uslovi na gazdinstvima visokoznačajno (p lt 0,01) su uticali na masu jagnjadi pri rođenju, sa 30 dana i pri odbijanju. Pol jagnjadi kod jedinaca visoko-značajno (p lt 0,01) je uticao na telesnu masu u sva tri kontrolna merenja, dok kod blizanaca po polovima razlike u telesnoj masi sa 30 dana i pri odbijanju nisu bile statistički značajne (p>0,01)

    Sistemi držanja goveda

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    In intensive milk production particular attention is given to genetic improvement of cattle for high milk production and high quality of milk. Such trend should be followed by improvement of non genetic factors through technology and management. This is related to up to date solutions for high milk production, better cow reproduction, increase of productivity, better working conditions, better housing, efficient health protection and hygienic conditions, better technology of cow feeding, etc. It is known that two systems of cattle housing are present: free stalls and station barn with a number of modifications, among which the frequently mentioned one is semi-free stall as a combination of the two basic ones. Some variations within two systems are due to farm, climate and other differences. Based on a number of investigations, it is found that station barns have some advantage when milk yield is considered, while free stalls have preference when the reproduction of cows, productivity of labor, health protection and longevity of cows are considered.Prema postojećim saznanjima o vezanom (tradicionalnom) i slobodnom (savremenom) sistemu držanja ne raspolaže se u dovoljnoj meri sa rezultatima na osnovu kojih bi se dobio potpuniji odgovor na određeni broj pitanja vezanih za ovu problematiku. Ovakva istraživanja karakteriÅ”e nemogućnost ujednačavanja genetskog potencijala grla, nedovoljno usaglaÅ”avanje metodologija rada, kao ni stepen primenjene tehnologije, različit nivo radne discipline, starosna struktura zapata, način ishrane i slično. Analiziranjem rezultata o prinosu mleka uočavaju se velike razlike, gde upravo iz navedenih razloga se ne mogu u potpunosti dati valjana objaÅ”njenja. Upravo zbog toga, do sada postignute rezultate ne možemo na određeni način smatrati konačnim. Koji će se od navedena dva osnovna sistema držanja krava u konkretnim uslovima primeniti, zavisi od niza okolnosti, kao i od visine ulaganja sredstava. S obzirom na ispoljenu tendenciju povećanja broja grla u stadu i specijalizacije proizvodnje, za očekivati je da će se broj farmi sa slobodnim kretanjem krava i mužom u izmuziÅ”tu povećati, odnosno da je budućnost u govedarskoj proizvodnji na strani slobodnog sistema držanja

    Uticaj nivoa primene selekcijskih i odgajivačkih kriterijuma kao faktora održivog ovčarstva na proizvodne osobine ovaca u ekstenzivnom sistemu gajenja

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    For the purpose of realization of the project of development of sustainable sheep production systems, in this paper, the major influences on production parameters of sheep in conditions of Stara Planina Mountain are investigated. Using the knowledge of gene effects, with good breeding programs, it is possible to realize, with more or less success, planned annual genetic progress of traits which are of interest to the breeders. This relates first of all on gain of lambs and milk yield in sheep. As already known, traits of body development and milk production vary depending on the factors of hereditary nature, but also factors of the environment. Therefore, the level of application of selection-breeding criteria is of great practical importance, which is confirmed also in this paper, and level of significance was statistically confirmed. Also, for complete creation of the program of improvement of sheep milk and meat production it is important to be aware of the effect of the breed itself, as well as of type of birth on production parameters, which was taken into consideration during investigation, processing and presentation of data in this paper. Obtained results show that majority of observed factors had significant effect on realized production of sheep.Za razvoj održive ovčarske proizvodnje, između ostalog, neophodna je primena visokih kriterijuma selekcije i odgajivanja. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na praktičan značaj nivoa primene kriterijuma selekcije i odgajivanja u proizvodnji mesa i mleka ovaca u ekstenzivnom sistemu gajenja na Staroj planini. Proizvodnja mesa i mleka ovaca na Staroj planini je tradicionalna i istorijski posmatrano, uglavnom je zasnovana na gajenju pirotske pramenke, kao lokalne populacije u ekstenzivnim proizvodnim sistemima. Ova rasa kao i većina lokalnih populacija poseduje solidan genetski potencijal za prirast jagnjadi i mlečnost ovaca, ali da bi se taj potencijal ispoljio, potrebna je primena viÅ”ih kriterijuma selekcije i odgajivanja, Å”to uglavnom nije slučaj. Pored pramenke od druge polovine XX veka na području pirotskog dela Stare planine uvedena je u primenu i nova populacija-pirotska oplemenjena ovca. Ona se takođe u većini slučajeva gaji kao i pirotska pramenka, mada ove dve rase u genetskom smislu imaju veoma malo zajedničkog. Kao Å”to je poznato, osobine telesnog razvoja i mlečnosti ovaca variraju u zavisnosti od mnogih faktora nasledne prirode ali i različitih spoljnih uticaja. Zato je nivo primene selekcijsko odgajivačkih kriterijuma, od velikog praktičnog značaja, Å”to potvrđuju i rezultati istraživanja u ovom radu, a Å”to je takođe i statistički potvrđeno. Pored toga za kompletno kreiranje programa unapređenja proizvodnje mesa i mleka ovaca, značajno je poznavanje uticaja same rase, kao i tipa rođenja na proizvodne parametre, o čemu se tokom istraživanja, obrade i prikazivanja dobijenih podataka vodilo posebno računa. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je većina posmatranih faktora imala značajan uticaj na ostvarenu proizvodnju.

    Efikasnost primena različitih kokcidiostatika u preveniranju kokcidioze brojlera

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    Coccidiosis is very significant parasitic disease that is widely spread throughout the world. Besides health hazard the economic problems that come with the disease, especially in intensive broiler production, cannot be overlooked. With proper diet, adequate hygiene, and medication application many diseases of this type, as well as coccidiosis, can be avoided. In coccidiosis prevention application of medicines is very efficient. In our conditions most frequently applied medicines are Amprolium and its combinations, sulphonamides, ionoform antibiotics etc. Medication application is mainly not recommendable because of the coccidian resistance and residual remainders in the edible tissues of poultry. Last decade is marked with new strategy in fight against coccidiosis and that is the immune prophylaxis. This paper presents results of broiler fattening performed with feed that did not contain any coccidiostatic and with feed that contained Kokcisan 120G and Diclacox. In order to examine the effect of medications in prevention of coccidiosis three groups were formed. First was control group and it received feed without coccidiostatic. Second group received feed with Kokcisan 120G and third group received feed with Diclacox. Research has shown that effect of application of both medicines was positive and that there was no coccidiosis detected, lethality percent was within the technologic normative. Based on research results we can conclude that it is necessary to apply some coccidiostatic in order to prevent coccidiosis of broilers.U radu je prikazana efikasnost leka Kokcisan 120G i leka Diclacox u prevenciji kokcidioze brojlera. Ogled je izveden na brojlerima hibrida ROSS 308. Brojleri su podeljeni u 3 grupe po 100 komada. Od prvog dana tova pa do 28 dana, prva grupa brojlera dobijale je potpunu smeÅ”u (PKS) bez kokcidiotika, druga dobijala PKS sa lekom Kokcisan 120G, a treća grupa dobijala PKS sa lekom Diclacox . Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je je da su lekovi Kokcisan 120G, koji je primenjivan tokom 4 nedelje tova u dozi od 500g/t hrane i lek Diclacox, koji je primenjivan u dozi od 200g/t hrane tokom istog perioda dali pozitivne preventivne efekte, jer je mortalitet iznosio 5% i 6% u odnosu na prvu grupu brojlera koja u hrani nije dobijala kokcidiostatik sa mortalitetom od 13%. U toku primene lekova nisu zapažena nikakva neželjena dejstva

    Uticaj udela gena crvenog holŔtajna na reproduktivne i proizvodne osobine prvotelki simentalske rase

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    Certain reproductive and performance traits of first calving Simmental cows, as well as the demonstration of those traits depending on the participations of different proportions of Red Holstein-Friesian genes (HF), were investigated. The investigation included 176 first calving cows, divided according to percentage of HF genes, in 5 groups (0%, 12,5%, 25%, 37,5%, 50%). Statistical analysis of data was done by method of Least squares (LSMLMW, Harvey, 1989). The effect of age at first fertilization was highly significant variated between groups of first calving cows and the youngest was in the fifth group (the group with 50% of HF genes), which were fertilized at 520,8 days. The average age at first conception for alln examined groups was 536,7 days. Least squares results shown that different proportion of HF genes was not significant (P>0,05) body weight of calves. The least body weight of calves was in group of first calving cows with 50% HF genes. The duration of pregnancy was 283,3 days and between different groups were not significant (P>0,05). The biggest values of service period and lactation were in the fifth group. The average period of lactation was 321,32 days and the longest (348,5 days) were established in fifth group cows 50% IIF genes. The average milk yield was 4224,34 kg with 3,83% milk fat or 4116,6kg 4%FCM. Cows with 50% HF genes produced more milk compared to the cows in other groups. Established results have shown that with increasing proportion of HF genes service period between calving interval and duration of lactation were longer. Also, with increasing of proportion of HF genes the milk yield and yield milk fat were raised while percent of milk fat was lower.Ispitivane su reproduktivne i proizvodne osobine prvotelki i meleza dobijenih meliorativnim ukrÅ”tanjem simentalske i crveno-bele holÅ”tajn-frizijske rase. Ukupno je ispitivanjem bilo obuhvaćeno 176 prvotelki podeljenih u pet grupa-sekcija, razvrstanih prema udelu gena crvenog holÅ”tajna (HF-RED) u simentalskoj rasi. Analiza uticaja udela gena crvenog holÅ”tajna (0%, 12,5%, 25%, 37,5%, 50%) na posmatrane reproduktivne i proizvodne osobine obavljena je metodom najmanjih kvadrata (LSMLM.W, Harvey 1987). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju daje udeo gena crvenog holÅ”tajna imao značajnog uticaja (P lt 0,01) na sve ispitivane proizvodne osobine (trajanje laktacije, proizvodnju mleka i mlečne masti u celoj i standardnoj laktaciji, procenat masti u mleku i proizvodnju 4%MKM) kao i uzrast grla pri prvoj oplodnji i trajanje servis-perioda. Masa teladi pri rođenju i trajanje bremenitosti nisu značajno (P>0,05) zavisili od učeŔća HF-RED gena

    The relationship between rearing system, animal needs index and dairy cows milk traits

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    This study was conducted in five dairy farms with different capacity (farms A with 47, B 12, C 10, D 14 and E 24 Simmental cows, aged between 4 and 5 years and body weight about 600 kg) in order to determine a relationship between rearing system, Animal Needs Index (ANI) and milk traits. Loose system of cow rearing was used in open stalls in farms A and C, while in other farms cows were tied in closed stalls. In two farms, there were outdoor pens, permanently available to cows on farm A, and during daytime on farm D. Rations for dairy cows were equal in all five farms and suitable for daily milk production about 20 kg with 4.0 % milk fat and 3.5 % milk protein. It was established that total ANI scores for farms were A 35.5, B 9.5, C 24.5, D 26.5 and E 10.5. The welfare levels in farms B and E were not sufficient, in farms C and D were very good, while in farm A it was excellent. A very significant influence of rearing system on cow welfare was found (p lt 0.001). A significant influence of rearing system (p lt 0.01) on average daily milk yield, milk yield in standard lactation, milk fat (kg), yield of 4 % fat corrected milk and yield of proteins (kg) were noticed. The influence of the rearing system on milk fat content (%), dry matter (%), protein (%) and lactose (%) was not statistically significant. Differences between ANI score, daily and standard lactation milk yield were very significant (p lt 0.001), as well as differences between ANI and the amount of milk fat (kg), protein (kg) and amount of 4 % fat corrected milk

    Uticaj farme i meseca laktacije na mlečnost ovaca

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    The production of milk in a sheep breed households was 128.05 kg, with variations between 123.14 and 138.63 kg. Period of lactation was 165.04 days. Content of milk fat was 6.53%. There were significant differences in dependence of farms. Maximal daily production was in the first month of lactation. Milk yield was 1.046 kg. From the beginning till the end of lactation, milk yield was reduced for 0.479 kg, so at the end the yield was 0.567 kg. Content of milk fat at the first control was 5.30%, at the second, 6.23%, at the third, 6.98% and at the fourth control it was 7.62%. The influence was very significant on the daily production of milk.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati kontrole mlečnosti kod ovaca svrljiÅ”ke pramenke. Istraživanje je obavljeno na Å”est gazdinstava i ukupno je kontrolisano 130 grla. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je trajanje laktacionog perioda od 165,04 dana. Količina proizvedenog mleka prosečno je iznosila 128,05 kg, u kojem je bilo 6,53% mlečne masti. Podaci pokazuju da postoji vrlo značajna statistička razlika (P (lt) 0,01) u prinosu mleka između ovaca na gazdinstvu III u odnosu na II gazdinsitvo. Razlika je iznosila 15,49 kg ili 12,58%. Razlike između gazdinstava III > IV od 10,30 kg (8,03%); III > II od 9,86 kg (7,66%) bile su takođe statistički vrlo značajne (P (lt) 0,01). Prosečna dnevna mlečnost se smanjivala od prve do četvrte kontrole, tj. laktacija je imala stalni descendentni tok. Količina dnevne mlečnosti 30-tog dana laktacije tj. kod prve kontrole prosečno je iznosila 1,046 kg, druge kontrole 0,878 kg, treće 0,736 kg i četvrte 0,567 kg. Sadržaj mlečne masti u mleku se povećava od prve do četvrte kontrole. Vrednosti su bile 5,30% mlečne masti kod prve, 6,23% druge, 6,98% treće i 7,62% četvrte kontrole. Gazdinstvo tj. farma je imala značajan uticaj na ukupnu količinu namuženog mleka

    Effect of egg mass of the white Italian goose on fertilisation, loss of weight during the incubation period, hatchability and gosling quality

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    The main purpose of the study was to determine the effect of egg mass and egg weight groups (group I eggs under 160 g, group II egg mass 160 g to 180 g and group III eggs over 180 g) on incubation results, loss of egg weight (moist) during incubation, gosling hatchability and the relative share of the gosling in the egg mass. Eggs with mass between 160 g and 180 g (group II) demonstrated the highest fertilisation rate (91.28 %) and the highest hatchability out of the number of incubated eggs (83.14 %), while the eggs from the group I (lighter than 160 g) showed the highest number of gosling hatchability out of the number of fertilised eggs (91.08 %). The lowest embryo mortality was that of the group I (5.17 % and 6.06 %), while the highest is reported for the group III (14.29 % and 16.67 %). The lowest relative loss of egg mass (moist) by day 25 of the incubation period was established for the group I eggs (10.98 %), and the highest for the group III (11.71 %), with a statistically significant (P lt 0.01) difference of -0.73 %. Other differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Gosling percentage in the egg mass was significantly higher (P lt 0.001) in the group III of incubated eggs (67.81 %) than in the group II (66.61 %) and the group I (65.24 %)