55 research outputs found

    Condition Monitoring Systems and Vibrations

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    Measurements and Analysis of High Machine Vibration - A case Study of Screw Compressor Rub

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    Case StudyCase Study 21: This case study concerns a screw compressor operating in offshore process environment with unpredictable gas composition. The compressor was tripped on high vibration during startup after seals replacement. Analysis of the acquired transient vibration data indicated rub as secondary cause of the high vibration, and improper timing gears assembly as a root cause. Shop inspections confirmed rub between male and female rotors. Implemented recommendations ensured timely return of the compressor to service, and lessons learned prevented repeat occurrence on similar machines

    Resolving Vibration Issues of Diesel Engine Driven Fire Water Pumps in QP Offshore

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    Case StudyContents: Introduction to QP Offshore. Background. Technical Data and Acceptance Criteria. Contractual Vibration Points. Vibration Measurement Locations at Field. Analysis. Conclusions from Investigation. Proposed Actions. Final Vibration Results. Lessons Learnt

    Benefits of Environmental Conditions for Growing Coriander in Banat Region, Serbia

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    As one of the oldest multi-purpose plants (spice, aromatic, honey and medicinal), coriander is widespread across Europe. Although in Serbia there are favorable conditions fir its growth and development, it is grown on relatively small areas. During both investigated years it took more than 1200 degrees C for transfer from vegetative to generative phase of development and over 2000 degrees C for it to be ready for harvesting. Coriander is a photophilic plant, which requires around 1000 hours of light from sowing to ripening.. As for humidity, coriander grows well, if there are more than 200 mm of rainfall during growing season. In 2009. and 2010., the experiment carried out at the experimental field in Ostojicevo (Banat, Vojvodina province, Serbia) monitored the effect of parameters mentioned above on development of coriander plants, seed yield and essential oil content. The average yields of 1866 kg ha(-1) (2009) and 2470 kg ha(-1) (2010), and relatively high content of essential oil (1,06 % in both years) indicate a great potential of this plant species in Serbia, which is, however, greatly dependent on environmental conditions during year
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