7 research outputs found

    The identity and subjective issues in a gendered profession, early childhood educators : infant childcare between naturalization and professionalization

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    Dans le secteur des crèches et de l’accueil de la petite enfance, la dimension identitaire au travail pèse sur les relations et sur le vécu des professionnelles. Cette thèse est centrée sur le groupe professionnel des éducatrices de jeunes enfants (EJE) dont les mutations récentes sont analyseurs de changements profonds du secteur qui abandonne progressivement la logique historique sanitaire pour une approche psychopédagogique. Ce travail propose une lecture critique des théories sociologiques de l’« identité professionnelle » et de la professionnalisation au prisme des études de genre et de la psychanalyse, et il rend compte des résultats d’une recherche empirique menée selon une approche clinique d’orientation psychanalytique. L’identité est ici conçue comme un discours performatif, selon les repères donnés par les théories queer. L’investigation empirique repose sur des entretiens avec des professionnelles et sur des observations de longue durée de crèches municipales et parentale. Le recrutement toujours massivement « féminin » des éducatrices, ainsi que les formes de souffrance au travail que cette thèse expose de manière inédite, témoignent des limites de la logique de l’« identité professionnelle », celle-ci produisant des divisions et des systèmes d’opposition catégorielle - le « professionnel », opposé au « maternel », au « féminin », à la « parentalité » et à l’« enfance » -, qui acculent les éducatrices dans des impasses et provoquent des rigidités relationnelles. L’imprégnation des éducatrices par les savoirs psychopédagogiques renforce le couple d’opposition mère-professionnelle du fait de l’importance donnée à la relation mère-enfant, toujours naturalisée, et cela malgré la prégnance des discours sur la parentalité.In the sector of nurseries and day care centers, the identity dimension at work weighs on relationships and professional activities. This thesis is centered on the professional group of early childhood educators: the recent changes in this profession are analyzers for the profound changes in this activity area which gradually abandons the historic health approach for a psychological and pedagogical approach. This work offers a critical reading of sociological theories of "professional identity" and professionalization through the prism of gender studies and psychoanalysis. It also reports the results of an empirical research conducted through a psychoanalytically orientated clinical approach. Identity is here conceived as a performative speech, according to the landmarks given by the queer theories. The empirical investigation is based on interviews with professional and on long-term observations of municipal and parental day care centers. The still overwhelmingly 'female' recruitment of the educators, as well as forms of suffering at work that this thesis presents in a new way, reflect the logical limits of "professional identity", the latter producing divisions and systems of categorical oppositions - the "professional" opposed to the "mother", the "female", "parenting” and to “chilhood” - that drive educators into dead ends and cause relational rigidities. The impregnation of educators by psychological knowledge strengthens the mother-professional binary opposition because of the importance given to the still naturalized mother-child relationship, despite the significance of discourse on parenthood

    Enjeux et limites de la professionnalisation d’un groupe « minoritaire » : les éducatrices de jeunes enfants (EJE)

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    In a working environment which is almost entirely composed by women, minoritized, without visibility, early childhood professions have to struggle against representations of a women’s work, « naturally» exercised by women, as if their skills arose from the private sphere (function of mothering). Their historical weapon against these representations is their “professionalization” –a professionalization thought here as a process of subjectivation-, which, today, for some categories, such as early childhood educators, requires a team management training. Should the normalization be an obligatory step for raising the profile of the professions? How can this profession become altered by the temptation of majority? This article is based on empirical data collected from collective nursery employees, students and teachers in training center for early childhood educators (ethnographic observations and non-directive interviews) and is characterised, at the theoretical level, by the critical review of the sociology of educational professions, in the light of gender studies

    Enjeux et limites de la professionnalisation d’un groupe « minoritaire » : les éducatrices de jeunes enfants (ÉJE)

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    Enjeux et limites de la professionnalisation d’un groupe « minoritaire » : les éducatrices de jeunes enfants (EJE)

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    In a working environment which is almost entirely composed by women, minoritized, without visibility, early childhood professions have to struggle against representations of a women’s work, « naturally» exercised by women, as if their skills arose from the private sphere (function of mothering). Their historical weapon against these representations is their “professionalization” –a professionalization thought here as a process of subjectivation-, which, today, for some categories, such as early childhood educators, requires a team management training. Should the normalization be an obligatory step for raising the profile of the professions? How can this profession become altered by the temptation of majority? This article is based on empirical data collected from collective nursery employees, students and teachers in training center for early childhood educators (ethnographic observations and non-directive interviews) and is characterised, at the theoretical level, by the critical review of the sociology of educational professions, in the light of gender studies

    Intrication des espaces externes et des espaces internes

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