308 research outputs found

    A Scrum-based approach to CMMI maturity level 2 in Web Development environments

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    Scrum has become one of the most popular agile methodologies, either alone or combined with other agile practices. Besides, CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is accepted as a suitable model to measure the maturity of the organizations when developing or acquiring software. Although these two approaches are often considered antagonist, the use of an agile approach to reach certain CMMI maturity levels may result beneficial to organizations that develop Web systems, since they would take the advantages of both approaches. In Web community, this union may be very interesting, because agile approaches fits with the special needs of Web development, and they could be a useful tool for companies getting a certain grade of maturity. This work analyzes the goals of CMMI maturity level 2 and the feasibility of achieving them using the practices proposed by Scrum, trying to assess whether the use of this methodology is suitable for meeting the CMMI generic and specific goals or not. Finally, and based on this analysis, this paper raises a possible extension of Scrum, based on agile techniques, to accommodate the CMMI maturity level 2.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    A Model-Driven approach for functional test case generation

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    Test phase is one of the most critical phases in software engineering life cycle to assure the final system quality. In this context, functional system test cases verify that the system under test fulfills its functional specification. Thus, these test cases are frequently designed from the different scenarios and alternatives depicted in functional requirements. The objective of this paper is to introduce a systematic process based on the Model-Driven paradigm to automate the generation of functional test cases from functional requirements. For this aim, a set of metamodels and transformations and also a specific language domain to use them is presented. The paper finishes stating learned lessons from the trenches as well as relevant future work and conclusions that draw new research lines in the test cases generation context.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    Agile in Public Administration: Oxymoron or reality? An experience report

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    In the last 10 years, Agile methods and practices have emerged as an alternative for software development. Different "flavors" of Agile have appeared ranging from project management to tests organization. These approaches have being gaining popularity and involve now a solid option for organizations developing software, but what about Public Administrations? Is Agile a suitable option for developing software in Public Administrations? Even if Public Administrations have been traditionally regarded as changeresistant, Agile approach can also provide them with the benefits of quick adaptation and frequent value delivery. This paper presents the results of two different projects, which use an Agile framework based on Scrum, developed by a Spanish Public Administration. Additionally, after considering the obtained results, it takes out some relevant learned lessons on the suitability of applying Agile approaches to Public Administration environments.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Agile, Web Engineering and Capability Maturity ModelI ntegration : A systematic literature review

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    Context Agile approaches are an alternative for organizations developing software, particularly for those who develop Web applications. Besides, CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) models are well-established approaches focused on assessing the maturity of an organization that develops software. Web Engineering is the field of Software Engineering responsible for analyzing and studying the specific characteristics of the Web. The suitability of an Agile approach to help organizations reach a certain CMMI maturity level in Web environments will be very interesting, as they will be able to keep the ability to quickly react and adapt to changes as long as their development processes get mature. Objective This paper responds to whether it is feasible or not, for an organization developing Web systems, to achieve a certain maturity level of the CMMI-DEV model using Agile methods. Method The proposal is analyzed by means of a systematic literature review of the relevant approaches in the field, defining a characterization schema in order to compare them to introduce the current state-of-the-art. Results The results achieved after the systematic literature review are presented, analyzed and compared against the defined schema, extracting relevant conclusions for the different dimensions of the problem: compatibility, compliance, experience, maturity and Web. Conclusion It is concluded that although the definition of an Agile approach to meet the different CMMI maturity levels goals could be possible for an organization developing Web systems, there is still a lack of detailed studies and analysis on the field

    Estimating, planning and managing Agile Web development projects under a value-based perspective

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    Context: The processes of estimating, planning and managing are crucial for software development projects, since the results must be related to several business strategies. The broad expansion of the Internet and the global and interconnected economy make Web development projects be often characterized by expressions like delivering as soon as possible, reducing time to market and adapting to undefined requirements. In this kind of environment, traditional methodologies based on predictive techniques sometimes do not offer very satisfactory results. The rise of Agile methodologies and practices has provided some useful tools that, combined with Web Engineering techniques, can help to establish a framework to estimate, manage and plan Web development projects. Objective: This paper presents a proposal for estimating, planning and managing Web projects, by combining some existing Agile techniques with Web Engineering principles, presenting them as an unified framework which uses the business value to guide the delivery of features. Method: The proposal is analyzed by means of a case study, including a real-life project, in order to obtain relevant conclusions. Results: The results achieved after using the framework in a development project are presented, including interesting results on project planning and estimation, as well as on team productivity throughout the project. Conclusion: It is concluded that the framework can be useful in order to better manage Web-based projects, through a continuous value-based estimation and management process.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    A quality management based on the Quality Model life cycle

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    Managing quality is a hard and expensive task that involves the execution and control of processes and techniques. For a good quality management, it is important to know the current state and the objective to be achieved. It is essential to take into account with a Quality Model that specifies the purposes of managing quality. QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is a framework to manage quality in MDWE (Model-driven Web Engineering). This paper suggests managing quality but pointing out the Quality Model life cycle. The purpose is to converge toward a quality continuous improvement by means of reducing effort and time.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN 2010-12312-EJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    El desarrollo económico en la sociedad del conocimiento

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    Los responsables tributarios a quienes se deriven deudas procedentes de retenciones pueden solicitar su aplazamiento/fraccionamiento: Análisis de la RTEAC de 27 de febrero de 2020, RG 3322/2018

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    El Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Central considera que, en virtud de lo dispuesto en el artículo 65.1 de la Ley General Tributaria, en aquellos supuestos en los que al responsable tributario le sean derivadas obligaciones que deba cumplir el retenedor o el obligado a realizar ingresos a cuenta, podrá solicitar aplazamiento/fraccionamiento de dichas deudas, tanto en periodo voluntario como en periodo ejecutivo, cuando su situación económico-financiera le impida, de forma transitoria, efectuar el pago en los plazos establecidos

    La Administración no puede declarar la responsabilidad tributaria, mediante la aplicación directa de la jurisprudencia civil del levantamiento del velo: Análisis de la RTEAC de 4 de junio de 2020, RG 5491/2019

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    El Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Central considera que, en virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 8 y 41 de la Ley General Tributaria, el legislador viene a exigir que tanto la determinación de los responsables así como el establecimiento de supuestos de responsabilidad tributaria deben realizarse por una norma con rango de ley, por lo que no es admisible que la Administración tributaria trate de justificar el acuerdo de derivación impugnado, amparándose en la existencia de una «doctrina jurisprudencial reiterada y consolidada» que permite «aplicar, por la Hacienda Pública, en base a su autotutela ejecutiva, la doctrina del levantamiento del velo societario con carácter absoluto y sin límite alguno en materia de recaudación tributaria. (STS de 19-4-2003, Sala de lo Contencioso, casación 5327/1998 y STS de 31-1-2007, Sala de lo Contencioso, casación 6991/2001»

    Análisis de ensayos DCB mediante diferentes técnicas de modelado

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis numérico de un típico ensayos usado para estudiar delaminaciones conocido como ensayo de doble viga en voladizo (DCB por sus siglas en inglés), mediante diferentes métodos (VCCT, XFEM, elementos cohesivos) usando el código comercial de elementos finitos Abaqus/CAE. Los resultados obtenidos son validados mediante los resultados experimentales consultados en la literatura. La estructura del documento se basa en capítulos, dedicándose el capítulo dos a los materiales compuestos en general. En este capítulo se abordará una definición de material compuesto junto con sus aplicaciones en la actualidad y una breve clasificación de estos materiales. También se entrará a definir un poco más en detalle las propiedades mecánicas y de fractura del material compuesto simulado en este trabajo. En el capítulo tres se procede a desglosar la metodología seguida en los artículos consultados, de los cuales se obtienen los resultados experimentales que se pasarán a validar posteriormente. Una vez definido todo lo anterior, en el capítulo cuatro se podrán ver los diferentes métodos que se van a utilizar para las simulaciones, explicándose tanto el modelo teórico del método como su implementación en el software. Para concluir se mostrarán los resultados obtenidos en el capítulo cinco y se hará una valoración de los mismos finalizando con unas líneas a modo de conclusión que compondrán el capítulo seis. La novedad del presente trabajo reside en que a pesar de que los métodos numéricos empleados en el mismo han sido ampliamente estudiados, no existe un gran número de investigaciones comparando la eficacia de dichos métodos en la resolución de un problema real. Con la información obtenida de esta investigación se podrán extraer en un futuro interesantes conclusiones para el modelado de problemas más complejos.In this project a numerical analysis of a tipical tests used to study delaminations, known as Double Cantilever Beam (DCB), is performed using various numerical approaches such as VCCT, XFEM or CZM, also using a commercial code like Abaqus/CAE which implement finite elements. The results are validated using the experimental results extracted from the literature. The structure of the document is based on 6 chapters. The second chapter is about composite materials in general. In this chapter a definition of composite materials and a little classification of this materials are shown. Mechanical and fracture properties of the simulated composite material are collected in this section. In the third chapter can be seen the methodology which follow the papers consulted. This information will be used to validate the numerical results comparing with the experimental results. The diferent methods that will be used for the simulations are explained in the fourth chapter; the theorical model and pre-processing tasks are dealt. Subsequently, in the chapter five the numerical results are discussed. Finally, for the sake of conclusion final reflections about the work developed in this project are showcased in the sixth chapter. This work is relatively novel due to there aren´t a large number of investigations comparing the effectiveness of these methods with real problems. From the information obtained in this research, interesting conclusions might be employed in the future for the modelling of more sophisticated FE models.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriale