28 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of the pediatric patient-reported outcomes measurement information system item banks in a Dutch clinical sample of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Objective To assess the psychometric properties of 8 pediatric Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) item banks in a clinical sample of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).Methods A total of 154 Dutch children (mean +/- SD age 14.4 +/- 3.0 years; range 8-18 years) with JIA completed 8 pediatric version 1.0 PROMIS item banks (anger, anxiety, depressive symptoms, fatigue, pain interference, peer relationships, physical function mobility, physical function upper extremity) twice and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) and the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (C-HAQ) once. Structural validity of the item banks was assessed by fitting a graded response model (GRM) and inspecting GRM fit (comparative fit index [CFI], Tucker-Lewis index [TLI], and root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA]) and item fit (S-X-2 statistic). Convergent validity (with PedsQL/C-HAQ subdomains) and discriminative validity (active/inactive disease) were assessed. Reliability of the item banks, short forms, and computerized adaptive testing (CAT) was expressed as the SE of theta (SE[theta]). Test-retest reliability was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and smallest detectable change.Results All item banks had sufficient overall GRM fit (CFI >0.95, TLI >0.95, RMSEA 0.001). High correlations (>0.70) were found between most PROMIS T scores and hypothesized PedsQL/C-HAQ (sub)domains. Mobility, pain interference, and upper extremity item banks were able to discriminate between patients with active and inactive disease. Regarding reliability, PROMIS item banks outperformed legacy instruments. Post hoc CAT simulations outperformed short forms. Test-retest reliability was strong (ICC >0.70) for all full-length item banks and short forms, except for the peer relationships item bank.Conclusion The pediatric PROMIS item banks displayed sufficient psychometric properties for Dutch children with JIA. PROMIS item banks are ready for use in clinical research and practice for children with JIA.Transplantation and immunomodulatio

    Investigations on organoantimony compounds VI. Preparation and properties of thermally stable dialkylantimony(v) compounds of the types R2Sb(OR′)3, R2Sb(OAc)3 and R2Sb(O)OH

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    Thermally stable dialkylantimony(V) compounds of the type R2SbX3 (X= OMe, OEt, or OAc) have been prepared in good yields and purity. Hydrolysis of the trialkoxodialkylantimony compounds, R2Sb(OR′)3, results in the quantitative formation of hydroxo(oxo)dialkylantimony compounds, R2Sb(O)OH. These compounds are thermally stable and not sensitive towards oxygen in the air. Therefore, they form suitable starting materials for the synthesis of a variety of dialkylantimony(V) compounds. Variable-temperature PMR experiments point to the presence of a non-rigid structure for compounds R2SbX3 (R = Me, Et; X = OMe, OAc). At −80° in toluene-d8 dimeric Me2Sb(OMe)3 appears to be rigid within the PMR time scale. The PMR spectrum displays two methoxo group signals in a intensity ratio for the terminal and bridging methoxo groups, respectively. Combined PMR and Raman data indicate a dimeric octahedral structure, in which the methyl groups occupy trans-positions, both in the solid state and in concentrated solutions. Based on IR and Raman spectroscopic data, a hexacoordinate structure, in which one bidentate and two monodentate acetato ligands occupy equatorial and the two methyl groups occupy axial positions, is proposed for monomeric Me2Sb(OAc)3

    Some aspects of organoantitimony coordination chemistry

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    Preparation and properties of organo(acetylacetonato)antimony(V) compounds

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    Organo(acetylacetonato)antimony(V) compounds of the types R2SbCl2Acac, R4SbAcac, PhSbCl3Acac and Cl4SbAcac have been synthesized. The compounds are monomeric in solution. IR and PMR data of these compounds, which contain a chelated Acac ligand have been discussed. Ph2SbCl2Acac shows abnormal behaviour, in that in chloroform solution a non-chelated configuration in which the Acac group is probably C-bonded, is also present


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    121Sb Mössbauer studies on dialkylantimony(V) compounds of the types R2Sb(OMe)3, R2Sb(OAc)3 and R2Sb(O)OH

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    Mössbauer spectra of three series of dialkylantimony(V) compounds have been measured to study bonding and structural properties of these compounds. Trialkoxodialkyl and triacetatodialkylantimony(V) compounds have octahedral structure. The former are dimeric, containing bridging methoxo groups, the latter are monomeric, containing a bidentate acetato ligand, for which the bite angle is distorted from 90°. Dialkylstibinic acids, R2Sb(O)OH, have tetrahedral coordination around the antimony atom. The additive model for the Electric Field Gradient is used to interpret much of the quadrupole coupling data

    Investigations on organoantimony compounds II. Preparation and configuration of organo(oxinato)antimony(V) compounds RnSbCl4−nOx (n = 1−4)

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    Organo(oxinato)antimony(V) compounds of the types RSbCl3Ox, R2SbCl2Ox, R3SbClOx and R4SbOx (R = alkyl and phenyl) have been synthesized and and investigated by spectroscopic (UV, PMR, IR) methods. All the compounds are monomeric in benzene. In all the compounds except R3SbClOx (R = alkyl), which contains penta-coordinate antimony, the oxinato group acts as a bidentate ligand in benzene solution. The compounds RSbCl3Ox and R2SbCl2Ox are also hexa-coordinate in ethanol (100%) and chloroform, but partial or complete rupture of the Sb---N coordinate bond in Ph3SbClOx and R4SbOx takes place in these polar solvents. The stability of the Sb---N coordinate bond in R4SbOx follows the order of the I-effect of the group R. Low-temperature PMR experiments show the occurence of rapid pseudorotation for hexa-coordinate Me4SbOx in toluene above − 70°. At − 100° two types of methyl groups can be distinguished, but even at this temperature a limiting spectrum is not obtained. In methylene dichloride rapid pseudo-rotation takes place even at − 100°. Similar results are obtained for the − 100° PMR spectra of Me4SbAcac in these solvents. The spectral results are used in discussions of the possible configurations of the organo(oxinato)antimony(V) compounds

    Investigations on organoantimony compounds : VII. The stereochemistry of (acetylacetonato)organoantimony(V) compounds, RnSbCl(4-n)Acac (n = 1-4)

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    The complete series of (acetylacetonato)organoantimony(V) complexes of the type RnSbCl(4−n)Acac (R = Me or Ph and n = 1–4) has been synthesized. The influence of progressive substitution of chlorine atoms by organic groups on the spectroscopic parameters, the stability, and the stereochemistry of these compounds has been investigated. Particular attention has been given to a comparison of the merits of the electric field model of Smith and Wilkins and the inductive model of Kawasaki et al., for explaining the effect of substitution at antimony on the spectra characteristics of the Acac ligand. The PMR data display an excellent linear correlation with the inductive effect of the substituents at antimony and thus strongly support the inductive model. For phenyl-substituted complexes aromatic ring current effects must be taken into account to explain the observed PMR chemical shift data. IR and PMR data indicate that throughout the series RnSbCl(4−n)Acac progressive substitution of electron-withdrawing chlorine substituents by organic groups R leads to a weakening of the Sb---Acac interaction. For Ph3SbClAcac and Me4SbAcac this is further reflected in the observed non-rigidity of these complexes in solution. The stereochemistry of the various compounds has been unambiguously deduced from spectroscopic and molecular dipole moment data. The diphenyl derivative Ph2SbCl2Acac is noteworthy in that it provides an example of stereoisomerism in a hexacoordinate organometallic complex. In the isomer which shows the Acac proton PMR signals at higher field, the two phenyl groups are in trans-position, whereas in the “low-field isomer” the phenyl groups occupy cis- and the two chlorine atoms trans-positions

    Synthesis of bis(tetramethylstibonium)tetracyclopentadienylstannate a novel type of organotin(II) compound

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    Reaction of dicyclopentadienyltin(II) with pentamethylantimony gives [Me4Sb]2 +[(C5H5)4Sn]2−, the first example of an anionic organotin(II) species