262 research outputs found

    Agroforestry Interactions in Rainfed Agriculture: Can Hedgerow Intercropping Systems Sustain Crop Yield on an Ultisol in Lampung (Indonesia)?

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    The productivity of rainfed agriculture land developed on Ultisols is limited by physical and chemical constraints. These problems can be solved and consistently high yields obtained only by the development of comprehensive manage-ment systems. In the 1980s, hedgerow inter-cropping was promoted initially for improving soil fertility and sustainability of crop production on nutrient-depleted soils. However the previous enthusiasm for hedgerow intercropping is unsupported by scientific evidence and its labour demand too high. The question remains, is there a window of opportunity where the biophysical principle of hedgerow intercropping is sound? Research to compare the long-term performance of crops and trees in hedgerow intercropping and monocluture cropping is needed. This research has been conducted at long-term field experiment station at the BMSF-Project, Lampung, Indone-sia. The experiment site had non-nitrogen-fixing peltophorum (PP), nitrogen-fixing gliricidia (GG) and alternate peltophorum and gliricidia (PG) hedgerow intercropping and maize / groundnut monoculture (C) treatments. We concluded that the net interactions related to soil fertility and competition for growth resources in peltophroum were positive for crop yield in PP and PG but negative for GG. Even so, the PP and PG sys-tems resulted in similar yields as monocropping; however, hedgerow intercropping considerably improved soil fertility attributes

    Association of ECG characteristics with clinical and echocardiographic outcome to CRT in a non-LBBB patient population

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    Purpose: Effectiveness of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients without left bundle branch block (non-LBBB) QRS morphology is limited. Additional selection criteria are needed to identify these patients. Methods: Seven hundred ninety consecutive patients with non-LBBB morphology, who received a CRT-device in 3 university centers in the Netherlands, were selected. Pre-implantation 12-lead ECGs were evaluated on morphology, duration, and area of the QRS complex, as well as on PR interval, left ventricular activation time (LVAT), and the presence of fragmented QRS (fQRS). Association of these ECG features with the primary endpoint: a combination of left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation, cardiac transplantation and all-cause mortality, and secondary endpoint—echocardiographic reduction of left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV)—were evaluated. Results: The primary endpoint occurred more often in non-LBBB patients with with PR interval ≥ 230ms, QRS area < 109μVs, and with fQRS. Multivariable regression analysis showed independent associations of QRS area (HR 2.33 [1.44, 3.77], p = 0.001) and PR interval (HR 2.03 [1.51, 2.74], p < 0.001) only. Mean LVESV reduction was significantly lower in patients with baseline RBBB, QRS duration < 150 ms, PR interval ≥ 230 ms, and in QRS area < 109 μVs. Multivariable regression analyses only showed significant associations between QRS area ≥ 109 μVs (OR 2.00 [1.09, 3.66] p = 0.025) and probability of echocardiographic response to CRT. Conclusions: In the heterogeneous non-LBBB patient population, QRS area and PR prolongation rather than traditional QRS duration and morphology are associated to both clinical and echocardiographic outcomes of CRT

    Immunopathogenesis and Immune Modulation of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus-Induced Disease in the Mouse

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    AbstractThe course of Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) disease in immunodeficient and immunologically normal mice was compared to define the role of the immune system in this disease process. Immunocompetent mice infected with VEE exhibited a biphasic illness characterized by an early self-limiting lymphoid phase and a fatal CNS phase. The lymphoid phase of the illness was characterized by extensive viral replication within spleen, thymus, Peyer's patches, and lymph nodes, was accompanied by a high-titered serum viremia, and resolved with the production of VEE-specific IgM class antibody at 72 h postinfection (p.i.). Immunocompetent animals survived an average of 6.8 ± 1.2 days before succumbing to fulminant encephalitis. In contrast, SCID mice infected with VEE showed a persistent replication of virus throughout all organs tested beginning at 24 h p.i. VEE-infected SCID mice exhibited a severe spongiform encephalopathy with 100% mortality and an average survival time of 8.9 ± 0.9 days. These studies indicated that the characteristic organ tropism of VEE in the mouse is due in large part to an early anti-viral state, the establishment of which is dependent upon the presence of an intact immune system. Finally, the CNS pathology in a VEE-infected mouse had a significant immunologic component. However, in contrast to other neurovirulent alphaviruses, VEE was directly cytopathic for the cells of the CNS, even in the absence of an immune response

    Klassische Moderne. Un paradigma del Novecento

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    Il libro, che pubblica gli atti del convegno internazionale, svoltosi a Roma nel maggio del 2007 nell’ambito della ricerca PRIN-2005 (Università di Roma La Sapienza, Trento, Bari e Urbino), analizza il periodo della cultura tedesca della fine-secolo con particolare attenzione ai personaggi e ai movimenti che si sono collocati negli “spazi intermedi”, intesi non solo e non tanto come zone di confine in senso territoriale, quanto piuttosto come zone di interscambio culturale e disciplinare, come tentativi di “superamento” degli ordini mentali e culturali costituiti. L’ambito cronologico che il gruppo di ricerca prende in esame va da 1888 al 1933. La periodizzazione proposta vuole rinviare a quella serie di movimenti e di pensatori che hanno dato il via alla messa in discussione di quei valori costituiti, dalla cui frammentazione è nata la cultura del “secolo breve”. In questo periodo, a partire dalla Jahrhundertwende, sono state elaborate e sperimentate nella prassi letteraria e artistica, una serie di teorie, una serie di “visioni del mondo” che implicavano tanto una pratica produttiva quanto un ruolo dell’artista e dell’arte quanto una visione più generale dei cambiamenti epocali e dell’epoca moderna. Tali teorie e pratiche artistiche, di vario genere e di vario livello, costituiscono un patrimonio concettuale perché in esse si trovano sperimentate e a volte anticipate molte questioni che oggi sono di estrema attualità: dal rapporto uomo-macchina al rapporto parola-immagine, dalla definizione degli spazi urbani alla questione della guerra, dalla ricerca della identità monoculturale alla presa d’atto dell’esistenza dell’estraneo. Queste varie problematiche sono state espresse in termini linguistici nuovi giacché gli autori si sono posti – teoricamente e praticamente – il problema del linguaggio artistico e ne hanno modificato (a volte radicalmente) i codici espressivi. Il libro di divide in tre parti: I: Per una definizione della Klassische Moderne che presenta l’ampia e animata discussione sulla stessa definizione teorica del movimento artistico-culturale, sia sui termini cronologici di questa nuova periodizzazione. Questa parte raccoglie i contributi di Aldo Venturelli, Helmut Kiesel e Fabrizio Cambi. II: La rivoluzione delle forme, che analizza la produzione delle avanguardie (sia pure definite “marginali” ) e prende in considerazione anche aspetti della produzione musicale, nonché forme di narratologia e nuove forme di scrittura. Questa seconda parte pubblica i saggi di Mauro Ponzi, Rosmarie Keller, Silvio Vietta, Hans Dieter Zimmermann, Elio Matassi e Sabine Meine. III: La fucina dei nuovi linguaggi che analizza l’innovazione dei linguaggi artistici sull’esempio di autori meno radicali che quelli delle avanguardie storiche. Questi autori, tipici esponenti della Klassische Moderne, hanno cercato di coniugare l’innovazione dei linguaggi con il recupero di alcuni aspetti della tradizione. Nella terza parte del volume vengono pubblicati i saggi di Alain Montandon, Giovanni Tateo, Gouseppe Farese, Gabriella Rovagnati, Sabine Schneider e Alessandro Fambrini

    Dutch outcome in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy (DO-IT)

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    Background Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are widely used for the prevention of sudden cardiac death. At present, both clinical benefit and cost-effectiveness of ICD therapy in primary prevention patients are topics of discussion, as only a minority of these patients will eventually receive appropriate ICD therapy. Methods/design The DO-IT Registry is a nationwide prospective cohort with a target enrolment of 1,500 primary prevention ICD patients with reduced left ventricular function in a setting of structural heart disease. The primary outcome measures are death and appropriate ICD therapy for ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Secondary outcome measures are inappropriate ICD therapy, death of any cause, hospitalisation for ICD related complications and for cardiovascular reasons. As of December 2016, data on demographic, clinical, and ICD characteristics of 1,468 patients have been collected. Follow-up will continue up to 24 months after inclusion of the last patient. During follow-up, clinical and ICD data are collected based on the normal follow-up of these patients, assuming ICD interrogations take place every six months and clinical follow-up i

    Governance von Arbeit im deutschen Erwerbssystem: Alte, neue oder keine Normalitäten?

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    Seit dem Ende der Industriegesellschaft lastet auf Unternehmen, Arbeitsmärkten, Sozialversicherungssystemen, Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen in Deutschland ein anhaltend starker Veränderungsdruck; sie werden in hohem Tempo reformiert, modernisiert und 'umgebaut'. Die Organisation von Arbeit wird verstärkt an die Erfordernisse der Märkte angepasst, neue Segmente prekärer Beschäftigung entstehen, aber gleichzeitig wachsen in vielen Bereichen auch die Handlungsspielräume und die Ansprüche der ArbeitnehmerInnen. Der Beitrag analysiert den Wandel insbesondere unter dem Gesichtspunkt von institutionellen Reformprozessen und den darauf bezogenen Reaktionen gesellschaftlicher Akteure. In Anlehnung an institutionentheoretische Konzepte werden für das deutsche Erwerbssystem vor allem unzureichende institutionelle Anpassungen an gesellschaftlichen Wandel (Drift) und Anlagerungen 'neuer' an bestehende Institutionen (Layering) diagnostiziert; gemeinsam fügen sich diese Muster in eine Dynamik der Dezentralisierung von Regulierungs- und Entscheidungskompetenzen. Die reflexiven Reaktionen kollektiver und individueller Akteure wirken sich in Prozessen der Einkapselung traditioneller Beschäftigungsmuster, der Re-Organisation von Machtkonstellationen oder der Kompensation zusätzlicher Belastungen aus. Die sozialen Konsequenzen folgen einer Logik der bipolaren Heterogenisierung, d.h. neben dem fortbestehenden, aber schrumpfenden Kern der Erwerbsbevölkerung, dessen Lebenszusammenhänge weiterhin durch Normalarbeitsverhältnis, Normalfamilie und Normalbiographie bestimmt sind, entwickelt sich eine wachsende Divergenz von einerseits privilegierten, andererseits prekarisierten Lebensverhältnissen. Die Verteilung auf diese verschiedenen Segmente scheint dabei vor allem vom Bildungsstatus und der Familienform abzuhängen.Since the end of the industrial era, a pressure to change weighs heavily on companies, labour markets, social systems, working and employment conditions. The German system of labour organization and regulation experiences a lasting sequence of rapid reforms and modernisations. Labour organization becomes increasingly adopted to the requirements of labour markets, and new segments of precarious employment emerge. At the same time, the scope of action and the claims of many employees are expanding. These processes are examined under the aspect of institutional change and resulting reactions of different actors. Firstly, the dynamics of the german labour system are characterized by either insufficient adjustment to societal changes or by appending some new elements to traditional institutions. Both of these processes blend in to the decentralisation of competences and liability for decision making and regulation. Secondly, reflexive reactions of collective and individual actors result in encapsulation of segments of traditional employment, in an ongoing reconfiguration of power relations or in a compensation of additional risks and burdens. The social consequences of these changes in the labour system, thirdly, generate a tendency towards a bipolar heterogeneity: Beyond the persisting, but shrinking, segment of groups with employment patterns characterized by 'traditional normality', the labour system brings about an increasing divergence of privileged on the one hand and precarious living conditions on the other hand. The allocation of individuals to these segments by the mechanisms of the labour system seems to depend mainly on the educational status and the family constellation
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