223 research outputs found

    Pemrograman Android Untuk Pemula

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    Pemerintah semakin gencar menyuarakan tema industri 4.0 yaitu pemanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam industri. Platform Android menguasai sebagian besar pasar smartphone di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Dengan menguasai pemrograman platform Android, masyarakat mempunyai peluang yang besar untuk menjadi pengusaha-pengusaha yang mandiri dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Menguasai teknologi informasi sebaiknya dimulai dari usia muda. Salah satu golongan usia yang sangat cocok untuk memulai mempelajarinya adalah siswa tingkat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) karena mereka memang dipersiapkan untuk dapat bekerja segera setelah mereka lulus. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat diberikan kepada para siswa SMKN 4 Pontianak dengan harapan dapat memaksimalkan potensi siswa dalam memahami dan mulai mempelajari pemrograman pada platform Android

    Mapping Iterative Medical Imaging Algorithm on Cell Accelerator

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    Algebraic reconstruction techniques require about half the number of projections as that of Fourier backprojection methods, which makes these methods safer in terms of required radiation dose. Algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) and its variant OS-SART (ordered subset simultaneous ART) are techniques that provide faster convergence with comparatively good image quality. However, the prohibitively long processing time of these techniques prevents their adoption in commercial CT machines. Parallel computing is one solution to this problem. With the advent of heterogeneous multicore architectures that exploit data parallel applications, medical imaging algorithms such as OS-SART can be studied to produce increased performance. In this paper, we map OS-SART on cell broadband engine (Cell BE). We effectively use the architectural features of Cell BE to provide an efficient mapping. The Cell BE consists of one powerPC processor element (PPE) and eight SIMD coprocessors known as synergetic processor elements (SPEs). The limited memory storage on each of the SPEs makes the mapping challenging. Therefore, we present optimization techniques to efficiently map the algorithm on the Cell BE for improved performance over CPU version. We compare the performance of our proposed algorithm on Cell BE to that of Sun Fire ×4600, a shared memory machine. The Cell BE is five times faster than AMD Opteron dual-core processor. The speedup of the algorithm on Cell BE increases with the increase in the number of SPEs. We also experiment with various parameters, such as number of subsets, number of processing elements, and number of DMA transfers between main memory and local memory, that impact the performance of the algorithm

    On a Diagonal Conjecturefor Classical Ramsey Numbers

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    Let R(k1, · · · , kr) denote the classical r-color Ramsey number for integers ki ≥ 2. The Diagonal Conjecture (DC) for classical Ramsey numbers poses that if k1, · · · , kr are integers no smaller than 3 and kr−1 ≤ kr, then R(k1, · · · , kr−2, kr−1 − 1, kr + 1) ≤ R(k1, · · · , kr). We obtain some implications of this conjecture, present evidence for its validity, and discuss related problems. Let Rr(k) stand for the r-color Ramsey number R(k, · · · , k). It is known that limr→∞ Rr(3)1/r exists, either finite or infinite, the latter conjectured by Erd˝os. This limit is related to the Shannon capacity of complements of K3-free graphs. We prove that if DC holds, and limr→∞ Rr(3)1/r is finite, then limr→∞ Rr(k) 1/r is finite for every integer k ≥ 3

    On the Nonexistence of Some Generalized Folkman Numbers

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    For an undirected simple graph GG, we write G(H1,H2)vG \rightarrow (H_1, H_2)^v if and only if for every red-blue coloring of its vertices there exists a red H1H_1 or a blue H2H_2. The generalized vertex Folkman number Fv(H1,H2;H)F_v(H_1, H_2; H) is defined as the smallest integer nn for which there exists an HH-free graph GG of order nn such that G(H1,H2)vG \rightarrow (H_1, H_2)^v. The generalized edge Folkman numbers Fe(H1,H2;H)F_e(H_1, H_2; H) are defined similarly, when colorings of the edges are considered. We show that Fe(Kk+1,Kk+1;Kk+2e)F_e(K_{k+1},K_{k+1};K_{k+2}-e) and Fv(Kk,Kk;Kk+1e)F_v(K_k,K_k;K_{k+1}-e) are well defined for k3k \geq 3. We prove the nonexistence of Fe(K3,K3;H)F_e(K_3,K_3;H) for some HH, in particular for H=B3H=B_3, where BkB_k is the book graph of kk triangular pages, and for H=K1+P4H=K_1+P_4. We pose three problems on generalized Folkman numbers, including the existence question of edge Folkman numbers Fe(K3,K3;B4)F_e(K_3, K_3; B_4), Fe(K3,K3;K1+C4)F_e(K_3, K_3; K_1+C_4) and Fe(K3,K3;P2P3)F_e(K_3, K_3; \overline{P_2 \cup P_3} ). Our results lead to some general inequalities involving two-color and multicolor Folkman numbers

    Chromatic Vertex Folkman Numbers

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    For graph G and integers a1 \u3e · · · \u3e ar \u3e 2, we write G → (a1, · · · , ar) v if and only if for every r-coloring of the vertex set V (G) there exists a monochromatic Kai in G for some color i ∈ {1, · · · , r}. The vertex Folkman number Fv(a1, · · · , ar; s) is defined as the smallest integer n for which there exists a Ks-free graph G of order n such that G → (a1, · · · , ar) v . It is well known that if G → (a1, · · · , ar) v then χ(G) \u3e m, where m = 1+Pr i=1(ai−1). In this paper we study such Folkman graphs G with chromatic number χ(G) = m, which leads to a new concept of chromatic Folkman numbers. We prove constructively some existential results, among others that for all r, s \u3e 2 there exist Ks+1-free graphs G such that G → (s, · · ·r , s) v and G has the smallest possible chromatic number r(s − 1) + 1 with respect to this property. Among others we conjecture that for every s \u3e 2 there exists a Ks+1-free graph G on Fv(s, s; s + 1) vertices with χ(G) = 2s − 1 and G → (s, s) v


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    Prarancangan Pabrik Hexamine ini menggunakan bahan baku Formaldehid dan Amonia. Formaldehid diperoleh dari PT Dover Chemical di daerah Cilegon, sementara itu Amonia diperoleh dari PT Petrokimia Gresik. Kapasitas produksi pabrik ini adalah 23.000 Ton/Tahun dengan hari kerja 330 hari/tahun. Bentuk perusahaan yang direncanakan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan menggunakan metode struktur garis dan staf. Kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk menjalankan perusahaan ini berjumlah 135 orang. Lokasi pabrik direncanakan didirikan di Kecamatan Gresik, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan luas area 25.400 m2. Sumber air pabrik ini berasal dari Sungai Brantas, Jawa Timur dengan total kebutuhan air sebesar 19.872,11 kg/jam, serta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik sebesar 2,72 MW diperoleh dari Generator Diesel.Hasil analisa ekonomi yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut : 1.Fixed Capital Investment= Rp. 399.302.512.049,-2.Working Capital Investment = Rp. 82.825.628.012,-3.Total Capital Investment= Rp. 424.128.140.061,-4.Total Production Cost = Rp. 759.305.939.535,-5.Sales Cost= Rp. 1.393.682.082.193,-6.Laba Bersih = Rp. 342.200.506.503,-7.Pay Out Time= 1,75 tahun8.Break Event Point= 21%9.Internal Rate of Return = 61,98