94 research outputs found

    Special branches: organic greenhouse production, bulbs, ornamentals and aquaculture

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    Organic production methods are gaining ground in Dutch specialised production branches. Interest is growing among greenhouse horticulturalists and growers of flower bulbs, ornamentals and mushrooms. In organic horticulture Dutch research is unique in the world in thinking up innovative concepts and pioneering solutions. Ultimately this will also inspire change in the conventional secto

    Organic wine from the Netherlands

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    A view of organic greenhouse horticulture worldwide

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    Molecular mobility of polyepoxide networks as revealed by emission spectroscopy and mechanical analysis

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    The use of phosphorescence spectroscopy was used to reveal the mol. mobility of polyepoxide networks. The polyepoxides were prepd. by a photoinitiated cationic polymn. and crosslinking of (cyclo)aliph. bisepoxides. The emission properties were studied as a function of temp. Both phosphorescence intensity and triplet excited state half-life showed a discontinuity in their Arrhenius plots. For all networks this discontinuity was situated at .apprx.260 K and was due to the onset of quenching of the triplet excited state. The activation energy above the transition point was characteristic of the individual networks and was an indication of the increase in motion as the temp. was raised, ultimately leading to a simultaneous motion of large parts of the network. From these emission data the glass transition temp. and the width of the glass transition region were estd. The mech. properties of the network were established with dynamic mech. thermal anal. (DMTA) measurements. A striking correlation between mol. mobility (from emission data) and mech. properties (from DMTA) was obsd. [on SciFinder (R)

    Photoinitiated cationic polymerization; a study to the polymerization and molecular mobility of polyepoxide networks using phosphorescence spectroscopy

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    The rate of network formation in the polymn. and crosslinking of 1-epoxyethyl-3,4-epoxycyclohexane, 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether, 3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3',4'-epoxy cyclohexane carboxylate, and cyclohexene oxide in the presence of di(4-tert-butylphenyl) iodonium hexafluoroarsenate photoinitiator was characterized by the increase in the intensity of fluorescence (lmax = 340 nm) and phosphorescence (lmax = 480) emissions. The half life of the triplet excited state was const. during polymn. which indicated that the increase in crosslink d. proceeded via an inhomogeneous pathway. The phosphorescence intensity and half life of all epoxy networks showed a discontinuity in their Arrhenius plots at .apprx.260 K due to the onset of quenching of the triplet excited state. The activation energy above the transition temp. was an indication of the increase in chain mobility with increasing temp. Dynamic thermomech. anal. of the networks established a correlation between the mech. properties and chain mobility

    Monitoring van ziekten en plagen van tomaat, roos en potplanten

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    Referaat Sensortechnologie neemt een grote vlucht. Beeld verwerkende technieken en technieken voor de detectie van vluchtige stoffen zijn steeds beter in staat om de kleinste details waar te nemen met een steeds hogere snelheid, nauwkeurigheid, intelligentie en datacapaciteit tegen steeds lagere kosten. Het idee is om de nieuwe sensortechnologie toe te passen op basis van bestaande infrastructuur om ziekten en plagen te signaleren en te interpreteren, om vervolgens over te gaan tot de juiste maatregelen en acties. In een beperkte consultancy opdracht is parate kennis van onderzoekers, probleemhouders en andere experts verzameld, met een afsluitende workshops is aan aanpak voor vervolg gepresenteerd. Een uitgebreide literatuurstudie en expert review heeft niet plaatsgevonden. In de afsluitende workshop hebben probleemhouders in roos en potplanten zich positief uitgelaten voor verdere implementati

    FA1105 BioGreenhouse (2012-04-19 – 2016-04-18) Towards a sustainable and productive EU organic greenhouse horticulture : Final achievement report

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    Organic greenhouse horticulture (OGH)(i.e the production in greenhouses or polytunnels)in the EU should improve its sustainability, production and productivity. Emissions of nutrients and its footprint should be reduced. Production and productivity are too low to meet the demand of the society. The scientific challenges are to design sustainable irrigation and fertilization strategies, to reveal the mechanisms of resilience, robustness and suppressiveness for the management of pests and diseases, to integrate cropmanagement, energy saving, renewable energy sources and new techniques and combinations with other activities and business to realize climate neutral production. This COST Action coordinated, strengthened and focused the activities of the partners. It improved the communication, offered a common agenda, moreand better knowledge for less money, sharing new techniques, an improved dissemination to OGH, basis for further collaboration in joint research proposals and support in the development of EU standards for OGH.The main objective of COST Action FA1105 Biogreenhouse “Towards a sustainable and productive EU organic greenhouse horticulture” is to improve and disseminate knowledge for new and better production strategies, methods and technologies to support sustainable and productive organic greenhouse/protected horticulture in the EU.Within the framework of this Action a network of institutions and experts from 27 COST Countries together with experts from Canada, Jordan and Egypt were realising 20 scientific reviews and publications about major issues in Organic Greenhouse Horticulture (OGH), and were publishing in total 6 books andbooklets, 17 factsheets and gave in 12 workshops in the Technical program presentations at the final conference from 11-14th April 2016 in Izmir(TR), covering the following subjects of the organic production and experimentation of protected crops: nursery management, soil fertility, compost, water management, pest management, sensible use of energy, marketing and food safety and in addition to this guidelines for experimentation in organic horticulture and tools for assessing sustainabilily Applied science, education and the sector of OGH have now access to the latest knowledge.More than 70 young researchers used the opportunity to grow in knowledge and ability with respect to OGH by doing a Short Term Scientific Mission or following one of the four training Schools.Members of the Action were invited to advise the EU with respect to the development of EU standards for Organic Greenhouse Production (EGTOP).At several occasions, Brussels 2013 and 2014, Milan 2015 and the Final Conference in Izmir in 2016 the Action contributed to the agenda setting for innovation in organic protected cropping
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