10 research outputs found

    Persepsi Kelompok Tani Terhadap Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat “Budidaya Lebah Madu Apismellifera” Di Tahura Ir. H. Djuanda Bandung

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    One work program of the Central Management Forest ParkIr. H.Juandain 2013 is the empowerment of communities through activities Apismellifera bee keeping and mushroom cultivation tim berintended forrural communities around Forest ParkIr. H.Juandathe Village Langensari and Ciburial. The purpose of this researchis to find out the perceptions and attitudes offarmers\u27 groups towards community empowerment programs around Forest Park. The results of the study explained that the perception of farmers\u27 group is to agree with the holding of beekeeping program, where they already understand the importance of beekeeping for environmental conservation and increase their income. However, for the attitude of farmers\u27 groups in the running in the category of low because farmers are not motivated to do beekeeping. due to limited feed, difficulties in the herd of bees, funding, technical assistance and efforts to address the threat

    Riap Pertumbuhan Jati Unggul Nusantara Rotasi Kedua di Kebun Percobaan Cogreg Universitas Nusa Bangsa

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    The copies JUN in the UNB Experimental Garden is the second rotation, this is an economic and ecological consideration. According to previous studies that sengon copies can be done in 3 rotations. JUN and sengon have similar physical characteristics of wood. The characteristics of the wood include the water content, density and density of wood. So that it is assumed, the growth of sengon stands also has similarities with the growth of JUN stands. In this research, it will be seen whether the JUN increment in the second rotation will produce results that are in line with expectations, and whether it will be feasible to continue in the third rotation. Riap in the second rotation will be a consideration for the next rotation. The prediction of increment in the next rotation can be calculated by knowing the increment in the second rotation. This study took a sample of 20% of the total population or as many as 1084 JUN copies stands. From this study it was concluded that the increment in the second rotation was 2.8 cm / year or decreased by 40%, so to obtain the lowest grade woodworking (AI) it took 7 years and 8 months. If it is continued in the third rotation it requires a cycle of 17 years 8 months to obtain an AI standard and requires a cycle of 26 years 8 months to obtain the AIII standard. From the results above, it is recommended that for JUN copies only until the second rotation because the predicted cycle is still below 10 years. The third rotation cannot be done because the growth of diameter increments is below 2 cm / year, so the cycle takes more than 10 years

    Riap Pertumbuhan Jati Unggul Nusantara di Kebun Percobaan Cogreg Universitas Nusa Bangsa

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    The Cogreg Experimental Garden planted with Fast growing teak has been cut down at the age of 5 years. After being cut down, the stump is maintained so that it grows trubusan. To see plant growth the dimensions of the tree need to be measured in the form of diameter and height of the tree. The data can also be used to measure how much plant growth occurs. The initial assumption of trubusan growth can be influenced by differences in the number of branches growing in the trubusan. Therefore the samples in the calculation of increment in this study were distinguished by the number of trubusan branches growing, namely: 1, 2 and 3 branches. The measurement results obtained data on trubusan growth as follows: 1 branch diameter = 2.915 cm / th, branch 2 = 2.625 cm / th and branch 3 = 2.785 cm / th. Height at branch 1 = 2.1975 m / th, branch 2 = 2.11 m / th and branch 3 = 2.215 m / th. Volume on branch 1 = 0.0275 m3 / th, branch 2 = 0.02 m3 / th and branch 3 = 0.025 m3 / th. From the data obtained, it will be seen the relationship between volume increment and the number of branches that grow on teak trubusan. Data is processed using a simple correlation test with a value of r = 0.159. This shows that there is a positive correlation between the number of trubusan branches and teak volume increments, but the correlation is very weak. This study concludes that the volume increment of JUN at the UNB Experimental Garden is not affected by the number of trubusan branches growing. This gives a recommendation that the trubusan branch that grows can be selected for a maximum of 3 branches

    Pendugaan Potensi Tegakan dan Kontribusi Hutan Rakyat terhadap Pendapatan Masyarakat di Kecamatan Cigudeg Kabupaten Bogor

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    Forests are one of the great natural resources of its role in various aspects of life both economic aspects, social, development and forest environment and its ecosystem as the basis of national development capital with the diversity of flora and fauna that can provide benefits for human life. One effort to support the balance of natural ecosystems and economic needs is the formation of community forests, aimed at increasing the income and welfare of the people. This can be seen from the existence of traditional folk forests in the effort of the community itself without the intervention of the government (pure self-help), either in the form of one species plant (pure forest), or with the pattern of agroforestry. The purpose of knowing about the potential and condition of community forest, and the amount of revenue contribution from the result of community forest management is compared with Minimum Regional Wage (UMR) Bogor Regency. Methods in this study using survey approach and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by using systematic sampling with random start with 20% sampling intensity. The result of research on the potential of community forest stands is 1.213,586 m3, derived from Sengon, Jabon, Acacia, Mahogany and Jati. The contribution of peasant forest income is on average 29,88% compared to UMR value of Bogor Regency

    Kontribusi Hutan Rakyat Pola Agroforestry terhadap Pendapatan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus : Desa Terong, Kecamatan Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA)

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    Most community forests in the village of Terong apply agroforestry patterns to obtain contributions in the form of diverse crops each year, maintain forest sustainability, and be able to increase people's income in meeting their daily needs. This research was conducted to find out the management system and contribution of community forest agroforestry patterns in Terong Village. The data obtained is processed tabulation and analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this study can be seen that the community forest management system of agroforestry patterns by the community in the village of Terong includes planning planting patterns and types of plants and several stages of agroforestry land development activities. The agroforestry pattern consists of trees along the border (barrier tree pattern), alley cropping (aisle pattern), alternate rows (row pattern), and random mixture (mixed patterns). Public forest agroforestry patterns in the village of Terong provide a significant contribution, which averages 75% of total community income. The highest contribution is in the random mixture pattern with a permanent time line and the constituent component uses multipurpose forest tree production

    Teknik dan Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Pengolahan Limbah Gaharu di Kota Metro Lampung

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    Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are expected to be another alternative in forest utilization, one of the commodities that has a high selling value is agarwood. Agarwood is the most expensive aromatic ingredient in the world. But there are still many people who do not know about the advantages of gaharu, so this research aims to provide an overview to the wider community regarding processing techniques and calculation of the analysis of the cost of developing an agarwood oil processing business. This study was carried out in the agarwood oil processing household industry in Mero Selatan sub-district, Lampung Province from January 2020 to April 2020 using quantitative descriptive research methods. Data obtained through interviews and observations, as well as business feasibility data analysis carried out by calculating the analysis of Net Present Value, Benefit Cost Ratio and Payback Period.The results showed that the agarwood oil refining business was declared feasible, with a positive NPV analysis or greater than zero of Rp. 1,575.368.554 ,-, BCR analysis is Rp. 13,9 where every Rp. 1 issued then has a benefit of Rp. 13,9, and the Payback Period for 5 months 19 days does not exceed the planned business period

    Produktifitas Lebah Trigona SP. Pada Berbagai Teknik Budidaya Di Desa Nayagati Kecamatan Leuwidamar Kabupaten Lebak

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    Non-Timber Forest Products (HHBK) have been used by communities around the forest. Apart from being easy to obtain and not requiring complicated technology to get it, it also has high economic value. It is believed that the existence of NTFPs is most closely related to the interests of the community, especially the people living around the forest, in fulfilling their daily needs. One of the NTFPs products is honey bee which has high economic and utility value. This study aims to determine the bee cultivation technique of Trigona sp. which produces the highest hive weight and bee product. This research is located in Bulakan Village, Nayagati Village, Leuwidamar District, Lebak Regency. The research was conducted for 3 (three) months from August to December 2019. The research method was by observing the weight of the hive and yield of bee products, and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the bee cultivation technique that produced the highest productivity in terms of hive weight yield, honey, propolis and brood bee was the cage technique, and the factors that caused differences in productivity were the source of feed and the presence of predators. In the cultivation of bees Trigona sp. The source of feed is very important, besides the need for monitoring every day to avoid predators

    Potensi Penyu Hijau (Chelonia Mydas L.) Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Edukasi Di Kawasan Pantai Pangumbahan Ujung Genteng Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    Pangumbahan beach is one of the areas that has the potential of diverse resources ranging from tourism, agriculture, forestry and especially marine resources and fisheries one green turtle. Pangumbahan into turtle nesting areas and potentially Education tourist, but turtle selling still occurs illegally. For this purpose, this study aims to examine the Green Turtle potential including laying, incubation, and turtle hatching, to find out the visitor's interest in Green Turtle, and to plan the development of Green Turtle-based Education Tourist program to Green Turtle conservation manager. The research method used quantitative and qualitative methods of SWOT analysis with field observation, interview with purposive sampling, and questionnaire. The results showed that in the Pangumbahan Coast Region yielded IFAS 0.64 and EFAS 0.60 from the results then the location of the strategy is in quadrant I

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Penggergajian Kayu Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria) Menjadi Papan Serat

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    Fiberboard can be made from a variety of berligno-cellulose fiber materials. One of the berligno-sesulose fiber materials is Sengon wood which is a waste of sawmills. Efforts to use sengon wood waste can be used for high density fiberboard. In this study we want to see the quality of sengon wood fiber board with TRF adhesive (Tanin Resolsinol Formaldehyde). The sengon wood fiber board was tested according to the JIS A-5905-2003 standard. The parameters tested were the physical-mechanical quality of the fiberboard, namely density, moisture content, water absorption, thickness development, elastic modulus, fracture modulus and internal adhesive strength. TRF is applied in three levels, namely: 0%, 6% and 8%. The results showed that the physical-mechanical quality that met the JIS A-5905-2003 standard was density (0.935 - 1.204 g / cm3), moisture content (9.840 - 12.2%), modulus of elasticity (313.55 - 355.53 kg / cm2), broken modulus (36,672 - 39,341 kg / cm2) and internal adhesion strength (4,244 - 4,371 kg / cm3). While the nature of water absorption (65,875 - 79,856%) and the development of thickness (27,665 - 39,295%) did not meet the JIS A-5905-2003 standard, at all TRF levels

    Strategi Pengelolaan Ekowisata pada Masa New Normal di Kebun Raya Cibodas

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted various fields, especially the tourism sector in Indonesia. Cibodas Botanical Gardens (KRC) as an ecotourism destination as well as a conservation area that has an important role in the welfare of the surrounding community and the environment, requires appropriate management strategies in the new normal. The purpose of this study is to determine the development of ecotourism strategies during the new normal period in KRC. Data was collected using survey methods and literature studies, survey methods were carried out by direct observation, documentation and interviews. Interviews were conducted with managers, communities and visitors, with 30 respondents each. Determination of the sample is done by purposive sampling method. Literature studies are carried out by obtaining data through books and scientific journals as well as related agencies websites. Data analysis used SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. The results showed that the total score for the Internal Factor Evaluation was 0.57722 and the total score for the External Factor Evaluation was 0.58789 with a quadrant I (one) position, namely Aggressive, with a strategy of mitigating COVID-19 alert in ecotourism services, coaching and community assistance, make policies and special services for COVID-19, create new innovation programs and infrastructure, build cooperation in the fields of service, tourism business, and environmental security as well as form environmentally conscious and conservation organizations