175 research outputs found

    Fast Algebraic Attacks and Decomposition of Symmetric Boolean Functions

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    Algebraic and fast algebraic attacks are power tools to analyze stream ciphers. A class of symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity were found vulnerable to fast algebraic attacks at EUROCRYPT'06. Recently, the notion of AAR (algebraic attack resistant) functions was introduced as a unified measure of protection against both classical algebraic and fast algebraic attacks. In this correspondence, we first give a decomposition of symmetric Boolean functions, then we show that almost all symmetric Boolean functions, including these functions with good algebraic immunity, behave badly against fast algebraic attacks, and we also prove that no symmetric Boolean functions are AAR functions. Besides, we improve the relations between algebraic degree and algebraic immunity of symmetric Boolean functions.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Experimental Study on Unidirectional Pedestrian Descending and Ascending Stair With a Fixed Obstacle

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    Staircase is one of the most essential vertical passageway for pedestrians’ timely evacuation, and has distinct constraint on pedestrians’ movement characteristics when compared with corridors and hallways. During evacuation, temporary obstacles can be observed on stairs, e.g., the abruptly stopped pedestrians or the luggage of pedestrians discarded. It is noticed that studies on the effect of obstacles on pedestrian dynamics mainly focused on planar locomotion, the impact of obstacle on the movement characteristics of pedestrians ascending and descending stairs have not been systematically studied yet. Therefore, in this study, a series of unidirectional pedestrian avoid obstacle movement experiments on staircase under controlled laboratory conditions were performed. The avoidance characteristic of pedestrians is observed from trajectory diagram. Target drift angle towards left and right is further calculated and analyzed. The study found that target drift angle curve occur to relatively large fluctuations to avoid obstacle of a pedestrian rather than not appear to obvious variety to avoid obstacle of a suitcase. Meanwhile, the change trend of target drift angle towards left and right for scenarios S3 and S4 is consistent with results of scenarios S1 and S2. Then, an interesting discovery indicates that the pedestrians will accelerate after passing obstacles whether it is ascending process or descending process. Finally, the obstacle of a pedestrian will accelerate the movement efficiency in ascending process from results of flow rates, but the result is contrary to that of descending process. The systematic experimental data can not only be used for the verification and validation of pedestrian models but also can provide a benchmark for the design of related facilities aiming at improving traffic efficiency

    DFT Investigations on the CVD Growth of Graphene

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    The chemical vapor deposition technique is the most popular for preparing high-quality graphene. Surface energy will dominate the nucleation process of graphene; thus, the surface energy problems involved in thin film growth are introduced first. The experimental tools to describe the growth process in detail are insufficient. So, a mass of simulation investigations, which can give out a very fine description of the surface atomic process, have been carried out on this topic. We mainly summarized the density functional theory works in unearthing the graphene nuclei process and mechanisms. In addition, some studies using molecular dynamics methods are also listed. Such a summary will be helpful to stimulate future experimental efforts on graphene synthesis

    Credit default swaps, bond spreads and the bond market

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    With the rapid development of the credit default swap (CDS) market, the issue of how the introduction of CDSs affects the corporate bond market has been of particular interest to researchers and policy makers. This has been investigated in the literature from two perspectives. One is to examine the relationship between the CDS and the bond markets in price discovery, and the other is concerned with researching the CDS trading effects on bond spreads. Referring to the former approach, most relevant studies find a dominant role of the CDS market over the bond market in the price discovery process, based on an analysis of CDS prices and credit spread data (e.g. Blanco et al., 2005; Baba and Inada, 2009). The latter is considered a more direct approach which aims to examine whether and how the corporate bond market and bond spreads are influenced by the onset of CDS trading. A limited number of leading articles in the literature following the second approach include Ashcraft and Santos (2009), Massa and Zhang (2012), and Shim and Zhu (2014). This study adopts the second research method. It attempts to investigate the interactions of CDSs, credit risk, bond liquidity and bond yield spreads. The methodology introduced for the empirical analysis of CDS trading effects involves both cross-sectional and panel data regression analyses. The empirical element of the study is based on the U.S. samples over the period July 2007 – December 2013. From a theoretical perspective, this paper will summarize and explore the potential channels through which CDSs affect the bond market

    A Distinguisher on PRESENT-Like Permutations with Application to SPONGENT

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    At Crypto 2015, Blondeau et al. showed a known-key analysis on the full PRESENT lightweight block cipher. Based on some of the best differential distinguishers, they introduced a meet in the middle (MitM) layer to pre-add the differential distinguisher, which extends the number of attacked rounds on PRESENT from 26 rounds to full rounds without reducing differential probability. In this paper, we generalize their method and present a distinguisher on a kind of permutations called PRESENT-like permutations. This generic distinguisher is divided into two phases. The first phase is a truncated differential distinguisher with strong bias, which describes the unbalancedness of the output collision on some fixed bits, given the fixed input in some bits, and we take advantage of the strong relation between truncated differential probability and capacity of multidimensional linear approximation to derive the best differential distinguishers. The second phase is the meet-in-the-middle layer, which is pre-added to the truncated differential to propagate the differential properties as far as possible. Different with Blondeau et al.\u27s work, we extend the MitM layers on a 64-bit internal state to states with any size, and we also give a concrete bound to estimate the attacked rounds of the MitM layer. As an illustration, we apply our technique to all versions of SPONGENT permutations. In the truncated differential phase, as a result we reach one, two or three rounds more than the results shown by the designers. In the meet-in-the-middle phase, we get up to 11 rounds to pre-add to the differential distinguishers. Totally, we improve the previous distinguishers on all versions of SPONGENT permutations by up to 13 rounds

    Lightweight MDS Generalized Circulant Matrices (Full Version)

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    In this article, we analyze the circulant structure of generalized circulant matrices to reduce the search space for finding lightweight MDS matrices. We first show that the implementation of circulant matrices can be serialized and can achieve similar area requirement and clock cycle performance as a serial-based implementation. By proving many new properties and equivalence classes for circulant matrices, we greatly reduce the search space for finding lightweight maximum distance separable (MDS) circulant matrices. We also generalize the circulant structure and propose a new class of matrices, called cyclic matrices, which preserve the benefits of circulant matrices and, in addition, have the potential of being self-invertible. In this new class of matrices, we obtain not only the MDS matrices with the least XOR gates requirement for dimensions from 3x3 to 8x8 in GF(2^4) and GF(2^8), but also involutory MDS matrices which was proven to be non-existence in the class of circulant matrices. To the best of our knowledge, the latter matrices are the first of its kind, which have a similar matrix structure as circulant matrices and are involutory and MDS simultaneously. Compared to the existing best known lightweight matrices, our new candidates either outperform or match them in terms of XOR gates required for a hardware implementation. Notably, our work is generic and independent of the metric for lightweight. Hence, our work is applicable for improving the search for efficient circulant matrices under other metrics besides XOR gates

    Revisiting Cascade Ciphers in Indifferentiability Setting

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    Shannon defined an ideal (κ,n)(\kappa,n)-blockcipher as a secrecy system consisting of 2κ2^{\kappa} independent nn-bit random permutations. In this paper, we revisit the following question: in the ideal cipher model, can a cascade of several ideal (κ,n)(\kappa,n)-blockciphers realize an ideal (2κ,n)(2\kappa,n)-blockcipher? The motivation goes back to Shannon\u27s theory on product secrecy systems, and similar question was considered by Even and Goldreich (CRYPTO \u2783) in different settings. We give the first positive answer: for the cascade of independent ideal (κ,n)(\kappa,n)-blockciphers with two alternated independent keys, four stages are necessary and sufficient to realize an ideal (2κ,n)(2\kappa,n)-blockcipher, in the sense of indifferentiability of Maurer et al. (TCC 2004). This shows cascade capable of achieving key-length extension in the settings where keys are \emph{not necessarily secret}

    On the Immunity of Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions Against Fast Algebraic Attacks

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    In this paper, it is shown that an nn-variable rotation symmetric Boolean function ff with nn even but not a power of 2 admits a rotation symmetric function gg of degree at most e≤n/3e\leq n/3 such that the product gfgf has degree at most n−e−1n-e-1

    Moving a Step of ChaCha in Syncopated Rhythm

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    The stream cipher ChaCha is one of the most widely used ciphers in the real world, such as in TLS, SSH and so on. In this paper, we study the security of ChaCha via differential cryptanalysis based on probabilistic neutrality bits (PNBs). We introduce the \textit{syncopation} technique for the PNB-based approximation in the backward direction, which significantly amplifies its correlation by utilizing the property of ARX structure. In virtue of this technique, we present a new and efficient method for finding a good set of PNBs. A refined framework of key-recovery attack is then formalized for round-reduced ChaCha. The new techniques allow us to break 7.5 rounds of ChaCha without the last XOR and rotation, as well as to bring faster attacks on 6 rounds and 7 rounds of ChaCha
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