13 research outputs found

    Interaction effect between the <i>IL4</i>, <i>IL13</i> and <i>IL4RA</i> genotypes among cases and controls.

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    a<p>SNPs were classified as wild-type genotype and heterozygote/homozygote genotypes. The wild-type genotypes of <i>IL4</i> C-590T, <i>IL13</i> C-1055T, <i>IL13</i> Arg130Gln, <i>IL4RA</i> Ile50Val, <i>IL4RA</i> Ser478Pro, and <i>IL4RA</i> Gln551Arg were TT, CC, GG, CC, TT, and AA, respectively, and the heterozygote/homozygote genotypes of these six SNPs were CT/CC, CT/TT, AG/AA, CT/TT, CT/CC, and AG/GG, respectively.</p>b<p>Adjusted for age and sex in logistic regression model.</p

    Association between the <i>IL4</i> C-590T genotypes and serum total IgE levels in patients with mite-sensitized persistent allergic rhinitis.

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    a<p>Serum levels of total IgE (kU/L) were log transformed to normalize the distribution.</p>b<p>Analysis by ANOVA among TT, CT and CC genotypes.</p>c<p>Compared with the TT genotype by Student's <i>t</i>-test.</p

    Distribution of selected variables among cases and controls.

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    a<p>Serum levels of total IgE (kU/L) and specific IgE (kUA/L) were log transformed to normalize the distribution.</p

    Distributions of the <i>ADAM33</i> combined genotypes among cases and controls.

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    <p>*The number represents the numbers of risk genotypes.</p>†<p>Two-sided χ<sup>2</sup> test for the distributions of combined genotype frequencies.</p

    Genotype frequencies of <i>ADAM33</i> polymorphisms in dominant model in PER patients with and without asthma.

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    <p>Dominant model: MW+MM/WW; MW: heterozygotes; MM: mutation homozygotes; WW: wild homozygotes.</p><p>*Adjusted for age and sex in logistic regression model.</p>†<p>Two-sided χ<sup>2</sup> test for the distributions of genotype frequencies.</p><p>PER, persistent allergic rhinitis; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.</p

    Distribution of selected variables among cases and controls.

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    <p>*Derived from two-sided χ<sup>2</sup> test for comparison of discrete variables and unpaired Student’s <i>t</i>-test for continuous variables.</p>†<p>Selective variables were transformed into logarithmic model before unpaired Student’s <i>t</i>-test between cases and controls.</p>‡<p>Some information of concomitant asthma or family history of allergic diseases was not available in cases.</p><p>IQR, interquartile range; VAS, visual analogue scales.</p

    Association and stratification analyses between the <i>ADAM33</i> combined genotypes and risk of PER.

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    <p>*The number represents the numbers of risk genotypes.</p>†<p>Adjusted for age and sex in logistic regression model.</p>‡<p>Lower level: below the 90th percentile of logarithmic total IgE; Higher level: above the 90th percentile of logarithmic total IgE.</p><p>PER, persistent allergic rhinitis; VAS, visual analogue scale; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.</p

    Associations between risk of PER and frequencies of inferred haplotypes on the basis of the observed genotypes among cases and controls.

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    <p>*The alleles of haplotypes were arrayed as the location of the SNPs in <i>ADAM33</i> from 5′to 3′.</p>†<p>Two-sided χ<sup>2</sup> test for each haplotype <i>vs.</i> all others combined in cases and controls.</p>‡<p>Adjusted for age and sex in logistic regression model.</p><p>PER, persistent allergic rhinitis; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.</p