4,488 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial function in Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases

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    The cause of neuronal loss in the substantia nigra from Parkinson's disease (PD) brain is unknown. A deficiency of mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) complex I has been found in PD substantia nigra. Normal complex I function in multiple system atrophy suggested neither neuronal degeneration nor L-dopa therapy was the cause of this defect in PD. Normal MRC function in other specific brain areas from Alzheimer's disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and PD suggested that neither cholinergic cell loss nor the presence of Lewy bodies perse was associated with complex I deficiency. The increased ApoE ϡ4 allele frequency in AD and DLB was not observed in PD patients with dementia. These results suggested that the ApoE ϡ4 allele influenced neither the development of Lewy bodies nor the dementia associated with PD, and that the risk factors for dementia in PD differed from that of AD and DLB at least with respect to ApoE. In Huntington's disease (HD) caudate nucleus, severe defects of complexes II, III and complex IV activities of the MRC were demonstrated, supporting the role of abnormal energy metabolism in HD. The feasibility of the platelet-A549ρ° cell fusion technique to study the involvement of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in PD was demonstrated using platelets with the A3243G mtDNA mutation (MELAS). Platelets from seven PD patients with low complex I activity were fused with A549ρ° cells. Mixed cybrid analysis demonstrated a selective 25% deficiency of complex I activity. Furthermore, the analysis of 16 A549ρ°-PD fusion cybrid clones from one of the patients expressed complexes I (25%) and IV (20%) deficiencies. These results point to abnormal mtDNA as the underlying cause of the MRC dysfunction in at least a proportion of PD patients. The MRC inhibitors piericidin A and antimycin A induced much greater levels of apoptosis in A549 than in A549ρ° cells implying apoptosis was induced via a mechanism that involved inhibition of the MRC, this contrasted with the toxic effects of rotenone which affected both cell types equally and therefore must be mediated via a pathway independent of the MRC

    Paired 2-disjoint path covers of burnt pancake graphs with faulty elements

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    The burnt pancake graph BPnBP_n is the Cayley graph of the hyperoctahedral group using prefix reversals as generators. Let {u,v}\{u,v\} and {x,y}\{x,y\} be any two pairs of distinct vertices of BPnBP_n for nβ‰₯4n\geq 4. We show that there are uβˆ’vu-v and xβˆ’yx-y paths whose vertices partition the vertex set of BPnBP_n even if BPnBP_n has up to nβˆ’4n-4 faulty elements. On the other hand, for every nβ‰₯3n\ge3 there is a set of nβˆ’2n-2 faulty edges or faulty vertices for which such a fault-free disjoint path cover does not exist.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Fault diagnosability of regular graphs

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    An interconnection network\u27s diagnosability is an important measure of its self-diagnostic capability. In 2012, Peng et al. proposed a measure for fault diagnosis of the network, namely, the hh-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability, which requires that every fault-free node has at least hh fault-free neighbors. There are two well-known diagnostic models, PMC model and MM* model. The {\it hh-good-neighbor diagnosability} under the PMC (resp. MM*) model of a graph GG, denoted by thPMC(G)t_h^{PMC}(G) (resp. thMMβˆ—(G)t_h^{MM^*}(G)), is the maximum value of tt such that GG is hh-good-neighbor tt-diagnosable under the PMC (resp. MM*) model. In this paper, we study the 22-good-neighbor diagnosability of some general kk-regular kk-connected graphs GG under the PMC model and the MM* model. The main result t2PMC(G)=t2MMβˆ—(G)=g(kβˆ’1)βˆ’1t_2^{PMC}(G)=t_2^{MM^*}(G)=g(k-1)-1 with some acceptable conditions is obtained, where gg is the girth of GG. Furthermore, the following new results under the two models are obtained: t2PMC(HSn)=t2MMβˆ—(HSn)=4nβˆ’5t_2^{PMC}(HS_n)=t_2^{MM^*}(HS_n)=4n-5 for the hierarchical star network HSnHS_n, t2PMC(Sn2)=t2MMβˆ—(Sn2)=6nβˆ’13t_2^{PMC}(S_n^2)=t_2^{MM^*}(S_n^2)=6n-13 for the split-star networks Sn2S_n^2 and t2PMC(Ξ“n(Ξ”))=t2MMβˆ—(Ξ“n(Ξ”))=6nβˆ’16t_2^{PMC}(\Gamma_{n}(\Delta))=t_2^{MM^*}(\Gamma_{n}(\Delta))=6n-16 for the Cayley graph generated by the 22-tree Ξ“n(Ξ”)\Gamma_{n}(\Delta)
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