20 research outputs found

    Dying transplanted neural stem cells mediate survival bystander effects in the injured brain

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    Neural stem and progenitor cell (NSPC) transplants provide neuroprotection in models of acute brain injury, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Here, we provide evidence that caspase-dependent apoptotic cell death of NSPCs is required for sending survival signals to the injured brain. The secretome of dying NSPCs contains heat-stable proteins, which protect neurons against glutamate-induced toxicity and trophic factor withdrawal in vitro, and from ischemic brain damage in vivo. Our findings support a new concept suggesting a bystander effect of apoptotic NSPCs, which actively promote neuronal survival through the release of a protective “farewell” secretome. Similar protective effects by the secretome of apoptotic NSPC were also confirmed in human neural progenitor cells and neural stem cells but not in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) or human dopaminergic neurons, suggesting that the observed effects are cell type specific and exist for neural progenitor/stem cells across species.</p

    Correction: Dying transplanted neural stem cells mediate survival bystander effects in the injured brain

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    The original version of this article contained an error in the author affiliations. Klas Blomgren is not affiliated with the University of Gothenburg anymore. The original article has been corrected.</p

    Kybernetische Fertigungssteuerung

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    Visibility Driven Rasterization

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    We present a new visibility driven rasterization scheme that significantly increases the rendering performance of modern graphic subsystems. Instead of rasterizing, texturing, lighting, and depth-testing each individual pixel, we introduce a two-level visibility mask within the rasterization stage which facilitates the removal of groups of pixels and triangles from rasterization and subsequent pipeline stages. Local visibility information..

    Arbeiten im Teilprojekt D1 des Sonderforschungsbereichs 69, Geowissenschaftliche Probleme arider Gebiete 1981 - 1984

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    VORWORT ... 1 ; INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ... 2 ; 1 PÖHLMANN, G.: Basiskarten arider Gebiete ... 3 ; 2 MEISSNER, B.: Topographische Interpretation von Fernerkundungsdaten für "Basiskarten zur thematischen Kartierung arider Gebiete" ... 57 ; 3 MEISSNER, B. & RIPKE, U. : Luft- und Satellitenbild-Interpretation für die Karte "MUT 1 : 100 000"... 69 ; 4 KRAMER, G.: Topographische Ergänzungsmessungen ... 85 ; 5 RIPKE, U.: Die Herstellung des Kartenblattes MUT 1 : 100 000 ... 97 ; 6 ZIRN, V.: Höhenlinienstudie South Bir Tarfawi ... 105 ;researchDFG, SUB Göttinge

    Arrest of root caries with an adjuvant chlorhexidine–fluoride varnish over a 12-months observation period: a QLF-analyzed, placebo-controlled, randomized, clinical trial (RCT)

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    This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of an adjuvant chlorhexidine-fluoride varnish (Cervitec F) for prevention and arrest of root caries on elderly participants using quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF). 23 participants with two or three non-cavitated root carious lesions were included and assigned to three groups of different varnishes (CF: Cervitec F, P: placebo, DP: Duraphate). Agents were applied once to root surface at baseline and in follow-up after 3, 6 and 9 months. The lesions were assessed clinically and with QLF. QLF-images were analyzed regarding fluorescence loss (ΔF), lesion volume (ΔQ) and bacterial activity (ΔR) before (