26 research outputs found

    MEI Kodierung der frĂĽhesten Notation in linienlosen Neumen

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    Das Optical Neume Recognition Project (ONRP) hat die digitale Kodierung von musikalischen Notationszeichen aus dem Jahr um 1000 zum Ziel – ein ambitioniertes Vorhaben, das die Projektmitglieder veranlasste, verschiedenste methodische Ansätze zu evaluieren. Die Optical Music Recognition-Software soll eine linienlose Notation aus einem der ältesten erhaltenen Quellen mit Notationszeichen, dem Antiphonar Hartker aus der Benediktinerabtei St. Gallen (Schweiz), welches heute in zwei Bänden in der Stiftsbibliothek in St. Gallen aufbewahrt wird, erfassen. Aufgrund der handgeschriebenen, linienlosen Notation stellt dieser Gregorianische Gesang den Forscher vor viele Herausforderungen. Das Werk umfasst über 300 verschiedene Neumenzeichen und ihre Notation, die mit Hilfe der Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) erfasst und beschrieben werden sollen. Der folgende Artikel beschreibt den Prozess der Adaptierung, um die MEI auf die Notation von Neumen ohne Notenlinien anzuwenden. Beschrieben werden Eigenschaften der Neumennotation, um zu verdeutlichen, wo die Herausforderungen dieser Arbeit liegen sowie die Funktionsweise des Classifiers, einer Art digitalen Neumenwörterbuchs

    Impact of the Digital Economy in the High-Quality Development of Tourism—An Empirical Study of Xinjiang in China

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    In the era of big data, the digital economy has become a key driving force for the high-quality development of tourism. Based on the annual panel data of 14 prefectures in Xinjiang from 2008 to 2018, this study proves the positive effect of the digital economy on the high-quality development of tourism. Through the construction of an evaluation index system for the high-quality development, a fixed effects model is used to investigate the relationship between them. Furthermore, mediating effect analysis is employed to study the mechanism. The robustness testing and heterogeneity analysis show the validity and rationality of the model. The results show that (1) The digital economy is an important driving force in the high-quality development of tourism in Xinjiang; (2) The digital economy promotes high-quality development by stimulating the upgrading of the tourism structure; (3) The impact of the digital economy on the high-quality development of tourism in different regions in Xinjiang presents great heterogeneity. The provincial capital presents a more significant effect

    A Nonpenalty Neurodynamic Model for Complex-Variable Optimization

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    In this paper, a complex-variable neural network model is obtained for solving complex-variable optimization problems described by differential inclusion. Based on the nonpenalty idea, the constructed algorithm does not need to design penalty parameters, that is, it is easier to be designed in practical applications. And some theorems for the convergence of the proposed model are given under suitable conditions. Finally, two numerical examples are shown to illustrate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed optimization model

    Adaptive Synchronization for a Class of Cellular Neural Networks with Pantograph Delays

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    This paper deals with the synchronization problem for a class of cellular neural networks with pantograph delays. By using Lyapunov functional theory and inequality technique, some new and useful results are obtained for asymptotical synchronization under adaptive feedback controller

    Investigation of the substituent effect on the excited- state intramolecular proton transfer of 8-hydroxyquinoline

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    Fluorescent sensors operating on the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) mechanism have demonstrated excellent sensing performance owing to their attributes such as large Stokes shifts and excellent photostability. In the present study, we investigated the kinetics of the excited states of three 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) derivatives(i.e.,2-amino-8-hydroxyquinoline(2A8HQ),2-carbaldehyde-8-hydroxyquinoline (2C8HQ), and 2-methyl-8-hydroxyquinoline (2Me8HQ)) in cyclohexane. The absorption and emission properties of the organic molecules were determined by UV–vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Additionally, the PBE0/TZVP method was used to explore the effect of substituents on 8HQ (i.e., –NH2, –CHO, and –CH3) on the photophysical properties and ESIPT behaviors of the 8HQ derivatives. Our findings revealed an enhancement in hydrogen bond interactions in the excited states of 2A8HQ and 2C8HQ, which served as a driving force behind the ESIPT process. Potential energy curve, hole–electron distribution, orbital contributions, infrared spectroscopy, and reduced density gradient analyses were conducted to better understand the ESIPT process. The results showed that the potential barriers were overcome by an excited-state proton transfer mechanism owing to differences between the substituent electron donor and electron acceptor. Moreover, this study lays the groundwork for the development of ESIPT-based 8HQ materials