100 research outputs found

    Two-Level Evaluation on Sensor Interoperability of Features in Fingerprint Image Segmentation

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    Features used in fingerprint segmentation significantly affect the segmentation performance. Various features exhibit different discriminating abilities on fingerprint images derived from different sensors. One feature which has better discriminating ability on images derived from a certain sensor may not adapt to segment images derived from other sensors. This degrades the segmentation performance. This paper empirically analyzes the sensor interoperability problem of segmentation feature, which refers to the feature’s ability to adapt to the raw fingerprints captured by different sensors. To address this issue, this paper presents a two-level feature evaluation method, including the first level feature evaluation based on segmentation error rate and the second level feature evaluation based on decision tree. The proposed method is performed on a number of fingerprint databases which are obtained from various sensors. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively evaluate the sensor interoperability of features, and the features with good evaluation results acquire better segmentation accuracies of images originating from different sensors

    Genetic diversity analysis, QTL mapping and marker-assisted selection for shoot fly resistance in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L,) Moench]

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    The present investigation entitled. "Genetic diversity analysis, QTL mapping and marker-assisted selectiocl for shoot fly resistance in sorgllum [Sorghl~rrr hicolor (L.) Moench]" was aimed, 1) to assess genetic dhersity by SSR markers in a set of insect resistant lines. 2) to understand tlie genetics of tlie shoot fly resistance and locnte the chromosomal regions harboring the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for shoot fly resistance and related component traits. and 3) introgression of shoot fly resistance co~nponents traits in agronomically superior genotypes using ~nolecular markerassisted selection. For all the sti~dics involving the use ol' SSIi ~narkers, DNA was extracted with a modified CLAD metllod. 111 the first ubjective. genetic diversity analysis by SSK markers in a sct of sorghulu lines. 91 sorghu~n accessions were genotyped using 20 SSIi primel- pairs that detected loci distributed over 9 of the 10 linkage groi~ps ill the sorgliuni ~iuclenr genome. PCR amplilication of a targeted sequence was conducted in an Applied Biosysteln GecleALIP I'CK systeni 0700 tliermocycler using a touch do~vn PCK pl.otocril. Ampliiied products were separated by electrophoresis on 6% non-denaturing polyncr)lamide gels. and by capillar). electsophoresis using automated DNA scqucnccrs. PCR products separated by PAGE \\ere visualized by silver staining. Illtensely amplified specilic bands representing the corresponding allclic products oS thc SSR 111arliel.s in each accession \bere scored to produce tlie PAGE data set. 'l'hc N'I'SYS statistical solinare package was used for cluster atialysis of the SSR niarker allele data sets f~omth e PAGE and capillary electrophoresis I'CR product sepalation ~netliods. Jaccard's siciiilarity coefficient bet\veen each pair of accessions was used to construct de~idrogra~nfosr each of these two data sets usi~ig the un-weighted paired group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA)..

    Designing of a comprehensive format for the analysis of Deha Prakruti

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    Prevalence of life style disorders has reached alarming proportions among Indians in the recent years. So prevention of life style disorders is a challenge now a days. Ayurveda provides a definite ray of hope for this. Prakruti in Ayurveda is the expression of person in context of morphology, Physiology, behavior and relation to ecology. To provide such guidelines on individual basis consideration of Deha Prakruti is important parameter. So it is a need of Ayurveda practitioner to have a precise format for diagnosis of exact Deha Prakruti in short period for convenience of OPD patients. Present study is effort to design a concise format for Deha Prakruti analysis

    Evaluation for early seedling vigour of hybrids and varieties of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]

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    The research was conducted at Parbhani, Maharashtra, India during kharif 2011and 2012 to evaluate hybrid and varieties of pigeonpea for early seedling vigour and its related traits under greenhouse condition. The experimental material consists of three medium duration hybrids (ICPH 2671, ICPH 2740, and ICPH 3762) and three medium maturing varieties (BDN 711, BSMR 736, and Asha). Results revealed that hybrids recorded significantly higher rate of germination (97.58%), longer radicle length (16.75 2cm), wider leaf area (177.70 cm ), more chlorophyll content (37.35), higher seedling dry weight (4.6 g) and greater seedling vigour 2index (4139.08) as compared to varieties (91.9%, 11.85 cm, 106.27 cm , 32.81, 3.67 g and 3937.28, respectively). Genotype × environment (G × E) interaction found highly significant for all the traits except leaf area and seedling vigour index. Among G × E 2combinations, G E (ICPH 3762 in 2012) noted longer radicle (21.78 cm), wider leaf area (189.9 cm ), more chlorophyll content 3 2 (38.64) and highest seedling dry weight (5.84 g). These findings proved that hybrids had better germination percentage, uniform plant stand, longer radicle, and better seedling vigour index, an indication of producing higher seed yield over the varieties

    Detection of stay-green QTL in a sorghum recombinant inbred population based on cross (N13 × E36-1)

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    The progress in genetic improvement of post-rainy sorghum for drought tolerance using traditional plant breeding practices has been slow, and selection has not been much effective due to complex interaction between genotype and environment. Identification of genetic factors involved in stay-green through molecular breeding approaches would provide the basis for genetic improvement for drought tolerance. In this experiment stay-green QTLs were mapped and the effect of environment on stay-green expression was observed. For this a sorghum Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) population was field evaluated for 2 years during the post-rainy season of 2011 and 2012, under two water regimes, (stress and control). A set of 200 entries, including 180 RILs, parents and checks were sown in a plot of 2 rows of 2m in RCBD design with 3 and 2 replications for stress and control treatments, respectively. Data was recorded for percent green leaf area (%GLA) with a weekly interval basis (7 counts) with starting from 50% flowering till physiological maturity. This reveals significant genotypic variances along with high heritability. A genetic linkage map based on 176 RILs with 271 markers consisting of SSRs, DArT and two qualitative traits was developed. In total 45 QTLs were identified for seven %GLA scores in two seasons and two treatments. The phenotypic variation explained by each QTL ranged from 6.00 to 14.00%. In further across environment analysis, some QTLs may be environment specific and some may consistent across environment, such stable QTLs could be utilized through genomics approaches to improve drought tolerance of post rainy sorghum varieties

    Integrated cultural management on the yield and yield traits of pigeonpea hybrids and varieties

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    Six pigeonpea genotypes of medium duration hybrids (ICPH 2671, ICPH 2740 and ICPH 3762) and varieties (BDN 711, BSMR 736 and Asha) were evaluated applying different integrated agronomic approaches for the various yield and yield traits of pigeonpea at Vansantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth (VNMKV), Parbhani, Maharashtra in k 2011 and 2012. The findings indicated that among the three treatments, T recorded the highest seed yield of 4378.87 kg/ha as compared to T (3530.71 kg/ha) and T (3151.79 kg/ha). Of the six genotypes, ICPH 3762 produced the highest number of pod clusters (394.6), number of pods (725.91) and seed yield/plant (171.98 g) which translated to total seed yield of 3931.51 kg/ha.The effect of genotype × treatment interaction showed that ICPH 3762 withT recorded higher number of pod clusters (514.07), more pods (830.13) and better yield/plant (198.47 g) which tantamount to higher seed yield of 4566.67 kg/ha. The resultsindicated that following spacing of 75cmx60cm along with fertilizer rate of 50kg N:100P O kg/ha insplitapplication at 50% as basal and 50% at 60 days after sowing including two protective irrigations (at mid-flowering and mid-pod developmentstage)significantly increases total seed yield(kg/ha)

    Seedling vigour study in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) hybrids and varieties

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    An investigation was conducted to study the germination and early seedling vigour of pigeonpea hybrids and varieties during kharif 2011 at Parbhani, Maharashtra, India. Three hybrids and three varieties of pigeonpea were sown in pots under greenhouse condition. Data was obtained on germination percentage (%), radicle length (cm), plumule length (cm), leaf area (dm2), chlorophyll content, seedling fresh weight (g), seedling dry weight (g), seedling vigour index (I), plumule: radicle length(cm) after 20 days of sowing while 100 seed weight (g) was taken before sowing. All the genotypes recorded significant differences for all the characteristics studied. Hybrids showed its superiority over varieties for germination percentage (5.7%), radicle length (40%), leaf area (72.2%), chlorophyll content (15.8%), seedling fresh weight (12%), seedling dry weight (14.7%), seedling vigour index (7.7%), and 100 seed weight (13.2%).Hybrids produced longer radicle length and high seedling vigour index (I). Hybrids recorded higher seedling fresh weight and seedling dry weight than the varieties

    Study on seedling vigour in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] hybrids and varieties under regular and limited irrigation conditions

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    The experiment was conducted under glass house with three medium duration pigeonpea hybrids and varieties at Parbhani, Maharashtra during kharif 2012 to understand the process of seedling development under regular and limited irrigation conditions. Research revealed that as compared to varieties the hybrids produced longer radicle (17.92 ± 0.53 cm), greater leaf area (166.43 ± 3.14 dm2), more chlorophyll content (35.49 ± 0.53), high seedling dry weight (4.23 ± 0.11 g), root (1.87 ± 0.05 g)dry weight and greater seedling vigour index (4590.59 ± 180.4) underboth regular irrigation and limited irrigation conditions. This indicated that hybrids have potential to survive under drought conditions and produce more dry matter that can be associated with seed yield. The hybrids ICPH 2740, ICPH 3762 and variety Asha were found superior due to high seedling vigour index across the environments

    Effect of integrated agronomic practices on hybrids and pure-line varieties under different environmental conditions in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]

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    The field experiment was conducted at two locations during kharif 2011 and 2012 at Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth (VNMKV), Parbhani, Maharashtra and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh to study the effect of various integrated agronomic practices on hybrids and pure-line varieties of pigeonpea. The genotypes used were three medium maturity group hybrids (ICPH 2671, ICPH 2740 and ICPH 3762) and three pure-line varieties (BDN 711, BSMR 736 and Asha) laid out in split-plot design with three replications in Vertisols. The experimental material was planted in three treatments viz., T1 [75 x 30 cm + 100 kg DAP (basal) + no protective irrigation]; T2 [75 x 60 cm + 50 N:100 P2O5 kg ha-1 (split application: 50% as basal and 50% at 60 days) + two protective irrigations (during mid-flowering and mid-pod development stage)]; and T3 [150 x 30 cm + 50 N:100 P2O5 kg ha-1 (split application: 50% as basal and 50% at 60 days) + two protective irrigations (mid-flowering and mid-pod development stage)]. The results indicated that significantly higher seed yield, biomass and harvest index was recorded in T2 at 3923.9 kg ha-1, 8816.6 kg ha-1 and 30.8%, respectively as compared to T3 (3262.5 kg ha-1, 7670.1 kg ha-1 and 29.8%, respectively) and T1 (2932.3 kg ha-1, 7633.3 kg ha-1 and 27.8%, respectively). Genotype × environment interaction indicated that over the two locations in two years, hybrids recorded higher seed yield as compared to pure-line varieties. However, G3T2 [ICPH 3762 + (75 x 60 cm + 50 kg N:100 P2O5 kg ha-1 (split application at 50% as basal and 50% at 60 days after sowing) + two irrigations (during mid-flowering and mid-pod development stage)] recorded the highest seed yield (4153.6 kg ha-1). Number of pods plant-1 and biomass weight (kg ha-1) showed significant variation in the interaction of environment × genotype × treatment (EGT). E1G3T3 recorded significantly higher number of pods plant-1 (1181.9) followed by E1G3T2 (1026.1) which significantly converted into higher seed yield plant-1 (237.1 g & 240.1 g respectively) while E2G2T2 exhibited significantly greater biomass (11977.9 kg ha-1). Among all the genotypes tested, Hybrid ICPH 3762 recorded highest number of pods plant-1 in T3 in almost all environments

    Doubling grain Fe and Zn concentration in sorghum to combat the micronutrient malnutrition in sorghum eating populations

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    Dietary induced micronutrient malnutrition (MNM) is one of the greatest global challenges of our times and India has largest number of malnourished people globally. Sorghum is among the major staples and a cheapest sources of micronutrients therefore, biofortification of sorghum is of high priority. From screening of more than 4000 accessions and breeding lines we identified promising donors for Fe and Zn and established the genetic control. Fe and Zn are quantitatively inherited. While grain Zn in predominantly under additive gene control, non-additive gene actions also has role in controlling grain Fe. To develop hybrids with high Fe and Zn both parents should have high Fe and Zn. We demonstrated the prediction of F1 hybrid performance based on mid-parental value for Fe and Zn. Both Fe and Zn are positively correlated (r=0.6 to 0.8) and simultaneous improvement for Fe and Zn is feasible. Using RIL population sorghum genetic map was constructed with 2,088 markers (1148 DArTs, 927 DArTSeqs and 13 SSRs) covering 1355.52 cM with an average marker interval of 0.6cM. Forty-seven QTLs (individual) and 7 QTLs (across) environments with small maineffect and 21 co-localized QTLs for Fe and Zn were identified
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