207 research outputs found

    On the Decadal Modes of Oscillation of an Idealized Ocean-atmosphere System

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    Axially-symmetric, linear, free modes of global, primitive equation, ocean-atmosphere models are examined to see if they contain decadal (10 to 30 years) oscillation time scale modes. A two-layer ocean model and a two-level atmospheric model are linearized around axially-symmetric basic states containing mean meridional circulations in the ocean and the atmosphere. Uncoupled and coupled, axially-symmetric modes of oscillation of the ocean-atmosphere system are calculated. The main conclusion is that linearized, uncoupled and coupled, ocean-atmosphere systems can contain axially-symmetric, free modes of variability on decadal time scales. These results have important implications for externally-forced decadal climate variability

    Harder-Narasimhan Filtrations which are not split by the Frobenius maps

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    Let XX be a smooth projective variety over a perfect field kk of characteristic p>0p>0, and VV be a vector bundle over XX. It is well known that if XX is a curve and VV is not strongly semistable, then some Frobenius pullback (Ft)V(F^t)^*V is a direct sum of strongly semistable bundles. A natural question to ask is whether this still holds in higher dimension. Indranil Biswas, Yogish I. Holla, A.J. Parameswaran, and S. Subramanian showed that there is always a counterexample to this over any algebraically closed field of positive characteristic which is uncountable. However, we will produce a smooth projective variety over Z\mathbb Z and a rank 2 vector bundle on it, which, restricted to each prime pp in a nonempty open subset of \spec\mathbb Z, constitutes a counterexample over pp. Indeed, given any split semisimple simply connected algebraic group GG of semisimple rank >1>1 over Z\mathbb Z, we will show that there exists a smooth projective homogeneous space XZX_Z over Z\mathbb Z and a vector bundle VV on XZX_Z of rank 2 such that for each prime pp in a nonempty open subset of \spec\mathbb Z, the restriction VFpV\otimes\mathbb F_p as a vector bundle over XZFpX_Z\otimes\mathbb F_p is a counterexample. We only use the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem in characteristic 0 and Frobenius Splitting of G/BG/B in characteristic pp.Comment: 3 page