4 research outputs found

    Effect of Different Heparin Volumes on Blood Gas Analysis

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    AbstractBackground and Aim: Blood gas analysis is an important laboratory test for diagnosis and treatment of a variety of medical conditions in emergency rooms. Inaccurate sample collection is one of the reasons for errors in blood gas analysis. This study was conducted to evaluate different volumes of heparin in syringes and the effect of sample dilution on blood gas analysis as one of the main factors affecting the results of blood gas analysis.Methods: One hundred children (4 months to 12 years) who presented to Loghman Hakim Hospital, Tehran, Iran, were enrolled in this study. Two samples were taken from each patient. For the first sample, the syringes were filled with heparin sodium and then emptied completely to achieve a very thin layer anticoagulant coating. For the second sample, the syringes were filled with 0.1 mL of liquid heparin sodium 5000 U/mL (5%). The blood gas parameters including pH, PO2, PCO2, HCO3 and BE (base excess) were measured. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 18.Results: All parameter had lower levels in second samples (0.1 mL heparin 5%) except for PO2 compared to the first samples (P < 0.001).Conclusion: This study found that a small amount of heparin in the syringe changed the result of blood gas analysis. Keywords: Blood Gas Analysis; Heparin; pH; PCO2; HCO3

    Accidental Children Poisoning With Methadone: An Iranian Pediatric Sectional Study

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    How to Cite This Article: Jabbehdari S, Farnaghi F, Shariatmadari SF, Jafari J, Mehregan FF, Karimzadeh P. Accidental Children Poisoning With Methadone: An Iranian Pediatric Sectional Study. Iran J Child Neurol. 2013 Autumn;7(7): 32-34.ObjectiveToxic poisoning with methadone is common in children in Iran. Our study was carried out due to the changing pattern of methadone poisoning in recent years and increasing methadone toxicity. Materials & MethodsIn this descriptive-sectional study, all of the methadone poisoned children younger than 12 years who were admitted to the Loghman Hakim Hospital in 2012, were assessed. Clinical symptoms and signs, para-clinical findings, and treatment were evaluated. ResultsIn this study, 16 boys and 15 girls who had been poisoned by methadone were enrolled. The mean age of patients was 55 months. All patients had been poisoned randomly or due to parent’s mistakes. The mean time of symptoms onset after methadone consumption was 1 hour and 30 Min, indicating a relatively long time after onset of symptoms.Clinical findings were drowsiness (75%), miotic pupil (68 %), vomiting (61%), rapid shallow breathing (57%) and apnea (40%). In paraclinical tests, respiratory acidosis (69%) and leukocytosis (55.2%) were seen. The most important finding was increase in distance of QT in ECG (23.8%). The mean time of treatment with naloxone infusion was 51 hours. Three percent of patients had a return of symptoms after discontinuation of methadone. In patients with apnea, a longer course of treatment was required, and this difference was significant. Also, 17% of patients with apnea had aspiration pneumonia, which was statistically significant. ConclusionWe suggest long time treatment with naloxone and considering the probability of return of symptoms after discontinuation of methadone.ReferencesGoldfrank L, Flomenbaum N, Lewin N. Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies. 7th ed. McGraw–Hill 2002; p. 590-607.Schelble DT. Phosgene and phosphine. In: Haddad LM, Shannon MW, Winchester J, eds. Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2007. p. 640-7.Jennifer C, Gibson A. Accidental methadone poisoning in children: A call for Canadian research action. Child Abuse Negl;2010;34(8):553-4.Binchy JM, Molyneux E, Manning J. Accidental ingestion of methadone by children in Merseyside. BMJ 1994;308(6940:1335-6.Zamani N, Sanaei-Zadeh H, Mostafazadeh B. Hallmarks of opium poisoning in infants and toddlers. Trop Doct 2010;40(4):220-2.LoVecchio F, Pizon A, Riley B, Sami A, D’Incognito C. Onset of symptoms after methadone overdose. Am J Emerg Med 2007;25(1):57-9.Thanavaro KL, Thanavaro JL. Methadone-induced torsades de pointes: a twist of fate. Heart Lung 2011;40(5):448-53.Gaalen FA, Compier EA, Fogteloo AJ. Sudden hearing loss after a methadone overdose. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2009;266(5):773-4.Lynch RE, Hack RA. Methadone-induced rigid-chest syndrome after substantial overdose.Pediatrics. 2010; 126(1):232-4.Sidlo J, Valuch J, Ocko P, Bauerová J. Fatal methadone intoxication in a 11-month-old male infant. Soud Lek 2009;54(2):23-5.

    Assessment of COVID-19 among healthcare workers in Non-COVID pediatrics departments, Tehran, Iran: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS COV 2) is an important health problem, which is widespread around the world. This study describes the characteristics of COVID-19 infections in healthcare workers (HCWs), related factors and deaths in Non- COVID pediatrics departments from the early phases of COVID-19 pandemic; February 20th, 2020toJanuary19th, 2021 in Tehran-Iran. Materials and Methods: It is a multi-center cross-sectional descriptive study. The standardized questionnaire was designed according Demographics information, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) history in HCW and Using and access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). All data analysis was performed by SPSS software version 21. Results: Of the 82 HCW, 67 (81.7%) was female. The median age was 37.6 ±10.3 years old (rang 24 to 65). 44 (53.6%) were nurses, 14 (17 %) pediatrics residents,13 (15.9%) pediatrics faculty members,8(9.8%) environmental services staff and 3(3.7%) secretaries. Twelve out of our cases (14.6%) have underlying medical diseases. Thirty-six (42.7%) confirmed COVID19. In COVID-19 positive group 28(80%) were female. Among whom 51.4% were identified nurses, 17% faculty member and14.3% pediatrics residents. Secretaries and environmental services staff are more vulnerable job category in this study. Eighty-six percent of them follow protective health protocol and use PPE. COVID-19 cases were infected more on July 2020(25.7%), November 2020 (17.1%) and August 2020(14.2%).   Conclusion: Approximately one half of HCWs in non-Covid-19 pediatrics department infected with corona virus 2 (SARS_COV_2) and most of them thought they were infected in workplac