1,675 research outputs found

    Positive Feedback Regulation Results in Spatial Clustering and Fast Spreading of Active Signaling Molecules on a Cell Membrane

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    Positive feedback regulation is ubiquitous in cell signaling networks, often leading to binary outcomes in response to graded stimuli. However, the role of such feedbacks in clustering, and in spatial spreading of activated molecules, has come to be appreciated only recently. We focus on the latter, using a simple model developed in the context of Ras activation with competing negative and positive feedback mechanisms. We find that positive feedback, in the presence of slow diffusion, results in clustering of activated molecules on the plasma membrane, and rapid spatial spreading as the front of the cluster propagates with a constant velocity (dependent on the feedback strength). The advancing fronts of the clusters of the activated species are rough, with scaling consistent with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in one dimension. Our minimal model is general enough to describe signal transduction in a wide variety of biological networks where activity in the membrane-proximal region is subject to feedback regulation.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures. Journal of Chemical Physics (in press

    Specialization at an expanding front

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    As a population grows, spreading to new environments may favor specialization. In this paper, we introduce and explore a model for specialization at the front of a colony expanding synchronously into new territory. We show through numerical simulations that, by gaining fitness through accumulating mutations, progeny of the initial seed population can differentiate into distinct specialists. With competition and selection limited to the growth front, the emerging specialists first segregate into sectors, which then expand to dominate the entire population. We quantify the scaling of the fixation time with the size of the population and observe different behaviors corresponding to distinct universality classes: unbounded and bounded gains in fitness lead to superdiffusive (z=3/2z=3/2) and diffusive (z=2z=2) stochastic wanderings of the sector boundaries, respectively.Comment: 6+3 pages, 3+3 figure

    Material dependence of Casimir forces: gradient expansion beyond proximity

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    A widely used method for estimating Casimir interactions [H. B. G. Casimir, Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 51, 793 (1948)] between gently curved material surfaces at short distances is the proximity force approximation (PFA). While this approximation is asymptotically exact at vanishing separations, quantifying corrections to PFA has been notoriously difficult. Here we use a derivative expansion to compute the leading curvature correction to PFA for metals (gold) and insulators (SiO2_2) at room temperature. We derive an explicit expression for the amplitude θ^1\hat\theta_1 of the PFA correction to the force gradient for axially symmetric surfaces. In the non-retarded limit, the corrections to the Casimir free energy are found to scale logarithmically with distance. For gold, θ^1\hat\theta_1 has an unusually large temperature dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Casimir Force at a Knife's Edge

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    The Casimir force has been computed exactly for only a few simple geometries, such as infinite plates, cylinders, and spheres. We show that a parabolic cylinder, for which analytic solutions to the Helmholtz equation are available, is another case where such a calculation is possible. We compute the interaction energy of a parabolic cylinder and an infinite plate (both perfect mirrors), as a function of their separation and inclination, HH and θ\theta, and the cylinder's parabolic radius RR. As H/R→0H/R\to 0, the proximity force approximation becomes exact. The opposite limit of R/H→0R/H\to 0 corresponds to a semi-infinite plate, where the effects of edge and inclination can be probed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, uses RevTeX; v2: expanded conclusions; v3: fixed missing factor in Eq. (3) and incorrect diagram label (no changes to results); v4: fix similar factor in Eq. (16) (again no changes to results

    Spontaneous emission by rotating objects: A scattering approach

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    We study the quantum electrodynamics (QED) vacuum in the presence of a body rotating along its axis of symmetry and show that the object spontaneously emits energy if it is lossy. The radiated power is expressed as a general trace formula solely in terms of the scattering matrix, making an explicit connection to the conjecture of Zel'dovich [JETP Lett. 14, 180 (1971)] on rotating objects. We further show that a rotating body drags along nearby objects while making them spin parallel to its own rotation axis

    First Passage Distributions in a Collective Model of Anomalous Diffusion with Tunable Exponent

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    We consider a model system in which anomalous diffusion is generated by superposition of underlying linear modes with a broad range of relaxation times. In the language of Gaussian polymers, our model corresponds to Rouse (Fourier) modes whose friction coefficients scale as wavenumber to the power 2−z2-z. A single (tagged) monomer then executes subdiffusion over a broad range of time scales, and its mean square displacement increases as tαt^\alpha with α=1/z\alpha=1/z. To demonstrate non-trivial aspects of the model, we numerically study the absorption of the tagged particle in one dimension near an absorbing boundary or in the interval between two such boundaries. We obtain absorption probability densities as a function of time, as well as the position-dependent distribution for unabsorbed particles, at several values of α\alpha. Each of these properties has features characterized by exponents that depend on α\alpha. Characteristic distributions found for different values of α\alpha have similar qualitative features, but are not simply related quantitatively. Comparison of the motion of translocation coordinate of a polymer moving through a pore in a membrane with the diffusing tagged monomer with identical α\alpha also reveals quantitative differences.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 8 eps figure
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