1,093 research outputs found

    Kayseri, Battal Gazi Camii ve Kırk Kızlar Türbesi

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    A new point of view for mosaicplasty in the treatment of focal cartilage defects of knee joint: honeycomb pattern

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    Background: A focal full thickness cartilage lesion of knee joint is one of the commonly seen intraarticular pathologies among the joint cartilage problems. Osteochondral autograft transfer mosaicplasty is a method which has satisfactory outcomes among the treatment preferences of cartilage defects. In spite of the favorable clinical results there are some pitfalls of mosaicplasty treatment especially in cases of large defects. One of the major problems of the classical OAT mosaicplasty is the gap spaces between the plugs. The objective of the present study is to report the early clinical and radiological outcomes and to evaluate the clinical application of a new hexagonal osteochondral graft system (HOGS) with the hypothesis of improvement of the OAT mosaicplasty method with the use of hexagonally shaped plugs. The study has intended to answer two questions. (1) Does mosaicplasty with the new HOGS has favorable early clinical outcomes? (2) Is it possible to arrange the osteochondral autografts without leaving gap spaces by using hexagonal pattern in OAT mosaicplasty? Patients and methods: We designed a retrospective study to report analysis of early outcomes of the initial case series of OAT mosaicplasty by using a new HOGS. Six male individuals with the diagnosis of osteochondral defect and treated with HOGS and reached sixth month follow-up formed the basis of the study. The clinical status of the patients were evaluated with IKDC score. The radiological evaluations were carried out with direct X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. The mosaicplasty procedures were carried out via standard surgical method of classical OAT mosaicplasty by using the HOGS following a diagnostic arthroscopy in the same session. The inclusion criteria was a full thickness osteochondral lesion of femoral condyle between 1.5 and 6 cm(2) and completion of 6 month follow-ups. The patients having deformities around the knee or major ligament lesions were excluded. MOCART scoring system was used for the evaluation of follow-up MRI findings. The clinical status of the patients were evaluated with IKDC scores. Results: The mean age of the patients was 40.8 (+/- 5.2) years and the mean duration of the symptoms on presentation was 16 (+/- 4.3) months. On the initial MRI studies mean defect area was measured 3.7 cm(2) (+/- 0.9) which was compatible with arthroscopic findings. During the surgical procedures it was possible to fill the defect area completely. The mean number of plugs in this series was 4.8 (+/- 1.1). We did not faced with insufficient donor reserve problem in any of the cases. On the sixth month follow-up physical examination there was no limitation of the knee joint range of motion in the cases. All patients were able to bear weight on to their operated extremities without pain. The mean postoperative IKDC score improvement was 70.2 (+/- 3.5) which shows significant improvement compared to preoperative scores. On the control MRI studies the bone integration of the hexagonal plugs were complete the cartilage continuity of the articular surfaces were intact and the grafts were well incorporated in all cases. The mean MOCART score on the 6th month MRI studies was 65.8 (+/- 4.1). Conclusion: The early outcomes of OAT mosaicplasty with HOGS are comparable to studies on the classical mosaicplasty. According to our observations in this study we can say that the gap space left between the cylindrical plugs can be solved by using hexagonal prism shaped plugs

    Konservatif tedavi edilen bir izole kapitatum kırığı: Olgu sunumu

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    Kapitatum kırıkları karpal kemik kırıklarının %1'ini oluşturmaktadır. İzole kapitatum kırığı nadir olarak görülür ve literatürde olgu sunumları olarak yer almaktadır. Kapitatum kırıklarının tanısındaki gecikmeler kaynamama, avasküler nekroz ve sekonder artroza neden olabilir. Bu yazımızda tanısında gecikme olan ve konservatif tedavi ettiğimiz bir izole kapitatum kırığının erken dönem sonuçlarını bildirerek nadir görülen bu kırığın tanı ve tedavisinin önemini vurgulamak istedikCapitatum fractures contributes 1% of all carpal bone fractures. Isolated fracture of capitatum is a rare entity which is seen in the literature as case reports. Any delay in diagnosis can cause complications such as nonunion, avascular necrosis, malunion and secondary arthrosis. We present in this paper the early result of the conservative treatment of an isolated nondisplaced capitatum fracture which was diagnosed late and emphasize the importance of the diagnosis and treatment of capitatum fracture

    Kayseri Erciyes Dağı Eteklerinde Bulunan İki Türbe

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    Investigation of Leisure Time Attitude of University Students According to Some Parameters (Example of Northern Cyprus)

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    The attitude of leisure can be defined as all the emotions, thoughts, attitudes and behaviors shown for the leisure concept. The aim of this study is to examine the leisure attitudes of the students of the Cyprus University according to various parameters such as gender, age, class, faculty and whether to do recreational sports. A total of 265 students participated in the study. Leisure Attitude Scale was used to evaluate student’s leisure attitudes. Independent sample t test was used for analyzing gender and recreational sports variables, and the one-way ANOVA test was used for analysis of age, class and faculty variables. According to the results obtained, there was a significant difference in the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of the three sub-dimensions of the scale for the variable of doing recreational sports. In addition, differentiation was observed in the cognitive sub-dimension for the age variable and the behavioral sub-dimension for the class variable

    Jatrogena zloporaba klorpromazina u mačića

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    Chlorpromazine is a sedative effective phenothiazine derivative used to prevent nausea and vomiting, especially in cases of motion sickness in cats. It has serious side effects at high doses, including weakness, tremors, loss of anal sphincter tone and reflexes, hypotension, heart rhythm abnormalities, coma, agitation and seizures. In this case report, chlorpromazine toxicity was defined in a 4-month-old, 1.2 kg male Van kitten brought to Selcuk University Veterinary Faculty Emergency Clinic with complaints of stagnation, tremors, vomiting and excessive sleepiness. Hypothermia (35.2 °C), hyperpnea (88 breaths/min), hypersalivation, constipation, excessive agitation, tremors and incoordination were determined in the clinical examination of the kitten. It was learned from the anamnesis that 100 mg chlorpromazine was given orally before the trip against motion sickness. Electrocardiographic examination determined sinus tachycardia (220 beats/min), increase in P wave amplitude, elevation in ST complex and hypotension (S/MAP/D = 148/124/112). The major laboratory findings were metabolic acidosis (pH 7.278), hypoglycaemia (61 mg/dL), leukocytosis (22.43 m/mm3), increase in blood ured nitrogen (17.7 mg/dL), creatinine (0.6 mg/dL) and ALP (121 U/L) concentrations and hypertriglyceridemia (122 mg/dL). Based on the anamnesis, clinical, laboratory and ECG findings, the kitten was diagnosed with overdose chlorpromazine toxicity and hospitalized, and put under surveillance for continuous cardiac monitoring. Lactated ringer solution, norepinephrine tartrate, furosemide, activated charcoal and oxygen therapy were given. The treatment was successful. In conclusion, it was evaluated that continuous cardiac monitoring and controlling hypotension were important in the management of chlorpromazine toxicity, and fluid therapy, norepinephrine, diuretic and activated charcoal administrations achieve success in treatment.Klorpromazin je derivat fenotiazina sa sedativnim učinkom, a rabi se za sprječavanje mučnine i povraćanja, posebice u slučajevima bolesti kretanja u mačaka. Pri velikim dozama ima ozbiljne nuspojave poput slabosti, drhtanja, gubitka tonusa analnog sfinktera i refleksa, hipotenzije, abnormalnosti srčanog ritma, kome, uznemirenosti i napadaja. U ovoj analizi slučaja, u četveromjesečnog mačića turske pasmine van težine 1,2 kg koji je doveden na hitnu pomoć Veterinarskog fakulteta Selcuk Sveučilišta s primjećenim simptomima stagnacije, drhtanja, povraćanja i prekomjerne pospanosti otkriveno je trovanje klorpromazinom. Kliničkim pregledom mačke utvrđena je hipotermija (35,2 °C), hiperpneja (88 udisaja/min), hipersalivacija, konstipacija, prekomjerna uznemirenost, drhtanje i nekoordinacija. Iz anamneze je otkriveno da je mačić prije puta oralno primio 100 mg klorpromazina, za sprječavanje bolesti kretanja. Na elektrokardiografskom pregledu ustvrđena je sinusna tahikardija (220 otkucaja/min), povećanje amplitude P vala, podizanje ST segmenta i hipotenzija (S/MAP/D = 148/124/112). Glavni laboratorijski nalazi bili su metabolička acidoza (pH 7,278), hipoglikemija (61 mg/dL), leukocitoza (22,43 m/mm3), povećanje koncentracije ureje u krvi (17,7 mg/dL), kreatinina (0,6 mg/dL) i ALP (121 U/L) i hipertrigliceridemija (122 mg/dL). Prema anamnezi, kliničkim, laboratorijskim i EKG nalazima, mačiću je dijagnosticirano trovanje prekomjernom dozom klorpromazina te je hospitaliziran, uz kontinuirano praćenje rada srca. Mačić je primao Ringerov laktat, norepinefrin tartrat, furosemid, aktivni ugljen i terapiju kisikom. Liječenje je bilo uspješno. Zaključno, procijenjeno je da su kontinuirano praćenje rada srca i kontrola hipotenzije bile važne u liječenju trovanja klorpromazinom te da tekuća terapija, norepinefrin, diuretik i aktivni ugljen postižu uspjeh u liječenju

    The importance of reaming the posterior femoral cortex before inserting lengthening nails and calculation of the amount of reaming

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    Background: Lengthening nails have been used to correct limb length discrepancy caused by different etiologies, as well as for post-traumatic reasons. Two important lengthening nail-related complications are damage to the distraction mechanism and femoral fractures around the nail tip. As a result of the curved anatomy of the femur, straight nails impinge on the anterior cortex. Therefore, proper reshaping of the medullary canal to accommodate straight lengthening nails is crucial for the prevention of this problem. Reaming the dense posterior cortex is important when aiming to insert a lengthening nail without incurring anterior cortex nail tip impingement-related complications. Posterior femoral cortex over-reaming is a solution to this situation. Methods: Sixty patients received lengthening nails during 2008-2013, (ISKD, Fitbone, Precice). Posterior cortex rigid-reaming technique was used successfully in 45 retrograde femoral lengthening cases. The preoperatively planned posterior cortex amount was reamed until the impingement was overcome during the operation under fluoroscopic control for each case. Since the preoperative determination of posterior cortex reaming amount is time consuming and operator dependent, we evaluated the X rays of the patients with computer software and conventional paper-based measurements. The effect of reaming the posterior cortical wall on the inclination of the nail tip to the anterior femoral cortex was detected with measurements on the preoperative and postoperative lateral femoral X-rays by using the CorelDRAW (R) Graphic Suite X6 software package (Corel, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) software. On the same software, X-rays and the posterior reaming amount were also calculated. Results: The mean age of the patients was 27 years (11-42), while the mean lengthening was 5.9 cm (2-14). The mean consolidation index was 1.05 (0.75-1.62), and the mean follow-up period was 31 months (range, 18-45 months). The mean distance of the osteotomy site to the intercondylar notch of the femur was 81.2 mm (+/- 16.92). The mean displacement of the nail tip position was 15.42 mm (+/- 4.77) on the measurements on the postoperative X-rays after nail insertion compared to the preoperative simulations on the templates. The mean posterior cortex reaming thickness was 3.68 mm (+/- 1.02). Conclusions: We derived a formula that allows the required amount of optimal posterior cortex reaming to be determined. No impingement-related complications or nail damage were observed

    İhmal edilmiş dirsek çıkıklarının menteşeli eksternal fiksatör yardımı ile tedavisi: 2 olgu sunumu

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    Dirsek çıkığı hemen tedavi edilmesi gereken acil bir durumdur. Gözden kaçırılmış dirsek çıkıkları nadiren görülür ve tedavileri akut olgulara nazaran daha komplikedir. Bu yazımızda açık redüksiyon ve menteşeli eksternal fiksatör ile tedavi ettiğimiz atlanmış iki dirsek çıkığı olgusunu sunuyoruz1. Olgu: 23 yaşında bayan hasta trafik kazası sonrası ipsilateral humerus diafiz kırığının eşlik ettiği atlanmış bir sol posterior dirsek çıkığı olgusu. Hasta kliniğimize travma sonrası 3. Ayda başvurdu. Çıkık açık olarak redükte edildi ve menteşeli bir eksternal fiksatör ile tespit edildi. Humerus diafiz kırığı da menteşeli fiksatöre ilave edilen parçalar ile eksternal olarak tespit edildi.2. Olgu: 33 yaşında erkek hasta dirsek çevresi geniş yumuşak doku ve kemik defekti olan atlanmış bir sol medial dirsek çıkığı olgusuydu. Yumuşak doku örtüm cerrahileri geçiren hasta kliniğimize 2 aylık bir gecikme ile refere edildi. Hastaya açık redüksiyon uygulandı humerus distalindeki kemik defekti otojen greft ile rekonstrükte edildikten sonra menteşeli eksternal fiksatör ile tespit yapıldı.Sonuç: Atlanmış dirsek çıkığı olgularının tedavisi oldukça zordur. Bu olgularda açık redüksiyon ve eksternal fiksatör tatbiki erken rehabilitasyona da izin vermesi ile tatminkâr sonuçlar vermektedir. Bu yöntem böyle olguların tedavisinde bir seçenek olarak değerlendirilebilir.Elbow dislocations are cases that have to be treated in emergency conditions. Neglected elbow dislocations are seen very rarely and the treatment of such cases are more complicated than acute cases. We present two cases of neglected elbow dislocations treated with open reduction and hinged external fixators.Case 1: 23 year old female patient had a neglected posterior dislocation of left elbow with ipsilateral humeral shaft fracture caused by car accident. The patient was treated after 3 months of initial trauma. We have performed open reduction for the joint. After that we fixed the joint whit a hinged external fixator. The humeral shaft fracture was also fixed with the components of the external fixator.Case 2: 33 year male patient had a large bone and soft tissue defect around the left elbow accompanying with neglected medial elbow dislocation. He presented to our clinic with a delay of 2 months. The patient was treated with open reduction and hinged external fixator after reconstruction of bone defect of distal humerus.Conclusion: The treatment of neglected cases is quite challenging. Open reduction and external fixation has satisfactory results in treatment of late cases of elbow dislocation with the possibility of early rehabilitation. This method can be considered as an option for such cases