34 research outputs found

    Identification of an appropriate low flow forecast model\ud for the Meuse River

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    This study investigates the selection of an appropriate low flow forecast model for the Meuse\ud River based on the comparison of output uncertainties of different models. For this purpose, three data\ud driven models have been developed for the Meuse River: a multivariate ARMAX model, a linear regression\ud model and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. The uncertainty in these three models is assumed to\ud be represented by the difference between observed and simulated discharge. The results show that the ANN\ud low flow forecast model with one or two input variables(s) performed slightly better than the other statistical\ud models when forecasting low flows for a lead time of seven days. The approach for the selection of an\ud appropriate low flow forecast model adopted in this study can be used for other lead times and river basins\ud as well

    Identification of appropriate temporal scales of dominant low flow indicators in the Main River, Germany

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    Models incorporating the appropriate temporal scales of dominant indicators for low flows are assumed to perform better than models with arbitrary selected temporal scales. In this paper, we investigate appropriate temporal scales of dominant low flow indicators: precipitation (P), evapotranspiration (ET) and the standardized groundwater storage index (G). This analysis is done in the context of low flow forecasting with a lead time of 14 days in the Main River, a tributary of the Rhine River, located in Germany. Correlation coefficients (i.e. Pearson, Kendall and Spearman) are used to reveal the appropriate temporal scales of dominant low flow indicators at different time lags between low flows and indicators and different support scales of indicators. The results are presented for lag values and support scales, which result in correlation coefficients between low flows and dominant indicators falling into the maximum 10% percentile range. P has a maximum Spearman correlation coefficient (ρ) of 0.38 (p = 0.95) at a support scale of 336 days and a lag of zero days. ET has a maximum ρ of –0.60 (p = 0.95) at a support scale of 280 days and a lag of 56 days and G has a maximum ρ of 0.69 (p = 0.95) at a support scale of 7 days and a lag of 3 days. The identified appropriate support scales and lags can be used for low flow forecasting with a lead time of 14 days

    Discussion of “clustering on dissimilarity Representations for detecting mislabelled Seismic signals at Nevado del Ruiz Volcano” by Mauricio Orozco-Alzate, and CĂ©sar GermĂĄn Castellanos-DomĂ­nguez

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    The authors are to be congratulated for a systematic investigationof the accurate and non subjective classifying approach in seismic research. The authors have conducted several clustering algorithms to the seismic event records from Volcanological and SeismologicalObservatory at Manizales. Their objective was to improve the grouping of seismic data (i.e., volcano-tectonic earthquakes, long-period earthquakes and icequakes) digitized at 100.16 Hz sampling frequency.Their study seems adding new approach to their previous work of Langer et al. (2006) who applied different classification techniques to seismic data

    Hydrologic homogeneous regions using monthly Streamflow in Turkey

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    Cluster analysis of gauged streamflow records into homogeneous and robust regions is an important tool for the characterization of hydrologic systems. In this paper we applied the hierarchical cluster analysis to the task of objectively classifying streamflow data into regions encompassing similar streamflow patterns over Turkey. The performance of three standardization techniques was also tested, and standardizing by range was found better than standardizing with zero mean and unit variance. Clustering was carried out using Ward’s minimum variance method which became prominent in managing water resources with squared Euclidean dissimilarity measures on 80 streamflow stations. The stations have natural flow regimes where no intensive river regulation had occurred. A general conclusion drawn is that the zones having similar streamflow pattern were not be overlapped well with the conventional climate zones of Turkey; however, they are coherent with the climate zones of Turkey recently redefined by the cluster analysis to total precipitation data as well as homogenous streamflow zones of Turkey determined by the rotated principal component analysis. The regional streamflow information in this study can significantly improve the accuracy of flow predictions in ungauged watersheds

    Low flow forecasting with a lead time of 14 days for navigation and energy supply in the Rhine River

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    Low flow forecasting, days or even months in advance, is particularly important to the efficient operation of power plants and freight shipment. This study presents a low flow forecasting model with a lead time of 14 days for the Rhine River. The forecasts inherit uncertainty sources mainly because of model parameterization. Therefore, a systematic uncertainty analysis is applied to indicate the major uncertainty sources in the results. Firstly, the Rhine basin is divided into 7 major sub-basins. Each sub-basin is modeled separately with a data-driven model and the output discharges are routed to Lobith after German-Dutch border with another data-driven model. Five pre-selected low flow indicators (basin averaged precipitation, basin averaged potential evapotranspiration; basin averaged fresh snow depths, basin averaged groundwater levels and major lake levels in the sub-basins) are used as inputs to the models. The basin discretization and the selection of indicators are based on a literature study and seasonality analysis of the discharge time series from 108 sub-basins. The correlations between indicator and low flows with varying temporal resolution and varying lags between indicator and low flows were used to identify appropriate temporal scales of the model inputs.We assume that a suitable model structure for the Rhine basin has been determined; that is, the sub-system boundaries have been specified, the important state variables and input and output fluxes to be included have been identified and selected for each sub-basin. The results in this study show that the data-driven models used for each sub-basin are capable of representing the essential characteristics of the system based on lagged and temporally averaged low flow indicators and are forecasting low flows adequately. In addition to the forecast results, the uncertainties due to specific model parameters in the calibrated data-driven model corresponding to key processes are also given

    Uncertainty analysis of a low flow model for the Rhine River

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    It is widely recognized that hydrological models are subject to parameter uncertainty. However, little attention has been paid so far to the uncertainty in parameters of the data-driven models like weights in neural networks. This study aims at applying a structured uncertainty analysis to a data-driven model for low flow forecasting with a lead time of 14 days in the Rhine River. In the modeling phase, the Rhine basin is divided into seven major sub-basins. Each sub-basin is modeled separately with a data-driven model and the output discharges were routed to Lobith with another data-driven model. Basin averaged precipitation, basin averaged potential evapotranspiration, basin averaged fresh snow depths, basin averaged groundwater levels and major lake levels in the sub-basins are selected as low flow indicators and used as inputs to the models. The basin discretization and the selection of low flow indicators were not arbitrary since the dominant processes were considered by applying seasonality analysis to discharge time series from 108 sub-basins. Moreover, the correlations between indicators and low flows with varying temporal resolution and varying lags were used to identify appropriate temporal scales of the model inputs.\ud The structure of the model can inherit uncertainty too due to many factors, including the lack of a robust hydrological theory at the spatial scale of the seven sub-basins. However, the parameter uncertainty is assumed to be the largest uncertainty source compared to other uncertainty sources. The effects of the input uncertainty were not assessed since averaging over sub-basins significantly reduces the measurement uncertainties. The model parameter sets were estimated using inverse modeling. The uncertainty of each weight is expressed as a probability distribution. Sensitivity analysis was applied for reducing the dimension and size of parameter space before uncertainty analysis. Finally, Monte Carlo Simulation was used to estimate the posterior distributions of the model outputs. The results in this study provide the effects of uncertainties in low flow model parameters on the model outputs. It has also been shown that the explicit assessment of uncertainties in the data-driven model parameters can lead to significant improvements in the information supply for low flow forecasting

    The Skill of Seasonal Ensemble Low-Flow Forecasts in the Moselle River for Three Different Hydrological Models

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    This paper investigates the skill of 90-day low-flow forecasts using two conceptual hydrological models and one data-driven model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for the Moselle River. The three models, i.e. HBV, GR4J and ANN-Ensemble (ANN-E), all use forecasted meteorological inputs (precipitation P and potential evapotranspiration PET), whereby we employ ensemble seasonal meteorological forecasts. We compared low-flow forecasts for five different cases of seasonal meteorological forcing: (1) ensemble P and PET forecasts; (2) ensemble P forecasts and observed climate mean PET; (3) observed climate mean P and ensemble PET forecasts; (4) observed climate mean P and PET and (5) zero P and ensemble PET forecasts as input for the models. The ensemble P and PET forecasts, each consisting of 40 members, reveal the forecast ranges due to the model inputs. The five cases are compared for a lead time of 90 days based on model output ranges, whereas the models are compared based on their skill of low-flow forecasts for varying lead times up to 90 days. Before forecasting, the hydrological models are calibrated and validated for a period of 30 and 20 years respectively. The smallest difference between calibration and validation performance is found for HBV, whereas the largest difference is found for ANN-E. From the results, it appears that all models are prone to over-predict runoff during low-flow periods using ensemble seasonal meteorological forcing. The largest range for 90-day low-flow forecasts is found for the GR4J model when using ensemble seasonal meteorological forecasts as input. GR4J, HBV and ANN-E under-predicted 90-day-ahead low flows in the very dry year 2003 without precipitation data. The results of the comparison of forecast skills with varying lead times show that GR4J is less skilful than ANN-E and HBV. Overall, the uncertainty from ensemble Pforecasts has a larger effect on seasonal low-flow forecasts than the uncertainty from ensemble PET forecasts and initial model conditions

    Combining satellite data and appropriate objective functions for improved spatial pattern performance of a distributed hydrologic model

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    Abstract. Satellite-based earth observations offer great opportunities to improve spatial model predictions by means of spatial-pattern-oriented model evaluations. In this study, observed spatial patterns of actual evapotranspiration (AET) are utilised for spatial model calibration tailored to target the pattern performance of the model. The proposed calibration framework combines temporally aggregated observed spatial patterns with a new spatial performance metric and a flexible spatial parameterisation scheme. The mesoscale hydrologic model (mHM) is used to simulate streamflow and AET and has been selected due to its soil parameter distribution approach based on pedo-transfer functions and the build in multi-scale parameter regionalisation. In addition two new spatial parameter distribution options have been incorporated in the model in order to increase the flexibility of root fraction coefficient and potential evapotranspiration correction parameterisations, based on soil type and vegetation density. These parameterisations are utilised as they are most relevant for simulated AET patterns from the hydrologic model. Due to the fundamental challenges encountered when evaluating spatial pattern performance using standard metrics, we developed a simple but highly discriminative spatial metric, i.e. one comprised of three easily interpretable components measuring co-location, variation and distribution of the spatial data. The study shows that with flexible spatial model parameterisation used in combination with the appropriate objective functions, the simulated spatial patterns of actual evapotranspiration become substantially more similar to the satellite-based estimates. Overall 26 parameters are identified for calibration through a sequential screening approach based on a combination of streamflow and spatial pattern metrics. The robustness of the calibrations is tested using an ensemble of nine calibrations based on different seed numbers using the shuffled complex evolution optimiser. The calibration results reveal a limited trade-off between streamflow dynamics and spatial patterns illustrating the benefit of combining separate observation types and objective functions. At the same time, the simulated spatial patterns of AET significantly improved when an objective function based on observed AET patterns and a novel spatial performance metric compared to traditional streamflow-only calibration were included. Since the overall water balance is usually a crucial goal in hydrologic modelling, spatial-pattern-oriented optimisation should always be accompanied by traditional discharge measurements. In such a multi-objective framework, the current study promotes the use of a novel bias-insensitive spatial pattern metric, which exploits the key information contained in the observed patterns while allowing the water balance to be informed by discharge observations.</jats:p