5 research outputs found

    Critical illness myopathy

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    Critical illness myopathy (CIM) is a syndrome of widespread muscle weakness and neurological dysfunction which can develop in critically ill patients receiving intensive care. CIM are often distinguished largely on the basis of specialized electrophysiologic testing or muscle and nerve biopsy and its causes are unknown, though they are thought to be a possible neurological manifestation of systemic inflammatory response syndrome usually developing in patients after a brief period of stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This case report aims to analyze the Clinical feature, diagnosis and treatment of CIM of 60 years old male case with Chronic Obstructive Lung disease (COPD) admitted to the intensive care. Health professionals working at critical care unit should be aware that any ICU patient may develop CIM

    Use of Research by Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

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    Research utilization (RU) is crucial to preparing the next generation of registered nurses, since they are expected to stay abreast of research, read and use existing research to improve their ability to solve problems, and make decisions independently in clinical settings. Also, baccalaureate nursing programs often identify RU as an expected curricular outcome. The purpose of this study was to identify nursing students’ perceptions about RU. In this study, we used a sequential mixed methods approach. In this paper, only qualitative analysis related to RU is reported. A qualitative descriptive design was used to address the study questions. A purposive sample of 20 undergraduate students enrolled in their final year of study in BScN programs (four-year basic, honors, and accelerated programs) was recruited via e-mail to participate in the study. The study findings were categorized into the components of the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) framework, which is comprised of evidence, context, and facilitation. Findings disclosed some key themes that nursing students perceive as facilitating or restricting their use of research. These themes include level of education preparedness, clinical experience and expertise, lack of time, theory practice gap, and clinical evaluation criteria, nursing faculty support for using research, and faculty’s’ competency in research. The majority of students stated that they did not utilize the research findings in clinical practice. Insufficient knowledge about RU was the most prominent reason. These results suggest that students should be encouraged and supported to utilize research findings in their practice setting

    Nursing Students Critical Thinking and Research Utilization

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    Background: In the nursing profession critical thinking (CT) has increasingly been the focus of investigation for the past several years. CT dispositions and skills are valuable in nursing practice. Nurses need complex thinking skills to effectively manage the fast-paced and constantly changing health care environments in which they work. CT is also vital in developing evidence-based nursing practice. Nurses who are disposed to think critically are more likely to critically interpret the available evidence, and able to make high quality judgments and draw valid inferences. Currently, no published studies could be located that specifically examined the relationship between Critical Thinking Dispositions CTDs) and research utilization (RU) of undergraduate nursing students. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the critical thinking dispositions (CTDs) and Research Utilization (RU) of undergraduate nursing students enrolled in a baccalaureate program at a university in Western Canada. Methods: The study used a sequential mixed method approach. In this paper only quantitative analysis will be reported. A convenient sample of 181 students from a 4 year BScN program for high school graduates, and a 24 months after degree BScN program for individuals admitted with a degree in another discipline completed a background/demographic questionnaire, the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory and a modified (shortened) Research Utilization Survey form developed by Estabrooks (1997). Results: The majority of participants (69%) scored below the target score of 280 on the California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory. This indicates an overall deficiency in critical thinking dispositions (CTDs). However, participants scored high on overall RU (mean = 3.4/5). Overall critical thinking dispositions were not statistically significantly correlated with all forms of research utilization, with the exception of persuasive research utilization. Conclusions: Approximately 30% of the students in the current study had adequate levels of CTDs. Results indicate a need for students’ continued development in these areas. Dispositions are crucial to critical thinking; without them CT and RU does not happen or may be substandard. Résumé Contexte : Au sein de la profession infirmière, la pensée critique (PC) a de plus en plus fait l’objet de recherches au cours des dernières années. Soulignons que les dispositions et aptitudes pour la PC sont des atouts précieux dans la pratique infirmière. En effet, les infirmières doivent posséder des capacités de pensée complexe pour gérer efficacement les environnements de soins de santé au rythme rapide et en constante évolution dans lesquels elles travaillent. La PC est également essentielle au développement d’une pratique infirmière fondée sur les résultats probants. D’ailleurs, les infirmières disposées à penser de façon critique sont plus susceptibles de jeter un regard critique sur les résultats probants disponibles, de poser un jugement de grande qualité et d’en arriver à des conclusions valables. Or, à ce jour, aucune étude n’a été publiée sur la relation qui existe entre les dispositions à la pensée critique (DsPC) et l’utilisation de la recherche (UR) chez les étudiantes de premier cycle en sciences infirmières. Objet : Cette étude visait à examiner les dispositions à la pensée critique (DsPC) et l’utilisation de la recherche (UR) chez les étudiantes de premier cycle en sciences infirmières qui se sont inscrites à un programme de baccalauréat dans une université de l’Ouest canadien. Méthode : Cette étude est fondée sur une méthode mixte séquentielle. Seules les analyses quantitatives y sont présentées. L’échantillon de convenance était constitué de 181 étudiantes provenant d’un programme de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières de quatre ans destiné aux titulaires d’un diplôme d’études secondaires, ainsi que d’un programme de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières de 24 mois destiné aux candidates admises avec un grade obtenu dans une autre discipline. Ces étudiantes ont rempli un questionnaire sociodémographique, le questionnaire California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory et une version modifiée (raccourcie) du formulaire Research Utilization Survey, élaboré par Estabrooks (1997). Résultats : La majorité des participantes (69%) ont obtenu une note inférieure à la note cible de 280 points au California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory. Ce résultat indique une lacune générale dans les dispositions à la pensée critique (DsPC). Toutefois, les participantes ont obtenu une note élevée pour l’utilisation de la recherche (moyenne de 3,4/5). Dans l’ensemble, les dispositions à la pensée critique n’étaient pas corrélées d’une manière statistiquement significative avec toutes les formes d’utilisation de la recherche, à l’exception de l’utilisation persuasive de la recherche. Conclusions : Approximativement 30% des étudiantes de la présente étude possédaient un niveau adéquat de dispositions à la pensée critique. Ces résultats laissent donc entendre que les étudiantes ont besoin de continuer à se développer dans ces domaines. Les dispositions à la pensée critique sont cruciales; sans elles, le recours à la pensée critique et l’utilisation de la recherche ne se produisent pas ou peuvent se situer à des niveaux non conformes aux normes

    Understanding the sexual and reproductive health needs of immigrant adolescents in Canada: A qualitative study

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    BackgroundLiterature suggests that immigrant adolescents receive limited sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education and rarely utilize SRH services in Canada. This study sought to explore the SRH information needs of immigrant adolescents in the province of Alberta.MethodsA qualitative descriptive methodology was undertaken to conduct 21 individual interviews with immigrant adolescents in Alberta.ResultsA total of four themes emerged from the interviews: (1) Barriers to SRH; (2) needs of adolescents regarding SRH; (3) sources of knowledge; and (4) strategies to improve SRH. Our findings document the conflicting needs and preferences between adolescents and their parents regarding access to SRH resources and services.DiscussionAdolescents often felt unprepared to deal with their SRH issues due to socio-cultural barriers and conflicts with their parents' conservative attitude toward SRH concerns. Structural barriers to accessing SRH resources and services were also reported, including the location and cost of services. As a result, the majority of adolescents relied on digital methods to receive SRH information.ConclusionThis study highlights that future research and SRH service provider efforts need to remain cognizant of the positionality of immigrant adolescents and explore innovative ways to deliver SRH resources and services that meet their unique needs

    Challenges in Conducting Online Videoconferencing Qualitative Interviews with Adolescents on Sensitive Topics

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    In the wake of COVID-19, researchers are seeking innovative data-collection methods. Computer-mediated communication platforms have played a pivotal role among these pursuits. However, conducting online interviews present challenges to both researchers and participants. Online data-collection forces researchers to give up control over the study environment due to the varying location participants partake in interviews. Consequently, researchers can no longer fully guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of the researcher-participant conversations. Participants may face difficulties if being asked to disclose private information in the presence of family members. These challenges are heightened when conducting online interviews with adolescents on sensitive topics. Thus, attention to the rigour of qualitative research is a fundamental consideration given these limitations in technical and social conventions with the use of online data-collection methods. Despite the host of challenges, online interviewing creates valuable opportunities for researchers to rise to the challenge of social distancing in their data-collection efforts